- Massachusetts Department of Transportation
Boston — The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has approved MassDOT's Electric Vehicle (EV) Infrastructure Deployment Plan, which was developed as part of the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure ("NEVI") Program. FHWA notified MassDOT the state is among the first group of states to have its EV Deployment Plan approved.
“The federal government's approval of our plan is an important milestone in efforts to support the Commonwealth’s transition towards low-carbon transportation,” said Transportation Secretary and CEO Jamey Tesler. “Implementation of the plan will help EV buyers know they will able to charge their vehicles on major highways in Massachusetts when they take long-distance trips.”
Through the NEVI program, Massachusetts will receive significant formula funding over five years, including approximately $9.4 million for Federal Fiscal Year 2022. These formula funds are dedicated to supporting the construction and operation of Direct Current Fast Charging (DCFC) stations along EV Alternative Fuel Corridors as designated by FHWA.
The Commonwealth’s plan aims to establish a financially sustainable, equitable, and complete network of NEVI-funded fast-charging stations to support travelers taking long-distance trips in electric vehicles. The process to build out and maintain a reliable charging network will be a transparent and competitive process, and will be complementary to other ongoing federal, state, and local initiatives supporting EV adoption.
The federal government is in the process of establishing regulations setting minimum standards and requirements for charging equipment funded under the NEVI program. After this rulemaking is finalized, MassDOT will initiate a solicitation for a private partner to support implementation of the NEVI Plan.
For more information, please visit: MassDOT NEVI Plan.