Massachusetts state organizations A to Z

The State Organization Index provides an alphabetical listing of government organizations, including commissions, departments, and bureaus.

Table of Contents



Administrative Law Appeals, Division of (DALA) - Conducts due process hearings for other Massachusetts state administrative agencies.

Aeronautics Division - Oversees airport development and improvements, aviation safety, aircraft accident investigation, navigational aids, and statewide aviation planning over the Commonwealth's public use airports, private use landing areas, and seaplane bases.

Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission (ABCC) - Provides uniform control over the sale, purchase, transportation, manufacture, and possession of alcoholic beverages in the state.

Appeals Court - Considers most types of civil cases and criminal cases with some exceptions, such as t first degree murder appeals, which go directly to the Supreme Judicial Court.

Appellate Tax Board (ATB) - Conducts hearings and renders decisions on appeals of all types of state and local taxes, including property tax (both real estate and personal property), corporate excise, individual income tax, sales and use tax, and automobile and other excises.

Architectural Access Board (AAB) - Develops and enforces regulations designed to make public buildings accessible to, functional for, and safe for use by persons with disabilities.

Asian American Commission (AAC) - Recognizes the vital contributions of Asian Americans to the social, cultural, economic, and political life of the Commonwealth and addresses the needs and challenges facing residents of Asian ancestry.

Attorney General's Office (AGO) - Advocates consumer protection, combats fraud and corruption, protects civil rights, and promotes meaningful economic recovery.


Barnstable County Sheriff's Office - Protects residents from criminal offenders and provides public safety services and programs to the citizens of Barnstable County.

Berkshire County Sheriff's Office - Protects residents from criminal offenders and provides public safety services and programs to the citizens of Berkshire County.

Berkshire District Attorney - Covers all criminal prosecutions in Berkshire County from misdemeanors to major felonies such as rape and murder, and helps ensure the safety and well-being of all the residents of Berkshire County.

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) - Manages comprehensive planning responsibilities which include land use, transportation, economic development, and environmental management. The Commission is required to study the problems, needs, and resources of the region, and to make recommendations for physical, social, governmental, and economic improvements in the Berkshires.

Board of Bar Examiners (BBE) - Provides exams and character report services for bar admissions to ensure that persons admitted to the bar are qualified.

Board of Bar Overseers (BBO) - Investigates and evaluates complaints against lawyers.

Board of Building Regulations and Standards (BBRS) - Derives its authority to adopt regulations, administers provisions of the state building code, and operates various construction related programs.

Board of Certification of Health Officers - Works to maintain a high level of professionalism among the Certified Health Officers (CHOs) by monitoring and enforcing its regulations and policies, amending its regulations as necessary, and reviewing practitioners' records to ensure fulfillment of continuing education requirements.

Board of Higher Education (BHE) - Defines the mission of and coordinates the Commonwealth’s system of public higher education and its institutions.

Board of Library Commissioners (MBLC) - Supports, improves, and promotes library services throughout the Commonwealth.

Board of Public Accountancy - Grants certificates and issues licenses to practice public accountancy to qualified individuals who comply with the requirements of the statute and rules.

Board of Registration in Allied Health - Evaluates the qualifications of applicants for licensure and grants licenses to occupational therapists and assistants, athletic trainers, physical therapists and assistants.

Board of Registration in Allied Mental Health and Human Services Professions - Licenses candidates who meet the statutory and regulatory requirements developed for rehabilitation counselors, mental health counselors, marriage and family therapists, behavior analysts, and educational psychologists.

Board of Registration in Dentistry - Licenses dentists and dental hygienists for practice in the Commonwealth, establishes rules, regulations, and policies governing the practice of dentistry, dental hygiene, and dental assisting, and investigates complaints against licensed dental professionals.

Board of Registration in Medicine - Strives to ensure that only qualified and competent physicians are licensed to practice in the Commonwealth, ensures that those physicians and the health care institutions in which they practice provide to their patients a high standard of care, and supports an environment that maximizes the high quality of health care in Massachusetts.

Board of Registration in Nursing - Protects the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of the Commonwealth through the fair and consistent application of the statutes and regulations governing nursing practice and nursing education.

Board of Registration in Optometry - Licenses all new optometrists, and renews licenses for established optometrists.

Board of Registration in Pharmacy - Promotes, preserves, and protects public health, safety, and welfare by fostering the provision of quality pharmaceutical care to the citizens of Massachusetts through the regulation of the practice of pharmacy, the operation of pharmacies, and the distribution of prescription drugs in the public interest.

Board of Registration in Veterinary Medicine - Protects the public by monitoring the practices of the veterinarians it licenses to ensure that they practice according to the laws of Massachusetts and the board's established standards and code of conduct.

Board of Registration of Architects - Protects the public through regulation of the practice and the title of Architect in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in accordance with the statutes.

Board of Registration of Chiropractors - Regulates the practice of chiropractic in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts by establishing qualification requirements for licensure, reviewing applicant credentials, and administering licensing examinations.

Board of Registration of Cosmetology and Barbering - Regulates the practices of cosmetology, barbering, and electrology in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in accordance with applicable statutes, regulations, and policies.

Board of Registration of Dispensing Opticians - Protects the public through regulation of the dispensing opticians' practice by testing candidates and licensing those who are qualified, insuring compliance with state statutes and the board's rules and regulations, and conducting hearings and facilitating resolutions to consumer complaints.

Board of Registration of Funeral Directors and Embalmers - Oversees the licensing of the funeral services professionals and their apprentices through examination.

Board of Registration of Hazardous Waste Site Cleanup Professionals - Works to maintain high standards of practice and protects public health, welfare, and the environment by establishing qualifications for licensure, administering a licensing exam, requiring that Licensed Site Professionals (LSPs) obtain continuing education, and investigating complaints against LSPs to ensure compliance with state laws, regulations and the board's own rules of professional conduct.

Board of Registration of Home Inspectors - Insures that licensed home inspectors have proper training and experience through an associates program and meet minimum inspection requirements in each inspection performed.

Board of Registration of Operators of Drinking Water Supply Facilities - Regulates and licenses all operators of these facilities to ensure that the highest safety standards are adhered to in the treatment and distribution of drinking water.

Board of Registration of Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors - Establishes, monitors, and enforces qualifying standards for the engineering and land surveying professions.

Board of Registration of Psychologists - Licenses qualified individuals to practice psychology and regulates that practice in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, as defined by the statutes and described in the regulations.

Board of Registration of Real Estate Appraisers - Licenses qualified professional appraisers and insures the integrity of its licensees through fair and consistent enforcement of the statutes and regulations.

Board of Registration of Real Estate Brokers & Salespersons - Regulates real estate schools and agent curriculum and contracts with a testing vendor to provide the agent examination. Seeks to protect consumers by exercising its authority to discipline those real estate agents who violate licensing laws and regulations.

Board of Registration of Social Work - Determines eligibility for admission to examinations for social work, conducts examinations and licenses qualified individuals at one of four levels of licensure (Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker, Licensed Certified Social Worker, Licensed Social Worker, Licensed Social Work Associate).

Board of Review - Hears appeals of unemployment insurance claims and other unemployment matters and is the last step in the administrative appeals process before a case may be appealed to court.

