WPA Form 4A: Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation

This form helps an applicant confirm the delineation of a Bordering Vegetated Wetland (BVW).

MassDEP Wetlands Program

The Details   of WPA Form 4A: Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation

What you need   for WPA Form 4A: Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation

The Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation (ANRAD) provides a procedure for an applicant to confirm the delineation of a Bordering Vegetated Wetland (BVW). If an ANRAD is filed for a BVW delineation, confirmation of other resource areas may also be requested provided the other resource area boundaries are identified on the plans which accompany the boundary delineation.

Filing an Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation is optional. However, any work within an area subject to the jurisdiction of the Wetlands Protection Act may not proceed until either a Negative Determination of Applicability or a final Order of Conditions has been issued by the Conservation Commission or the Department of Environmental Protection. If an applicant is uncertain as to whether the Wetlands Protection Act applies to a particular area of land or to specific work planned on a particular area of land, he or she may file a Request for Determination of Applicability (WPA Form 1) instead of WPA Form 4A. Also, an applicant may file a Notice of Intent (WPA Form 3) or, in limited circumstances, an Abbreviated Notice of Intent (WPA Form 4) and, as part of that permitting process, seek confirmation from the Conservation Commission of delineated wetland resource area boundaries.

The applicant is responsible for providing the information required for the review of this application to the issuing authority (Conservation Commission or MassDEP). Submitting a complete and accurate description of the site will minimize requests for additional information by the issuing authority which may result in an unnecessary delay in the issuance of an Order of Resource Area Delineation.

To complete this form, the applicant should refer to the Wetlands Regulations, 310 CMR 10.00. An unofficial copy is linked on this page. Official copies of the regulations are available for purchase from the Massachusetts State Bookstore. Public libraries and county law libraries across the state also have copies of the regulations. MassDEP's Regional Service Centers have copies for review as well.

Fees   for WPA Form 4A: Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation

Fees for the ANRAD are calculated on a per-area basis. See the Instructions and the ANRAD Wetland Fee Transmittal Form, linked below. 

How to apply   WPA Form 4A: Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation

The completed form and any attachments must be submitted to the Conservation Commission, and a copy sent to the appropriate MassDEP Regional Office. See details in Step 4 below.

Next steps   for WPA Form 4A: Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation

  1. Review the Instructions

  2. Complete the Application Form

    If you cannot use eDEP to file your ANRAD, you may fill out and save the Microsoft Word form on your computer. The PDF version has to be printed out and completed by hand.

  3. Calculate your Application Fee

    The delineation fee for each resource area equals $2 per linear foot. The maximum fee for activities with a single family house is $200 and the maximum fee for any other activity is $2,000. The city/town share of the fee is the first $25 plus half of the remaining total fee. The state share is half the total fee in excess of $25.

  4. Mail Your Application and Fee Payment

    Send the completed ANRAD Wetland Fee Transmittal Form, along with a check for the state share of the filing fee, payable to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, to:

    Box 4062
    Boston, MA 02211

    Two copies of the completed Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation (WPA Form 4A), including supporting plans and documents; two copies of the ANRAD Wetland Fee Transmittal Form; and the city/town fee payment must be sent to the Conservation Commission by certified mail or hand delivery.

    One copy of the completed Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation (WPA Form 4A), including supporting plans and documents; one copy of the ANRAD Wetland Fee Transmittal Form; and a copy of the state fee check must be sent to the appropriate MassDEP Regional Office by certified mail or hand delivery. The Department copies must be sent at the same time as the application submission to the Conservation Commission.

Contact   for WPA Form 4A: Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation

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