- Posted: November 18, 2019 4:53 p.m.
- Last Updated: December 30, 2019 2:12 p.m.
- This page, GIC Commission Meeting, is offered by
- Group Insurance Commission
Public Meeting Notice GIC Commission Meeting
Overview of GIC Commission Meeting
GIC Commission Meetings are scheduled to inform, discuss, and vote on group insurance benefits and business process.
Meeting Minutes
**Please note: The sequence of the agenda is under review and may change as a result of Commissioner feedback**
I. Approval of September 19, 2019 Meeting Minutes (VOTE)
II. Director’s Report (INFORM)
- Review of Commission Calendar and workflows
- Overview of the Annual Stewardship Meetings with benefit vendors
- State Audit related to Pharmacy Benefit Managers
- Flu Campaign
- Space Planning –Redevelopment of the Hurley Building
- Legislative Update
III. Highlights from the Cost Trend Hearings (INFORM)
- Presentations by the Health Policy Commission (HPC) and the Center for Health Information and Analysis (CHIA) providing highlights from the 2019 Cost Trend Hearings with a GIC focus.
- FY2020 First Quarter Financial Performance report
V. Contracts &Amendments (VOTE, INFORM)
- Audit Recommendation (VOTE)
Recommendation to the commission for approval of the apparent successful bidder in the GIC’s health plan auditor procurement.
- Procurement Updates (INFORM)Ongoing procurements for Life/LTD Consultant and the Data Warehouse
VI. GIC Modernization (INFORM)
- Update on status of myGICLink development, training, and launch preparation activities
VII. In Closing: Out & About, Misc. Updates, Wrap-Up, Discussion & Other Business(INFORM)