Board of State Examiners of Plumbers and Gas Fitters - Holds examinations and issues licenses for Journeyman and Master Plumbers, Journeyman and Master Gas Fitters, and LP and LTD Gas. Registers apprentice Plumbers and Gas Fitters and issues corporate and partnership certificates for plumbing and gas. The board holds public hearings for code amendments, grants variances, and approves dual and elevated gases and plumbing and gas products.

Boston Municipal Court Department - Controls criminal jurisdiction of the Boston Municipal Court that includes most criminal offenses which do not require the imposition of a state prison sentence. The Court's civil jurisdiction includes contract and tort actions in which the likely recovery does not exceed $25,000; small claims cases in which the likely recovery does not exceed $7,000 and small claims jury appeals; mental health matters; summary process and eviction cases; supplementary proceedings; unemployment compensation appeals; and domestic abuse actions. The Court also has jurisdiction for review of some government agency actions, such as unemployment compensation appeals and firearms license appeals.

Bristol District Attorney - Prosecutes defendant(s) for the crimes in which they have been accused within the county’s 20 cities and towns.

Bureau of Boat, OHV, and Snowmobile Registration - Manages the registering of motorboats, recreation vehicles, and snowmobiles in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. 

Bristol County Sheriff's Office (BCSO) - Protects residents from criminal offenders and provides public safety services and programs to the citizens of Bristol County.

Bureau of Firearms Records (FRB) - Maintains a database of licenses issued and records of firearms sales by gun dealers, as well as private transfers of weapons.

Bureau of Health Care Access - Disseminates information to consumers relative to health insurance coverage and, specifically, access to affordable insurance products.

Bureau of Health Professions Licensure - Evaluates the qualifications of applicants for licensure and grants licenses to those who qualify. Boards of registration include dentistry, genetic counselors, nursing, nursing home administrators, perfusionists, pharmacy, physician assistants, respiratory care, and community health workers.

Bureau of Infectious Disease - Strives to improve the quality of life of all Massachusetts residents through the elimination of communicable diseases.

Bureau of Marine Theft - Combats intensifying theft problems involving vessels, motors, electronic devices, and other marine accessories.

Bureau of Public Health Facilities - Provides acute and chronic hospital medical care to individuals for whom community facilities are not available or access to health care is restricted.

Bureau of Public Protection and Advocacy - Uses investigation, litigation, and other advocacy to enforce laws protecting the Commonwealth.

Bureau of Special Investigations (BSI) - Investigates complaints of fraudulent claims or wrongful receipt of payment or services from public assistance programs.

Bureau of State Office Buildings (BSB) - Provides a safe, secure workplace for customers, assuring that all who enter can transit common areas without incident; and to efficiently maintain mechanical systems and buildings within budget.

Bureau of Substance Addiction Services (BSAS) - Oversees the substance abuse and gambling prevention and treatment services in the Commonwealth.

Bureau of the State House (BSH) - Maintains, preserves, and restores the State House, recognizing that it functions as a place of business, museum of art and history, as well as a site for public congregation.


Cannabis Control Commission - Adopts regulations for the administration, clarifies, and enforces laws regulating and licensing marijuana establishments. 

Cape and Islands District Attorney - Prosecutes over 15,000 criminal cases every year; serves the public, and seeks justice in an aggressive and fair manner on behalf of the victims of crime.

Center for District and School Accountability - Reviews school districts. Reports and materials are included.

Center for Health Information and Analysis (CHIA) - Monitors the Massachusetts health care system and provides reliable and meaningful information for those seeking to improve health care quality, affordability, access, and outcomes.

Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC) - Administrates the regional planning entity for the Central Massachusetts region, which includes the City of Worcester and the surrounding 39 communities. CMRPC provides municipal and regional planning for land use and transportation, as well as a variety of community development services, transit planning for the region’s transit authority, geographic information services, and other programs.

Citizen Information Service (CIS) - Helps citizens connect to the many state agencies to seek information on programs and/or to seek assistance or redress with the government offices that interact with citizens.

Civil Service Commission (CSC) - Hears and decides appeals of certain state and municipal service employees and candidates seeking public employment under the protection of civil service laws.

Civil Service Unit - Oversees the merit system under which state and municipal employees may be hired and promoted. 

Clients’ Security Board (CSB) - Consists of seven members of the bar of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts who are appointed by the Supreme Judicial Court to serve as public trustees of the Clients' Security Fund. A portion of the annual fees paid by each member of the bar is allocated to the Fund. Board members manage and distribute the monies in the Fund to members of the public who have sustained a financial loss caused by the dishonest conduct of a member of the bar acting as an attorney or a fiduciary.

Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) - Protects coastal and marine resources while promoting sound coastal and ocean management.

Commission on Judicial Conduct (CJC) - Investigates complaints of judicial misconduct against state court judges and recommends, when necessary, discipline of judges to the Supreme Judicial Court.

Committee for Public Counsel Services (CPCS) - Oversees the providing of legal representation to indigent persons in criminal and civil cases and administrative proceedings in which there is a right to counsel.

Commonwealth Corporation - Designs and executes workforce programs in partnership with businesses, educators, and training providers across the state. Our priority is to address the skills gap to meet the needs of businesses and workers so that all people can thrive in our highly skilled economy.

Commonwealth Medicine - As the health care consulting and operations division of UMass Chan Medical School, Commonwealth Medicine draws on the academic knowledge and public health service expertise of Massachusetts’ only public medical school to provide comprehensive, innovative health care and policy solutions.

Commonwealth Museum - Brings the Massachusetts story to life with state of the art interactive exhibits.

Commonwealth Public Safety Broadband Office (PSBO) - Coordinates all Commonwealth planning and implementation activities associated with FirstNet.

Community Economic Development Assistance Corporation (CEDAC) - Provides financial resources and technical expertise for community-based and other nonprofit organizations engaged in effective community development in Massachusetts.

Comptroller of the Commonwealth (CTR) formerly known as Office of the State Comptroller (OSC) - Promotes accountability, integrity, and clarity in Commonwealth business, fiscal, and administrative enterprises.

Corporations Division - Oversees the repository for certain records of approximately 275,000 business and nonprofit corporations and approximately 60,000 limited liability entities organized or registered to do business in the Commonwealth. In addition, the Corporations Division maintains records for limited partnerships and business trusts. Limited liability companies, limited liability partnerships, service marks, trademarks, and uniform commercial code (UCC) filings are also made with the Corporations Division.

Criminal Bureau - Works to protect the public by investigating and prosecuting a wide range of criminal cases, which include public corruption, financial fraud, and other violations of the public trust, organized crime, major narcotic offenses, appellate issues, insurance and unemployment fraud, and internet and online crimes.

Criminal Offender Record Information Unit (CORI) - Provides criminal offender record information to groups such as schools, camps, home health aides, and municipal government agencies.



Department of Agricultural Resources (MDAR) - See Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources (MDAR).

Department of Career Services (DCS) - Oversees the Commonwealth's network of One-Stop Career Centers that assist businesses in finding qualified workers and provides job seekers with career guidance and referrals to jobs and training.

Department of Children and Families (DCF) - Protects children from abuse and neglect, strengthens families, and ensures children are able to grow and thrive in a safe and nurturing environment.

Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) - Protects, promotes, and enhances our natural, cultural, and recreational resources for everyone’s well-being.

