Office of the Inspector General YouTube Videos

These free educational videos are part of the Office of the Inspector General's (OIG) outreach to individuals who want to learn best practices for doing business with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and its local jurisdictions.

These videos cover public procurement laws and best practices in the Commonwealth that aid in the prevention and detection of fraud, waste and abuse of public funds. They also provide background on the OIG's purpose and mission and the fraud prevention resources it provides.

Table of Contents

Fraud Awareness and Prevention in the Workplace

This video provides useful tips to detect and prevent fraud in the workplace. Public employees have a fiduciary duty to deter and, if possible, prevent fraud from impacting their jurisdictions.

Public Purchasing for Supplies and Services in Massachusetts: An Overview of Chapter 30B

This video provides you with an overview of Chapter 30B, best practices and legal requirements for purchasing supplies or services for your jurisdiction.

Contract Administration for Public Employees

Does your jurisdiction enter into contracts for supplies or services? This video outlines the preparation needed to manage a contract successfully, how to manage contracts and how to protect your jurisdiction.

How to Be an Effective Public Board and Commission Member

Your role serving on a state, county or local governing board is essential. This video provides an overview of your fiduciary duty, board responsibilities, and how to be an effective board member.

Overview of the Massachusetts Office of the Inspector General

The OIG is an independent agency that prevents and detects fraud, waste and abuse of public funds and public property and promotes transparency and efficiency in government. We serve the residents of Massachusetts, state and local governments, and those who work with the government. The video outlines the history, mission and structure of the office.

OIG Fraud, Waste and Abuse Hotline Information

This video provides public officials and employees, vendors and citizens with a description of our confidential fraud hotline and how they can report potential fraud, waste and abuse to our office.

Whistleblower Protections

A whistleblower is a person who exposes suspected fraud, waste, abuse or other misconduct by an individual or organization. This video informs you on how the OIG interacts with whistleblowers.

Contact   for Office of the Inspector General YouTube Videos


Open from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., M-F. Confidential translation services are available in most languages for non-English speakers.


One Ashburton Place, Room 1311, Boston, MA 02108
Date published: November 2, 2022
Last updated: October 30, 2023

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