Two years ago today, in Administrative Bulletin A&F 1, the Executive Office for Administration and Finance ("A&F") repealed the 375 Administrative Bulletins which had accumulated since 1960, and announced the issuance of a new series of Bulletins in their place. That Bulletin was entitled "New Series of Administrative Bulletins." At the time, A&F instituted an annual review of the Bulletins "to ensure that the procedures outlined in the Bulletins are working well and are still necessary." The purpose of this amended A&F 1, entitled "Annual Review of Administrative Bulletins," is to communicate the results of our 1998 review. This Bulletin replaces the A&F 1 issued on May 13, 1997.
In addition to A&F - 1, we are also amending A&F 3, "Federal Grant Administration," to clarify the definition section.
This review also revealed the need for greater clarity throughout A&F 4, "Procedures for Capital Spending." The changes should better explain agency capital reporting requirements and will therefore help us to manage capital spending more effectively. You should replace the version of A&F 4 issued on May 13, 1997, with the A&F - 4 of today's date. A&F - 4 as amended is effective immediately.
In addition, a reference has been added in A&F 7 to the new guidelines published by the MCAD for ADA compliance. You should replace the version of A&F 7 issued on May 13, 1997, with the A&F - 7 of today's date. A&F 7 as amended is effective immediately.
A&F 8 has also been amended to make a technical correction. Sections 35 and 634(a)(2) of Chapter 151 of the Acts of 1996 transferred the functions of the Department of Procurement and General Services ("DPGS") to the Operational Services Division ("OSD"). Therefore A&F 8 now reflects the correct agency title.
Consistent with the changes announced above, we are also issuing a revised Index. A&F welcomes your comments and questions concerning any of these Bulletins.
Charles D. Baker
Executive Office for Administration and Finance