Department of Correction (DOC) - Promotes public safety by managing offenders while providing care and appropriate programming to prepare them for successful re-entry into the community.

Department of Criminal Justice Information Services (DCJIS) - Provides 24 hour support, 7 days a week to local, state, and national public safety agencies. Oversees Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS), Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI), the Firearms Records Bureau (FRB), and the Victim Services Unit.

Department of Developmental Services (DDS) - Supports individuals with intellectual disabilities with opportunities to help them live the way they choose.

Department of Early Education and Care (EEC) - Provides the foundation that supports all children in their development as lifelong learners and contributing members of the community, and supports families in their essential work as parents and caregivers.

Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, Massachusetts (DESE) - Educates and prepares all students (grades PK - 12) for success in the world.

Department of Energy Resources (DOER) - Commits to creating a clean, affordable, and resilient energy future for the Commonwealth.

Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) - Ensures clean air and water, the safe management of toxics and hazards, the recycling of solid and hazardous wastes, the timely clean up of hazardous waste sites and spills, and the preservation of wetlands and coastal resources.

Department of Family and Medical Leave (DFML) - Oversees the Commonwealth’s Paid Family and Medical Leave program which provides temporary income replacement to eligible workers.

Department of Fire Services (DFS) - Provides the citizens of Massachusetts with the ability to create safer communities, assists and supports the fire service community in the protection of life and property, promotes and enhances firefighter safety, and provides a fire service leadership presence in order to direct policy and legislation on all fire-related matters.

Department of Fish and Game (DFG) - Works to preserve the state's natural resources and people's right to conservation of those resources by overseeing the Commonwealth's marine and freshwater fisheries, wildlife species, plants, and natural communities, as well as the habitats that support them.

Department of Higher Education, Massachusetts (DHE) - Executes the Board of Higher Education's policies and day-to-day operations and coordinates the Commonwealth’s system of public higher education and its institutions. Massachusetts system of public higher education includes community colleges, state universities, and the University of Massachusetts.

Department of Industrial Accidents (DIA) - Oversees the Workers' Compensation system in Massachusetts and assists injured workers, Massachusetts employers, insurers and attorneys.

Department of Labor Relations (DLR) - Promotes stable, productive, and cooperative relationships between public employers and their represented employees by administering and enforcing the Commonwealth’s collective bargaining laws.

Department of Labor Standards (DLS) - Promotes and protects workers' safety, health, wages, and working conditions, and supports employers and workers in the utilization of apprenticeship as a workforce development tool.

Department of Mental Health (DMH) - Provides access to services and supports to meet the mental health needs of individuals of all ages, enabling them to live, work, and participate in their communities.

Department of Public Health (DPH) - Helps assure access to high quality public health and health care services, promotes wellness and health equity for all people in the Commonwealth to prevent illness, injury, and premature death.

Department of Public Safety, Massachusetts (DPS) - Ensures the safety of the public and instills confidence in the safety of each of the regulated disciplines.

Department of Public Utilities (DPU) - Ensures that utility consumers are provided with the most reliable service at the lowest possible cost, protects the public from transportation and gas pipeline related accidents, oversees certain aspects of the energy facilities siting process, and ensures that residential rate-payers' rights are protected.

Department of Revenue (DOR) - Enforces the tax, child support, and municipal finance laws of the Commonwealth in a fair, impartial, and consistent manner.

Department of State Police - Provides law enforcement, criminal justice, and forensic science services across the state.

Department of Telecommunications and Cable (DTC) - Regulates the telecommunications and cable industries, ensures consumers receive high quality communications at just and reasonable rates, promotes sustainable competition to increase consumer welfare for all Massachusetts residents, and maintains and enforces consumer protections.

Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA) - Assists and empower low-income individuals and families to meet their basic needs, achieve long-term economic self-sufficiency, and improve their quality of life.

Department of Unemployment Assistance (DUA) - Administers the Unemployment Insurance (UI) program, which provides temporary assistance to unemployed Massachusetts workers. Unemployment Insurance (UI) is a temporary income protection program for workers who are unemployed through no fault of their own and who are able to work, available for work, and looking for employment.

Department of Youth Services (DYS) - Protects the public and prevents crime by promoting positive change in the lives of youth in DYS custody.

Disabled Persons Protection Commission (DPPC) - Investigates and remediates instances of abuse and neglect committed against adults with disabilities.

District Court Department - Hears a wide range of criminal, civil, housing, juvenile, mental health, and other cases.

Division of Agricultural Conservation and Technical Assistance (DACTA) - Promotes agricultural land preservation, environmental stewardship, technology, and technical assistance to meet the challenges of 21st century farming.

Division of Agricultural Markets - Offers field expertise in the development and support of innovative market venues, business expansion, grant opportunities, and consumer and industry outreach to foster the economic growth of the Commonwealth’s domestic and international agricultural markets.

Division of Audit Operations - Works to uncover fraud and other violations of federal and state law.

Division of Banks (DOB) - Oversees state-chartered banks and credit unions, as well as the supervision and licensing of the money service business, sales finance, and mortgage lending industries operating in Massachusetts.

Division of Apprentice Standards (DAS) - Promotes, develops, and services registered apprenticeship programs in Massachusetts.

Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance (DCAMM) - Manages major public building construction and real estate services for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Division of Child Support Enforcement (CSE) - Assists parents in establishing paternity, filing child support orders, and collecting child support, and asks courts to modify child support orders when circumstances change.

Division of Consumer Protection - Uses tools of investigation and enforcement actions to protect consumers from fraud, deception, and other unfair business practices.

Division of Conservation Services (DCS) - Offers grants to municipalities and nonprofits for land acquisition and park development.

Division of Crop and Pest Services - Regulates the agricultural industry and pesticide application services in Massachusetts through the diligent inspection, examination, licensing, registration, quarantine, and enforcement of laws, regulations, and orders.

Division of Ecological Restoration (DER) - Restores and protects the Commonwealth’s rivers, wetlands, and watersheds for the benefit of people and the environment.

Division of Fisheries and Wildlife (MassWildlife) - Controls the conservation, restoration, protection, and management of fish and wildlife resources.

Division of Insurance (DOI) - Promotes a healthy, responsive, and willing marketplace for consumers who purchase insurance products.

Division of Local Mandates (DLM) - Determines if a proposed or existing state law or regulation is an “unfunded mandate,” one that does not conform to the standards of the Local Mandate Law.

Division of Local Services (DLS) - Provides oversight and technical assistance services to cities and towns in the areas of property taxation, accounting and treasury management, interpretation of state laws that affect local governance, maintenance of a comprehensive local finance databank, and the distribution of local aid.

Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF) - Develops and promulgates the Commonwealth’s rules and regulations governing commercial and recreational fishing and balances living marine resources with coastal culture.

Division of Pipeline Engineering and Safety - Ensures that operators of natural gas distribution companies, municipal gas departments, and other intrastate operators are in compliance with state and federal regulations governing pipeline safety.

Division of Prevention and Wellness - Supports change that creates and sustains healthy environments where people live, work, and play, and works to eliminate health disparities so that all Massachusetts residents reach their full potential to live long and live well.

Division of Occupational Licensure (DOL) - Licenses and regulates more than 387,000 individuals and businesses to practice 50 trades and professions in Massachusetts.

Division of Racing - Prescribes rules, regulations, and conditions under which all horse races and horse racing meetings shall be conducted in the Commonwealth.

