Nursing Facility Census Data Collection Form When completed, please e-mail this form to this address: Indicate census date: January 1st April 1st July 1st October 1st Nursing facility name: MassHealth provider number: City or town: Zip code: Total number of nursing facility licensed beds: Total number of Medicare licensed beds: Number of Medicaid fee-for-service (FFS) residents: Number of Medicaid Senior Care Organization (SCO) residents: Number of Medicaid Program for All-inclusive Care of the Elderly (PACE) residents: Number of residents on medical leave of absence (MLOA): Medicare census data: Medicare HMO data: Hospice Medicaid data: Hospice Medicare data: Hospice private data: Total empty beds: Other census data: Number of out-of-state residents: Indicate state of primary residence: Explanation of nursing facility empty beds: (Please code this row if appropriate as follows.) 1 = Beds out of service 2 = Low census 3 = Construction 4 = Staffing issues Total rest home licensed beds: Total rest home census: Total rest home empty beds: NF-CDCF (03-10)