Bridge Academy Training Municipal Reimbursement Program

This program provides reimbursement for costs incurred by municipal police departments whose officers complete the Bridge Academy Training Program.


The Office of Grants and Research (OGR) and the Municipal Police Training Committee (MPTC) have partnered up to issue reimbursement funding to municipal police departments that have one or more officers completing the MPTC Bridge Academy Training Program. OGR will make available $283,000 to address costs incurred by municipalities throughout the Commonwealth for officer training requirements as promulgated by chapter 253 of the acts of 2020.

Funding will be available until depleted or June 30, 2024, whichever comes first.

This program is made available through state funding.


Only a police department from a Massachusetts municipality (local unit of government) is eligible to apply for reimbursement in order to recover costs incurred as a result of officers’ completion of this required training. A department is eligible to receive $3,000 cumulatively for each officer who completes all four required trainings (40 hours of Firearms Training, 40 hours of Defensive Tactics Training, 40 hours of Emergency Vehicle Operator Training and 80 hours of online curriculum and testing).

Please note that individual law enforcement officers are ineligible for direct reimbursement through this program. 

FY24 Key Dates and Materials

Key Dates:

Solicitation Posted: Wednesday, January 4, 2024
Deadline: Reimbursement requests will be accepted from January 4, 2024 until funds are depleted or until June 30, 2024, whichever comes first. Requests will be considered as they are received and prioritized by submission dates.
Notifications: As requests are received and reviewed, municipalities will be notified accordingly.
Reimbursement Period: July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2024

Application Materials:

FY24 Bridge Academy Training Municipal Reimbursement Program AGF

FY24 Bridge Academy Training Municipal Reimbursement Program Online Application

FY24 Bridge Academy Training Municipal Reimbursement Program Scope of Work/Compliance Certification Form

Municipal police departments that do not have a contract on file with OGR must complete and submit the following documents:

Bridge Academy Training Municipal Reimbursement Program Standard Contract

Contractor Authorized Signatory Listing

Helpful Hints for the New Contractor Authorized Signatory Form

Departments that requested a FY23 Bridge Academy Training Reimbursement have a contract on file with OGR that is valid until 6/30/24. These departments are not required to resubmit a contract and Contractor Authorized Signatory Listing, but must include a new Scope of Work/Compliance Certification Form with their FY24 application.

Bridge Academy Training Municipal Reimbursement Program - Contracts on File FY22-23

Contact   for Bridge Academy Training Municipal Reimbursement Program

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