Division of Public Housing and Rental Assistance - Oversees all state-aided public and private housing programs that address the housing needs of low- and moderate-income families, the elderly, and persons with disabilities.

Division of Standards (DOS) - Enforces laws, rules, and regulations related to weights and measures and the use of weighing and measuring devices in commercial transactions.

Division of MassParks - Maintains nearly 300,000 acres of the state’s forests, beaches, mountains, ponds, riverbanks, trails, and parks. Protects land and resources on privately and municipally held land.

Division of Water Supply Protection - Manages and protects the drinking water supply watersheds for Greater Boston. The division promotes water quality and conservation through water resource policy and planning efforts.

Dukes County Sheriff's Office - Protects residents from criminal offenders and provides public safety services and programs to the citizens of Dukes County.


Elections Division - Oversees election information including information for voters, candidates, and general information.

Energy Facilities Siting Board (Siting Board) - Licenses the construction of major energy infrastructure in Massachusetts, including large power plants, electric transmission lines, natural gas pipelines, and natural gas storage facilities.

Essex County Sheriff's Department - Protects residents from criminal offenders and provides public safety services and programs to the citizens of Essex County.

Essex District Attorney - Prosecutes criminal offenses that occur within the cities and towns of Essex County.

Executive Office for Administration and Finance (ANF) - Develops and executes cost-effective public policy initiatives that ensure the financial stability, efficiency, and effectiveness of state government.

Agencies include: Appellate Tax Board (ATB), Bureau of the State House (BSH), Civil Service Commission (CSC), Department of Revenue (DOR), Division of Administrative Law Appeals (DALA), Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance (DCAMM), Group Insurance Commission (GIC), Human Resources Division (HRD)State Library of Massachusetts, Massachusetts Developmental Disabilities Council (MDDC), Massachusetts Office on Disability (MOD), Operational Services Division (OSD), Massachusetts Teachers Retirement System (MTRS), and Public Employee Retirement Administration Commission (PERAC).

Executive Office of Education (EDU) - Ensures all Massachusetts students are prepared to succeed by investing in research-based strategies, raising standards and accountability, improving assessments, increasing the quality of teaching, promoting innovation, enhancing student supports, and rewarding excellence.

Agencies include: Department of Early Education and Care (EEC), Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), and Department of Higher Education (DHE).

Executive Office of Aging & Independence - Promotes the independence, empowerment and well-being of elders and people needing medical and social supportive services by offering a number of programs and services to Massachusetts elders.

Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) - Preserves open space, species habitats, and working landscapes, enforces pollution laws, reviews the environmental impact of major real estate and infrastructure developments, enhances the state’s role in energy conservation and production, manages fish and wildlife, and provides opportunities for outdoor recreation and access at the parks, beaches, and farms.

Agencies include: Department of Agricultural Resources (MDAR), Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR), Department of Energy Resources (DOER), Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), Department of Fish and Game (DFG), Department of Public Utilities (DPU).

Executive Office of Health and Human Services (EOHHS) - Helps protect the health of all Massachusetts residents and provides human services by serving the most needy and vulnerable citizens in the state.

Agencies include: Board of Registration in Medicine, Department of Children and Families (DCF), Department of Developmental Services (DDS), Executive Office of Elder Affairs (EOEA), Department of Mental Health (DMH), Department of Public Health (DPH), Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA)Department of Youth Services (DYS)Office of Public Safety and InspectionsMassachusetts Commission for the Blind (MCB), Massachusetts Commission for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing (MCDHH), Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission (MRC), MassHealth, and the Office for Refugees & Immigrants (ORI).

Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities (EOHLC)- Provides leadership, professional assistance, and financial resources to promote safe, decent, affordable housing opportunities, economic vitality of communities, and sound municipal management.

Executive Office of Economic Development (EOED) - Assists the creation of jobs in the Commonwealth by helping small businesses grow and by providing housing opportunities.

Agencies include: Department of Public Safety (DPS)Massachusetts Office of Business Development (MOBD), Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation (OCABR), Massachusetts Permit Regulatory Office (MPRO)Massachusetts Office of International Trade and Investment (MOITI), and Massachusetts Office of Travel and Tourism (MOTT).

Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development (EOLWD) - Supports workforce training and education, provides services and resources to the unemployed, adjudicates labor disputes within the Commonwealth, and ensures workforce safety across the state.

Agencies include: Commonwealth Corporation, Departments of Unemployment Assistance (DUA), Department of Family and Medical Leave (DFML)Department of Career Services (DCS), Department of Labor Standards (DLS), Department of Industrial Accidents (DIA), and Department of Labor Relations (DLR).

Executive Office of Public Safety and Security (EOPSS) - Keeps the people of Massachusetts informed about critical public safety issues.

Agencies include: EOPSS Office of the Secretary, Department of Correction (DOC), Department of Criminal Justice Information Services (DCJIS), Department of Fire Services (DFS),Massachusetts State Police, Harbormaster Training Council (HTC), EOPSS Office of Grants & Research, Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA), Municipal Police Training Committee (MPTC), Massachusetts National Guard, Massachusetts Relay Service (MassRelay), Massachusetts Equipment Distribution Program (MassEDP), Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (OCME), Massachusetts Parole Board, Highway Safety Division (HSD), Public Safety Broadband Office (PSBO), Sex Offender Registry Board (SORB), State 911 Department, and State Police Crime Laboratory/Forensic Services Group.

Executive Office of Technology Services and Security (EOTSS) - Provides secure and quality digital information, services, and tools to customers and constituents when and where they need them.

Agencies include: Massachusetts Digital ServiceDesktop, Network, Hosting, and Unified Communications ServicesEnterprise Cybersecurity Office; MassGIS (Bureau of Geographic Information); Office of Municipal and School Technology.

Executive Office of Veterans' Services (EOVS) - Provides information for veterans on state and federal benefits, cemeteries and honors, and women veterans, as well as education, housing, employment and training, and health and well-being for veterans.

Agencies include: Veterans' Home in Chelsea, Veterans' Home in Holyoke, Massachusetts Women Veterans' Network, Veterans' Homes Council.


Franklin County Sheriff's Office - Protects residents from criminal offenders and provides public safety services and programs to the citizens of Franklin County.



Governor's Commission on Intellectual Disability - Examines the quality and comprehensiveness of the Commonwealth's program of services designed to address the wide variety of needs of people with intellectual disability.

Governor 's Council to Address Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence - Addresses sexual and domestic violence issues to help prevent and reduce the incidence of sexual and domestic violence throughout the Commonwealth.

Group Insurance Commission (GIC) - Provides high value health insurance and other benefits to the Commonwealth’s employees, retirees, and their survivors and dependents. Many of these benefits are also offered to a number of authorities, participating municipalities, and other entities.


Hampden County Sheriff's Department - Protects residents from criminal offenders and provides public safety services and programs to the citizens of Hampden County.

Hampden District Attorney - Prosecutes all cases in Hampden County.

Hampshire County Sheriff's Office - Protects residents from criminal offenders and provides public safety services and programs to the citizens of Hampshire County.

Harbormaster Training Council (HTC) - Establishes training requirements for Harbormasters.

Hazardous Materials Division - Provides specialized response of personnel and equipment to the 351 communities of the Commonwealth to protect the public, the environment, and property during incidents involving a release or potential release of hazardous materials.

