Revenue Contracts - OIG Academy Training Webinar

No session.

Contact   for Revenue Contracts - OIG Academy Training Webinar

Office of the Inspector General - OIG Academy

Overview   of Revenue Contracts - OIG Academy Training Webinar

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Fees: $29

Sometimes under Chapter 30B we need to procure revenue generating contracts for things like parking lot management, vending machines, and payment kiosks. This training will provide you procurement guidance and best practices for these contracts.

Although similar to the purchase of other services contracts, there are some practices unique to revenue generating contracts and the outsourcing of public services and the use of public property.

  • Prerequisite: None
  • Instructional Method: Online - OIG Academy Online Class Technical Specifications
  • Advanced Prep: None
  • Credit: 1
  • Class date and time: No session.
  • Registration closes two weeks before the class start date.
  • Blackboard® or other virtual platform login details will be emailed to registrants.

Contact   for Revenue Contracts - OIG Academy Training Webinar

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