About R3

The R3 app is designed to help people with disabilities Recognize, Report, and Respond to abuse.
R3 Logo

The R3 app was the idea of Patricia “Patty” Quatieri, a long-time self-advocate in the field of disability rights in Massachusetts and nationally. Patty has worked at the Disabled Persons Protection Commission (DPPC) since 2017. As a Peer Support Leader on DPPC’s Sexual Assault Response team, Patty helps lead the way in peer-to-peer support services for adults with I/DD who have experienced sexual abuse.

R3 was designed and developed by the ASSET Lab at the University of Rhode Island for the DPPC and its partners, including self-advocates from Massachusetts Advocates Standing Strong, the University of Rhode Island, the Worcester Polytechnic Institute, and the Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services.

Table of Contents

Where to get the app

For Apple users (iPad, iPhone)the R3 app is available on the Apple store.

AppStore download image

For Android users (Samsung, Motorola, etc.)

Do you have an Amazon account?  If not, you need to set one up. 

If you already have an Amazon account but you need more information on how to use the Amazon Appstore:

Here’s a video tutorial on how to create an amazon account.

The R3 app is available at the Amazon Appstore

Amz Store download image

How to report abuse

Picture of red telephone

To report abuse of a person with disabilities in Massachusetts, call DPPC at (800) 426-9009, or fill out the online report form. Do not use the online report form in emergencies.

Learn more about the Awareness and Action training

Logo displaying Awareness & Action

The R3 app is based on a curriculum called Awareness and Action (A&A). The A&A training was developed by the Building Partnerships for the Protection of Persons with Disabilities Initiative with many other stakeholders, including DPPC, persons with disabilities, instructional designers, and service-providing agencies. It is an in-person curriculum that is team taught by people with and without disabilities. The A&A training educates persons with disabilities as well as others on recognizing, reporting, and responding to common types of abuse.

Learn more about the A&A training or to request a training

Learn more about the app

Graphical user interface, diagram,

The R3 app was designed with input from people with disabilities, including intellectual or developmental disabilities, from the very beginning. First, the project team conducted focus groups with people with disabilities to learn more about how they use technology and whether they thought an app would be helpful. Then, as the app was being designed, the developers used a co-design process where they (virtually) sat with individuals and walked them through different versions of the app and got the individuals’ thoughts in real time. Throughout the process, the team’s self-advocate consultants provided crucial feedback on issues like development, images, and text.

R3 project team

  • Nancy A. Alterio, Massachusetts Disabled Persons Protection Commission
  • Melissa Beauregard, Massachusetts Advocates Standing Strong
  • Pauline Bosma, Massachusetts Advocates Standing Strong
  • Laney Bruner-Canhoto, Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services
  • Mariah Freark, Massachusetts Disabled Persons Protection Commission
  • Victoria Gill, Massachusetts Disabled Persons Protection Commission
  • Brian Kelly, Massachusetts Advocates Standing Strong
  • Priyankan Kirupahran, University of Rhode Island
  • Brian Kremer, Massachusetts Advocates Standing Strong
  • Andrew Laraw Lama, University of Rhode Island
  • Deb Lloyd, Massachusetts Advocates Standing Strong
  • John Michael Mullaly, Massachusetts Advocates Standing Strong
  • Patricia Quatieri, Massachusetts Disabled Persons Protection Commission
  • Tina-Marie Ranalli, Ph.D., Independent Consultant
  • Jennefer Raymond, Massachusetts Disabled Persons Protection Commission
  • Angel Sanchez Perez, Massachusetts Advocates Standing Strong
  • Jeanine Skorinko, Ph.D., Worcester Polytechnic Institute
  • Krishna Venkatasubramanian, Ph.D., University of Rhode Island

The R3 project team extends its heartfelt and special thanks to the individuals and organizations who participated in focus groups, co-design sessions, pilot tests, and who helped us build this app.

Finally, the R3 team benefited from the work of the following students during the course of the project:

University of Rhode Island

  • Emiton Alves
  • Liam Cannon
  • Thomas Fragnoli
  • Thomas Howard III
  • Jack Lanoie
  • Jenna Sasson
  • Alexander Sinapi
  • Mary Wishart

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

  • Natalia Carvajal Erker
  • Alis Iannacchione
  • Nicole Jutras
  • Mariam Kobeissi
  • Anish Nakahara
  • Lara Padir
  • Malvina Piziak
  • Rain Smallcomb
  • Rachelle Wailes


Provide feedback on the app

Icon showing thumbs up or thumbs down

If you have thoughts about the app, or ideas about ways we can make it better, please contact DPPC at DPPCapps@mass.gov. To report abuse of a person with disabilities in Massachusetts, call DPPC at (800) 426-9009, or fill out the online report form. Do not use the online report form in emergencies.

How other states can adapt R3 for their jurisdiction

Map of USA

If your state has a software developer who can assist in adapting the code of the R3 app and customizing it by adding your state’s APS contact information, please email DPPCapps@mass.gov for assistance.

Funding information

The R3 project was supported by a grant (No. 90EJSG0015-01-00) from the Administration for Community Living (ACL), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) as part of a financial assistance award totaling $668,777.53 with 100% funded by ACL/DHHS. Grantees carrying out projects under government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Therefore, the points of view or opinions do not necessarily represent official ACL or DHHS policy. The R3 project is based in significant part on the Awareness & Action (A&A) training designed by the Building Partnership for the Protections of Persons with Disabilities Initiative (BPI), the Massachusetts Disabled Persons Protection Commission (DPPC), persons with disabilities, and others to teach people with intellectual or developmental disabilities about recognizing, reporting, and responding to abuse. The A&A curriculum development was funded in 2007 by grant no. 2007-VF-GX-K035 awarded by the Office for Victims of Crime, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. Points of view in the A&A or R3 materials are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official position of the U.S. Department of Justice.

Contact   for About R3


(617) 727-6469


300 Granite St., Suite 404, Braintree, MA 02184

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