Health Connector - Helps Massachusetts residents find health insurance coverage and avoiding tax penalties.

Highway Division - Oversees the safe construction, maintenance and operation of the Commonwealth's roads, bridges and tunnels for drivers, bicyclists, and pedestrians.

Highway Safety Division (HSD) - Facilitates the development and implementation of policies, programs, and partnerships to help reduce fatalities, injuries, and economic losses from motor vehicle crashes on Massachusetts roadways.

Home Care Assistance Program (HCAP) - Provides homemaker services to eligible adults with disabilities who are functionally limited in meeting their own nutritional and environmental needs.

House of Representatives - Consists of 160 members, each representing a district of approximately 40,000 people. As required by the Massachusetts Constitution, the House meets every 72 hours, year-round in either formal or informal session to consider legislation. The Massachusetts House is led by the Speaker of the House, who is elected by the members of the body at the beginning of each two-year legislative session.

Housing Appeals Committee - Provides an impartial forum to resolve conflicts arising from the siting of new affordable housing within the parameters of the comprehensive permit process.

Housing Court Department - Has jurisdiction over civil and criminal actions, including equitable relief, which involve the health, safety, or welfare of the occupants or owners of residential housing. Hears eviction cases, small claims cases, and civil actions involving personal injury, property damage, breach of contract, discrimination, and other claims.

Human Resources - Recruits new employees, provides self-service HR-related support, delivers professional development opportunities for existing employees, administers workforce HR policy, employee benefits, and compensation, diversity programs, employee and labor relations, and public safety examination and promotional opportunities.

Human Service Transportation Office (HST) - Supports and increases transportation options for consumers to access health care, jobs, social services and a full range of opportunities within the community. Also serves as a resource for human service transportation-related matters and encourages coordination and mobility management strategies among public transit, community transportation, and private resources to improve access to health and human services, employment and community life for all, but especially the transportation disadvantaged.


Information Technology Audits - Evaluates the information technology infrastructure in state agencies through the review of information security, equipment management, the preparation of emergency plans in case of catastrophic system failure, and the effectiveness of IT systems to achieve the organization's goals or objectives.

Interagency Council on Housing and Homelessness (ICHH) - Provides solutions to ongoing systemic barriers to ending homelessness.



Joint Labor-Management Committee (JLMC) - Encourages the parties to collective bargaining disputes involving municipalities and their police officers and fire fighters to agree directly on the terms of such agreements or on a procedure to resolve these disputes.

Judicial Nominating Commission (JNC) - Screens applicants for vacancies in public service such as a judge, clerk-magistrate, or recorder of the Land Court in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Juvenile Court Department - Owns general jurisdiction over delinquency, children in need of services, care and protection petitions, and youthful offender cases.

Juvenile Justice Advisory Committee (JJAC) - Helps coordinate juvenile justice and delinquency prevention efforts in the Commonwealth.


Land Court Department - Determines disputes involving real property and foreclosure and redemption of real estate tax liens.

Legislature (General Court) - Consists of the Massachusetts Senate and the House of Representatives, and is responsible for enacting laws in Massachusetts.


Martha's Vineyard Commission (MVC) - Protects the unique natural, historical, ecological, scientific, and cultural qualities of Martha's Vineyard.

Massachusetts Archives - Preserves historical records and ensures that those records are known and valued by citizens, students, and scholars.

 - Protects, restores, and enhances the coastal health and heritage of Massachusetts and Cape Cod Bays.

Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) - Provides public transportation for Greater Boston which consists of the commuter rail, buses, the subway system, and boats.

Massachusetts Clean Water Trust (MCWT) - Improves water quality throughout the Commonwealth by providing low-interest loans to municipalities and other eligible entities and helps develop and finance water infrastructure projects serving 97% of Massachusetts citizens.

Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination (MCAD) - Works to eliminate discrimination on a variety of bases and areas, and strives to advance the civil rights of the people of the Commonwealth through law enforcement, outreach, and training.

Massachusetts Commission for the Blind (MCB) - Provides the highest quality rehabilitation and social services leading to independence and full community inclusion for the blind.

Massachusetts Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (MCDHH) -  Provides accessible communication, education, and advocacy to consumers and private and public entities so that programs, services, and opportunities throughout Massachusetts are fully accessible to persons who are deaf and hard of hearing.

Massachusetts Commission on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Questioning Youth (LGBTQ) - Enhances and improves the ability of state agencies to provide services that protect and support the health and safety of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer and questioning youth in the schools and communities of Massachusetts, with a focus on suicide prevention and violence intervention policies regarding harassment and discrimination against LGBTQ youth.

Massachusetts Commission on Indian Affairs (MCIA) - Assists Native American individuals, tribes, and organizations in their relationship with state and local government agencies and advises the Commonwealth in matters pertaining to Native Americans.

Massachusetts Commission on the Status of Women (MCSW) - Helps advance women toward full equality in all areas of life and promotes rights and opportunities for all women.

Massachusetts Convention Center Authority (MCCA) - Owns and oversees the operation of the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center (BCEC), the John B. Hynes Veterans Memorial Convention Center in Boston, the MassMutual Center in Springfield,  the Lawn on D Powered by Citizens Bank, and the Boston Common Garage, to generate significant regional economic activity by attracting conventions, tradeshows, and other events to its world-class facilities while maximizing the investment return for the residents and businesses in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Massachusetts Court System - Consists of the Supreme Judicial Court, Appeals Court, and the Trial Courts, which include the Boston Municipal Court Department, District Court Department, Housing Court Department, Juvenile Court Department, Land Court Department, Probate and Family Court Department, and the Superior Court Department.

Massachusetts Cultural Council (MCC) - Promotes excellence, access, education, and diversity in the arts, humanities, and interpretive sciences through a combination of grant programs, partnerships, and services for nonprofit cultural organizations, schools, communities, and artists.

Massachusetts Deferred Compensation Plan (SMARTPlan) - Helps provides a more comfortable and secure financial future through a voluntary retirement savings program.

Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources (MDAR) - Helps keep Massachusetts' food supply safe and secure.

Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) - Delivers customer service to people who travel in the Commonwealth, and provides our nation's safest and most reliable transportation system. MassDOT includes four divisions: Highway, Transit, Aeronautics, and Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV).

Massachusetts Developmental Disabilities Council (MDDC) - Provides opportunities for people with developmental disabilities and their families to enhance independence, productivity, and inclusion.

Massachusetts District Attorneys Association (MDAA) - Supports the district attorneys by managing statewide business technology services and administering grants in the areas of violence against women, motor vehicle crimes, and federal technology grants. Produces publications for prosecutors and victim-witness advocates, hosts dozens of prosecutor trainings annually, and provides information on budgetary, criminal justice, and public safety issues to the executive and legislative branches.

Massachusetts Economic Development & Finance Agency (MassDevelopment) - Stimulates business, drives economic growth, and helps communities thrive across Massachusetts.

Massachusetts Educational Financing Authority (MEFA) - Helps students and families plan, save, and pay for college with step-by-step resources and expertise.

Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) - Ensures the Commonwealth's ability to rapidly recover from large and small disasters by assessing and mitigating hazards, enhancing preparedness, ensuring effective response, and building the capacity to recover. Provides timely information on severe weather and other events that may impact your safety and community.

