Division of Fisheries and Wildlife (MASSWILDLIFE)

MassWildlife is responsible for the conservation of freshwater fish and wildlife in the Commonwealth, including endangered plants and animals. MassWildlife restores, protects, and manages land for wildlife to thrive and for people to enjoy.

Contact Us

Division of Fisheries and Wildlife


Open M–F, 8 a.m.–4 p.m. (closed noon–12:30 for lunch)


MassWildlife Field Headquarters
1 Rabbit Hill Road
Westborough, MA 01581

Who we serve

Through the effective management of wildlife and habitat, MassWildlife ensures quality outdoor recreational opportunities for hunters, anglers, and outdoor enthusiasts who enjoy the impressive variety of plants, fish, and wildlife found in Massachusetts. Outdoor skills clinics, wildlife education workshops, presentations, and online resources provide all residents with a greater understanding and appreciation for wildlife conservation. Keep in touch with us  sign up to receive monthly e-newsletters.

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News from MassWildlife

  • News

    Art contest connects youth artists to nature 

    12/02/2024 Division of Fisheries and Wildlife

    The Massachusetts Junior Duck Stamp Program links the study of wetlands and waterfowl conservation with the creation of original artwork.

  • News

    Give a gift on the wild side! 

    12/01/2024 Division of Fisheries and Wildlife

    Gift ideas for the wildlife enthusiast on your list.

  • News

    Wildfire notice for outdoor users 

    11/14/2024 Division of Fisheries and Wildlife

    Massachusetts is experiencing many wildfires statewide. Take precautions when venturing into the woods.

  • News

    High-tech backpacks are for the birds 

    11/04/2024 Division of Fisheries and Wildlife

    Employing the latest radio tracking technology, MassWildlife has launched a study that will track wood thrush survival and migration paths to inform conservation efforts to help forest nesting birds.

  • News

    Lake trout surveys underway 

    11/04/2024 Division of Fisheries and Wildlife

    Each fall, MassWildlife samples the Quabbin and Wachusett Reservoirs to monitor lake trout populations.

  • News

    Gobbling up the spotlight: The conservation comeback of wild turkeys 

    11/04/2024 Division of Fisheries and Wildlife

    Wild turkeys have made a remarkable comeback through dedicated reintroduction efforts that began in the 1970s. Now thriving statewide, turkeys have become a common sight with a population of around 30,000–35,000.


Find MassWildlife offices and hatcheries

Division of Fisheries and Wildlife information

Image credits:  MassWildlife

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