Learn about MassHire BizWorks

Here you can find all the services offered by MassHire BizWorks, whether your company is expanding, downsizing, or looking to maintain, there's a service for you.

Company resources for business growth or expansion

Free job posting
MassHire JobQuest provides employers with free job posting and job matching service.  You can also search for qualified candidates registered on MassHire JobQuest.   

Recruitment and hiring support
Staff at the MassHire Career Centers can assist employers with recruiting and screening of candidates.   

Registered apprenticeship
Registered apprenticeships help employers build a dynamic, self-empowered workforce into the future. 

Training grants
Several types of grants are available for small, medium, or large companies. The grants can be used to train incumbent workers to upgrade their skills. 

Safety grant
Grants up to $25,000 are available to help companies fund workplace safety training. Additionally, free on-site consultation is available to help companies meet OSHA requirements.  

On-the-Job Training
On-the-Job Training (OJT) Program assists employers with the cost of hiring and training a new employee.  

Tax credit for hiring 
If you hire employees from certain target populations, you may be eligible for tax credit incentives. 

Tax incentive program
Businesses seeking to locate or expand may be eligible for state and local tax incentives in exchange for job creation and investment commitments.  

Economic growth support
MassDevelopment offers a wide range of finance and real estate development services to support businesses that are investing in Massachusetts.  

Company resources for business maintenance

Hiring and Recruiting

Free job posting: MassHire JobQuest provides employers with free job posting and job matching service. You can also search for qualified candidates registered on MassHire JobQuest.   

Recruitment and hiring support: Staff at the MassHire Career Centers can assist you with recruiting and screening of candidates.    

On-the-Job Training (OJT): On-the-Job Training (OJT) Program assists employers with the cost of hiring and training a new employee.  

Tax credit for hiring: If you hire employees from certain target populations, you may be eligible for tax credit incentives. 


Grants for training and for workplace safety are available.    

Training grants: Several types of grants are available for small, medium to large companies. The grants can be used to train incumbent workers to upgrade their skills. 

Safety grants: Grants up to $25,000 are available to help companies fund workplace safety training. Additionally, free on-site consultation is available to help companies meet OSHA requirements.

Company resources for business downsizing

Rapid Response program
The Rapid Response team can offer alternatives to closing a facility and laying off employees. If layoffs are inevitable, measures can be taken to lessen the impact on the company and workforce.

WorkShare program
If you are experiencing a temporary slowdown in your business, WorkShare can help you reduce your payroll costs and maintain valued workforce.

Unemployment Insurance for workers
Unemployment Insurance provides Massachusetts workers with a temporary income, training, and support during periods of unemployment.  

Workplace Safety Grants
Grants up to $25,000 are available to help companies fund workplace safety training. Additionally, free on-site consultation is available to help companies meet OSHA requirements.   

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