Massachusetts Environmental Police - Protects the environment and natural resources of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts through enforcement, education, and public outreach.

Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act (MEPA) - Requires that state agencies study the environmental consequences of their actions, including permitting and financial assistance. It also requires them to take all feasible measures to avoid, minimize, and mitigate damage to the environment.

Massachusetts Environmental Trust (MET) - Supports innovative approaches to protect and restore natural resources by awarding grants to organizations that protect and enhance the Commonwealth’s water resources and natural environments.

Massachusetts Equipment Distribution Program (MassEDP) - Provides residents with a permanent disability access to the telephone network in their homes. 

Massachusetts Export Center - Helps companies throughout the Commonwealth achieve success in global markets, thereby contributing to economic growth in the state. Meets the complex needs of exporters by developing and providing targeted, high-impact services delivered through a statewide network of international trade professionals.

Massachusetts Firefighting Academy (MFA) - Provides fire training to municipal fire service personnel at no cost to the cities and towns.

Massachusetts Gaming Commission (MassGaming) - Creates a fair, transparent, and participatory process for implementing the expanded gaming law.

Massachusetts Governor's Council (Executive Council) - Records advice and consent on warrants for the state treasury, pardons, and commutations, and records advice and consent to gubernatorial appointments.

Massachusetts Growth Capital Corporation (MGCC) - Creates and preserves jobs at small businesses and women- and minority-owned businesses and promotes economic development in underserved, gateway municipalities and low- and moderate-income communities.

Massachusetts Health Policy Commission (HPC) - Develops policy to reduce health care cost growth and improve the quality of patient care. As an independent state agency, the HPC's mission is to advance a more transparent, accountable, and innovative health care system through its policy leadership and investment programs.

Massachusetts Historical Commission (MHC) - Identifies, evaluates, and protects important historical and archaeological assets of the Commonwealth.

Massachusetts Housing Partnership (MHP) - Works to help increase the supply of affordable housing in Massachusetts.

Massachusetts National Guard - Maintains properly trained and equipped units available to support the Department of Defense under the direction of the President of the United States and provides trained and disciplined forces for emergencies within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts under the direction of the Governor of Massachusetts.

Massachusetts Office for Victim Assistance (MOVA) - Upholds and advances the rights of crime victims. Provides innovative advocacy through outreach and education, policy and program development, direct service, legislative advocacy and grants management.

Massachusetts Office of Business Development (MOBD) - Offers a range of expertise and services to help businesses flourish in Massachusetts.

Massachusetts Office of Campaign and Political Finance (OCPF) - Oversees candidates who are seeking statewide, legislative, county, and district office, Governor's Council candidates, and two groups of municipal candidates: candidates for mayor, city council or alderman in the state's 13 cities with populations of at least 75,000, and candidates for mayor in the state's 33 cities with populations of less than 75,000. Other municipal candidates in Massachusetts file their reports with their local election officials, but are still subject to oversight by OCPF.

Massachusetts Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation (OCABR) - Protects and empowers consumers through advocacy and education and ensures a fair playing field for all Massachusetts businesses.

Agencies include: Department of Telecommunications and Cable (DTC), Division of Banks (DOB), Division of Insurance (DOI), Division of Occupational Licensure (DOL), and Division of Standards (DOS).

Massachusetts Office on Disability (MOD) - Ensures the full and equal participation of all people with disabilities in all aspects of life by working to advance legal rights, maximum opportunities, supportive services, accommodations, and accessibility in a manner that fosters dignity and self-determination.

Massachusetts Office of Health Equity - Promotes the health and well-being of racial, ethnic, and linguistic minority populations throughout the Commonwealth by increasing the Department of Public Health's capacity to respond effectively to the critical public health needs of these communities.

Massachusetts Office of International Trade and Investment (MOITI) - Promotes trade and investment with global partners in Massachusetts and around the world.

Massachusetts Office of Travel and Tourism (MOTT) - Promotes Massachusetts as both a leisure and business travel destination for domestic and international markets and to contribute to the growth of the Commonwealth’s economy.

Massachusetts Permit Regulatory Office (MPRO) - Works with new and existing businesses by assisting with permitting, licensing, and regulatory processes. 

Massachusetts Port Authority (MassPort) - Owns and operates an integrated world-class transportation network including Logan Airport, Hanscom Field, Worcester Regional Airport, and Port of Boston.

Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission (MRC) - Provides services to people with disabilities that maximize their quality of life and self-sufficiency in the community. Responsible for vocational rehabilitation services, community services, and eligibility determination for the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) federal benefits programs.

Massachusetts Relay Service (MassRelay) - Enables hearing people or people who do not use a text telephone (TTY) to communicate over regular telephone lines with people who are deaf, hard-of-hearing, late deafened, or speech disabled.

Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) - Partners with Massachusetts communities to support the design and construction of educationally-appropriate, flexible, sustainable, and cost-effective public school facilities.

Massachusetts Service Alliance (MSA) - Serves as the state commission on service and volunteerism. Offers statewide volunteer opportunities through its Connect & Serve online portal. Invests in community-based organizations that rely upon volunteers and people engaged in service to meet their community’s needs.

Massachusetts Sheriffs' Association (MSA) - Promotes, advocates, and supports the office of sheriff in all 14 counties of the Commonwealth. Facilitates cooperative relationships among the sheriffs' offices for the purpose of developing standardized training, providing governance over shared projects, discussing operational best practices, and evaluating research and data on matters of mutual interest and concern.

Massachusetts Small Business Development Center Network (MSBDC) - Provides free, confidential, one-to-one business assistance and free or low-cost educational training programs to prospective and existing small businesses throughout the Commonwealth.

Massachusetts State Athletic Commission (MSAC) - Regulates all professional and amateur boxing, mixed martial arts, and unarmed combat events. All promoters, referees, judges, matchmakers, timekeepers, seconds, trainers, managers, and professional combatants must obtain a license from the Commission prior to engaging in their chosen field.

Massachusetts State College Building Authority (MSCBA) - Plans, finances, and develops student life facilities which complement programs provided in residence halls. These include dining, parking, athletic, bookstore, and other student activity facilities.

Massachusetts State Lottery - Provides innovative and exciting lottery games to its players, while being a source of local aid revenue for the 351 cities and towns of the Commonwealth.

Massachusetts Teachers’ Retirement System (MTRS) - Provides retirement, disability, and survivor benefits to more than 92,000 active educators and more than 65,000 retirees and survivors.

Massachusetts Technology Collaborative (MassTech) - Fosters innovation and helps shape a vibrant economy through the Innovation Institute, Massachusetts eHealth Institute and the Massachusetts Broadband Institute.

Massachusetts Turnpike Authority (MassPike) - see Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) - Delivers customer service to people who travel in the Commonwealth, and provides our nation's safest and most reliable transportation system. MassDOT includes four divisions: Highway, Transit, Aeronautics, and Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV).

Massachusetts Water Pollution Abatement Trust (MWPAT) - Improves the water quality in the Commonwealth through the provision of low cost capital financing to cities, towns, and other eligible entities, and maintains stewardship of public funds.

Massachusetts Workforce Development Board (MWDB) - Develops strategies that guide the Commonwealth's efforts in ensuring workers have the skills they need to fill the jobs businesses create.

