There are 15 Trial Court Law Libraries located across Massachusetts to serve the courts, attorneys, and the public. You can receive legal reference assistance, borrow books, and use print and electronic resources. We are here to help you with your legal information needs.
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2 Center Plaza
9th Floor
Boston, MA 02108
9th Floor
Boston, MA 02108
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Law Library Locations
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Law Resources and Library Services
Laws by Subject
Start here when you want to learn about the law on a particular topic, or when you are looking for a specific law but don't know its citation.
Laws by Source
Laws by Source pulls information from all levels of government, from the US Supreme Court through local town bylaws.
- Massachusetts Constitution, General Laws, Session Laws & Bills
- Massachusetts Court Cases
- Code of Massachusetts Regulations (CMR)
- Massachusetts Executive Orders
- Massachusetts Rules of Court and Standing Orders
- Massachusetts City and Town Ordinances and By-laws
- Massachusetts Agency and Commission Decisions and Opinions
- Federal Legal Information
- Historical Laws and Legal Information
Law Library Services
Everything you need to know about the Trial Court law libraries and what they can do for you.