Division of Occupational Licensure (DOL) Disciplinary Actions

DOL Disciplinary Actions

The DOL Disciplinary Actions spreadsheet contains a summary of recent disciplinary actions taken by each of the Agency's 26 professional licensing boards. The spreadsheet reflects all disciplinary actions issued during the current calendar year and is updated monthly, typically within the first week of each month. Data for each of the agency's licensing boards is separated by tabs, in alphabetical order, along the bottom of the spreadsheet.

Disclaimer: The "DPL Nature Codes" document below provides a key for understanding the data listed in Column D of each spreadsheet. The nature code is an internal reference assigned to a complaint when it is initially filed with the agency and summarizes the core allegation(s) made in the complaint. The nature code listed for a disciplinary action noted on the spreadsheet may or may not reflect the totality of the allegations made in the underlying complaint, nor reflect the allegation(s) upon which the final disposition of the complaint relied upon.

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