MassHealth - Provides comprehensive health insurance  or help in paying for private health insurance  to Massachusetts children, families, seniors, and people with disabilities.

MassHousing - Supports the creation, preservation, and long-term viability of affordable home ownership and rental housing opportunities for Massachusetts residents with modest incomes.

MassMobility - Seeks to increase mobility for seniors, people with disabilities, veterans, low-income commuters, and others who lack transportation access in Massachusetts.

MassParks Boston - Consists of the DCR parks in Greater Boston.

MassVentures - Funds early-stage, high-growth Massachusetts startups as they move from concept to commercialization.

Mental Health Legal Advisors Committee (MHLAC) - Provides advice and direct legal representation on a wide range of legal issues which include access to services, treatment rights, equitable treatment in custody and visitation matters, guardianship abuse, educational rights, and mistreatment in institutional and community settings.

Merit Rating Board (MRB) - Maintains operator driving records consisting of traffic law violations, at-fault and comprehensive insurance claim records, and out-of-state driving records, and maintains and updates individual driving records and reports this information to Massachusetts auto insurers and other government agencies involved in transportation and public safety.

Merrimack Valley Planning Commission (MVPC) - Plans, develops, and promotes the sustainable development of the Merrimack Valley.

Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) - Serves as a regional planning agency that works toward sound municipal management, sustainable land use, protection of natural resources, efficient and affordable transportation, a diverse housing stock, public safety, economic development, an informed public, and equity and opportunity among people of all backgrounds for the 101 cities and towns of Metropolitan Boston.

Middlesex Sheriff's Office - Protects residents from criminal offenders and provides public safety services and programs to the citizens of Middlesex County.

Montachusett Regional Planning Commission (MRPC) - Provides technical planning assistance to its 22 member communities.

Municipal Police Training Committee (MPTC) - Develops, delivers, and enforces training standards of municipal, University of Massachusetts, and Environmental Police officers of the Commonwealth.



Nantucket Planning & Economic Development Commission (NP&EDC) - Plans for the orderly and coordinated development and protection of the physical, social, and economic resources of the Island of Nantucket.

Natural Resource Damages Program (NRD) - Assess natural resource damages resulting from releases of oil or hazardous materials within the Commonwealth and requires restoration of these injured resources to functional ecological systems.

Norfolk County Sheriff's Office - Protects residents from criminal offenders and provides public safety services and programs to the citizens of Norfolk County.

Norfolk District Attorney - Serves as the chief law enforcement officer for the cities and towns in Norfolk County.

Northern Middlesex Council of Governments (NMCOG) - Provides comprehensive regional planning services to our member communities in such areas as transportation, economic development, land use, housing, and more.

Northwestern District Attorney - Serves the people of Hampshire and Franklin counties and the town of Athol through rigorous, fair prosecutions and prevention and intervention efforts.


Office for Refugees and Immigrants (ORI) - Administers the federally funded refugee resettlement program, which includes refugee cash and medical assistance, employment services, English language proficiency classes, foster care for unaccompanied minors, and social adjustment services.

Office of Children, Youth and Families Programs - Oversees the policies and programs of the Department of Transitional Assistance, Department of Youth Services, Department of Children and Families, and Office for Refugees and Immigrants to help young people grow up to be healthy, caring, and economically self-sufficient adults.

Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity (ODEO) - Carries out the Governor's mandate to ensure practices of non-discrimination and equal opportunity and delivers customer-focused solutions in attracting, hiring, retaining, and promoting a diverse workforce within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Office of Emergency Medical Services (OEMS) - Promotes a statewide, community-based emergency medical services (EMS) system that reduces premature death and disability from acute illness and injury through the coordination of local and regional EMS resources.

Office of Employee Relations (OER) - Manages labor relations with the unions that represent employees in all executive branch departments.

Office of Fishing and Boating Access (FBA) - Provides boat and canoe access sites, shore fishing areas, and sport fishing piers at more than 275 locations on coastal waters, great ponds, and rivers throughout Massachusetts.

Office of Geographic Information (MassGIS) - Creates a comprehensive, statewide database of spatial information for mapping and analysis supporting emergency response, environmental planning and management, transportation planning, economic development, and transparency in state government operations.

Office of Grants and Research (OGR) - Serves as the state administering agency for federal criminal justice, highway safety, and homeland security grant funds.

Office of Grants and Technical Assistance - Assists those seeking grant, loan, and technical assistance for certain Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) programs identify appropriate EEA funding and technical assistance.

Office of HIV/AIDS - Strives to promote full access to services for persons most at risk for HIV infection, and those living with HIV/AIDS. Services range from prevention and education to HIV testing, client services, health and support services.

Office of Jury Commissioner (OJC) - Oversees the process by which jurors are selected.

Office of Public Safety and Inspections - Sets and oversees infrastructure safety standards across Massachusetts.

Office of Regional Planning - Implements short and long range improvements for economic development, environmental, land use, and community development needs.

Office of Small Business and Entrepreneurship (OSBE) - Creates policies and programs to support small businesses and entrepreneurs across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Office of Technical Assistance and Technology (OTA) - Provides services encompassing compliance assistance and on-site technical support to reduce toxics use, improve energy efficiency, and conserve water and other resources.

Office of the Bar Counsel (OBC) - Investigates and evaluates complaints against lawyers.

Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (OCME) - Investigates the cause and manner of death in violent, suspicious, or unexplained deaths.

Office of the Child Advocate (OCA) - Ensures that every child involved with state agencies in Massachusetts is protected from harm and receives quality services.

Office of the Commissioner of Probation - Increases community safety, supports victims and survivors, and assists individuals and families in achieving long term positive change.

Office of the Governor - The Governor is the chief executive officer of the Commonwealth, and alongside the Lieutenant Governor and members of the administration, continually works to make Massachusetts a great place to live, work, and raise a family.

Office of the Inspector General (OIG) - An independent agency that prevents and detects the misuse of public funds and public property, conducts confidential investigations, improves transparency in government, helps government run more effectively, and educates government employees and the public.

Office of the Taxpayer Advocate - Helps ensure that the Department of Revenue (DOR) enforces the tax laws of the Commonwealth in a fair, impartial, and consistent manner.

Old Colony Planning Council (OCPC) - Addresses the multitude of problems that cross over local boundaries, such as air and water pollution, transportation deficiencies, and economic distress.

Operational Services Division (OSD) - Administers the procurement process by establishing statewide contracts for goods and services that ensure best value, provide customer satisfaction, and support the socioeconomic and environmental goals of the Commonwealth, and by providing specific operational services.


Parole Board - Grants paroles, supervises the parolee, and makes recommendations to the Governor in regard to pardons and commutations.

Pension Reserves Investment Management Board (PRIM) - Oversees the  Massachusetts Pension Reserves Investment Trust Fund (PRIT).

Personal Care Attendant Workforce Council (PCA) - Insures the quality of long term, in-home, personal care by recruiting, training, and stabilizing the work force of personal care attendants.

Pioneer Valley Planning Commission (PVPC) - Serves as the regional planning body for the Pioneer Valley region.

Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) Commission - Charged with creating a mandatory certification process for police officers, as well as processes for decertification, suspension of certification, or reprimand in the event of certain misconduct.

Plymouth County District Attorney - Is responsible for criminal prosecutions in Plymouth County, and commits to the protection of our children, our seniors, and our communities.

