Trial Court Law Libraries

There are 15 Trial Court Law Libraries located across Massachusetts to serve the courts, attorneys, and the public. You can receive legal reference assistance, borrow books, and use print and electronic resources. We are here to help you with your legal information needs.

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Within Massachusetts only

Within Massachusetts only


Administrative office (no law library at this location)
2 Center Plaza
9th Floor
Boston, MA 02108

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Law Resources and Library Services

Recent blog posts

Blog Post

Superior Court Lawyer for the Day in Massachusetts 

1/23/2025 Trial Court Law Libraries

This new program, which operates every Thursday, offers free legal help to self-represented litigants, or people without lawyers, in Superior Court civil cases. Volunteer attorneys provide guidance and advice to help steer people through the court system.

Blog Post

What is a Mechanic's Lien If Not For Mechanics? 

12/02/2024 Trial Court Law Libraries

The term "mechanic's lien" is often a source of confusion as it sounds like it should be related to cars--but it's not! Learn more about this type of lien and where its name comes from.

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