Plymouth County Sheriff's Department - Protects residents from criminal offenders, and provides public safety services and programs to the citizens of Plymouth County.

Probate and Family Court Department - Has jurisdiction over family-related matters such as divorce, paternity, child support, custody, visitation, adoption, termination of parental rights, and abuse prevention.

Public Employee Retirement Administration Commission (PERAC) - Provides guidance, monitoring, and regulation of the Massachusetts public pension systems.

Public Protection and Advocacy Bureau - Works to protect consumers from unfair and deception activity, enforces state and federal civil rights laws, ensures access and equal opportunity for all residents, advocates for protection of our environmental resources, pursues complex insurance and finance cases on behalf of residents or government entities, works towards affordable, high-quality health care for all, and enforces antitrust laws.

Public Records Division - Obtains approval to perform marriages, administers the oaths of office to gubernatorial appointments, applications for Notaries Public, certifies or places an Apostille on documents that leave the United States, gives information on the Public Records Law, and creates, manages, secures, and preserves government records.



Rail and Transit Division - Oversees the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) and all Regional Transit Authorities of the Commonwealth, and is responsible for all transit initiatives.

Regional Transit Authorities - Provides fixed route and paratransit service in communities across the state.

Registry of Deeds Division - Receives and records deeds and other instruments concerning titles to land, creating an index to locate land records.

Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV) - Administers drivers licenses and permits, vehicle registrations, and Mass IDs.

Registry of Vital Records - Collects, processes, corrects, and issues copies of birth records, marriage records, divorce information, and death records that occur in Massachusetts.


Secretary of the Commonwealth (Secretary of State) - Promotes the principal information resources for the state government of Massachusetts. Has information on elections and voting, doing business in Massachusetts, historical research, public records, registry of deeds, and other general information.

Securities Division - Protects the general public against fraud in the offers and sales of securities, unregistered or dishonest broker-dealers or investment advisory firms or their employees, and unregistered or fraudulent securities.

Senate - Consists of 40 members, with each Senator elected to represent a district consisting of approximately 159,000 people. As required by the Massachusetts Constitution, the Senate meets every 72 hours, year-round in either formal or informal session to consider legislation.

Sex Offender Registry Board (SORB) - Keeps a database of convicted sex offenders and classifies each offender so that the public may receive information about dangerous sex offenders who live or work in each community.

Southeastern Regional Planning and Economic Development District (SRPEDD) - Plans for the region's land use, transportation, economy, and environment while helping member cities and towns operate more efficiently.

State 911 Department - Coordinates, administrates, and implements enhanced 9-1-1 services throughout the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Provides equipment, database, network and technical support services to Public Safety Answering Points that serve as a first point of reception of a 9-1-1 call.

State Auditor’s Office (OSA) - Ensures that every dollar given to state government is a dollar well spent and that state agencies and contractors follow the rules when spending public funds.

State Board of Retirement - Administers the Massachusetts State Employees’ Retirement System for state employees and certain other employees of public entities.

State Ethics Commission - Fosters integrity in public service in state, county, and local government, promotes the public’s trust and confidence in that service, and prevents conflicts between private interests and public duties.

State House Tours Division - Guides visitors annually through the halls of the state's capitol building.

State Library of Massachusetts - Supports the research and information needs of government, libraries, and people through services and access to a comprehensive repository of state documents and other historical items.

State Police Crime Laboratory - Provides services such as DNA analysis, fingerprint identification, and chemical analysis of various types of evidence.

State Publications and Regulations Division - Oversees the State Bookstore, Massachusetts Register, Central Register, Code of Massachusetts Regulations, Goods and Services Bulletin, and Acts and Resolves.

State Reclamation and Mosquito Control Board (SRMCB) - Oversees mosquito control in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

State Records Center - Provides secure and economical records storage and retrieval services to state agencies.

State Retiree Benefits Trust Fund - Oversees the administration and investment management of funds set aside by the state and participating municipalities to address the liability associated with other post-employment benefits (OPEB).

State Universities and Colleges - Comprises campuses divided into community colleges and state universities including the University of Massachusetts.

Statewide Employment Services (SES) - Administers programs and provides supports to help people with the most severe disabilities exercise their right to choose, obtain, and retain meaningful community-based employment with long term supports as needed and be paid in accordance with their skills and abilities.

Statewide Head Injury Program (SHIP) - Identifies, cultivates, and develops resources and services for Massachusetts residents who have sustained an externally caused traumatic brain injury.

The Steamship Authority - Manages the transportation boat lines to Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket from Cape Cod.

Suffolk County Sheriff's Department - Protects residents from criminal offenders and provides public safety services and programs to the citizens of Suffolk County.

Suffolk District Attorney - Covers criminal prosecutions in Suffolk County. Other efforts include help for senior citizens and elderly victims, domestic violence and sexual assault victims, and victims of hate crimes.

Superior Court Department - Obtains original jurisdiction in civil actions over $25,000, and in matters where equitable relief is sought. It also has original jurisdiction in actions involving labor disputes where injunctive relief is sought, and has exclusive authority to convene medical malpractice tribunals.

Supplier Diversity Office (SDO) - Provides certification services for minority-owned businesses and women-owned businesses. The Supplier Diversity Program institutes policies to encourage the award of state contracts in a manner that develops and strengthens certified minority, veteran, and women business enterprises.

Supreme Judicial Court (SJC) - Hears appeals on a broad range of criminal and civil cases. It is the Commonwealth's highest appellate court.



Treasurer and Receiver General - Manages unclaimed property, State Board of Retirement, Commonwealth's daily cash flows, veterans' bonuses, state lottery, Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission, and other affiliated state programs.

Trial Court - Consists of seven Trial Court Departments: The Boston Municipal Court, the District Court, the Housing Court, the Juvenile Court, the Land Court, the Probate and Family Court, and the Superior Court.


Unclaimed Property - Reunites citizens with their unclaimed assets. This includes savings accounts, checking accounts, unpaid wages or commissions, stocks, underlying shares, uncashed dividends, customer deposits or overpayments, certificates of deposit, credit balances, refunds, money orders, paid-up life insurance policies, safe deposit boxes, and uncashed benefit checks. Unclaimed property does not pertain to land, houses or real estate of any kind.

Underground Storage Tank Program (UST) - Oversees the operations of two programs: The Petroleum Product Cleanup Fund and the Cities and Towns Municipal Grants Program.

University of Massachusetts Building Authority (UMBA) - Builds facilities on the University of Massachusetts campuses that could be financed from student fees and charges. Facilities include student dormitories, dining facilities, and parking garages.


Veterans' Home in Chelsea - Provides the highest quality of personal health care services to veterans of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Veterans' Home in Holyoke - Provides the highest quality of personal health care services to veterans of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.


Water Resources Commission (WRC) - Develops, coordinates, and oversees the Commonwealth's water policy and planning activities.

Worcester County District Attorney - Seeks justice through tough and fair prosecutions and helps prevent crime with a variety of community-based outreach programs in Worcester County.

Worcester County Sheriff's Office - Protects residents from criminal offenders and provides public safety services and programs to the citizens of Worcester County.

Workers’ Compensation Advisory Council (WCAC) - Monitors, recommends action, gives testimony, and reports on all aspects of the workers' compensation system, except the adjudication of particular claims or complaints.

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