- This page, Legislative and Budget Subcommittee Meeting, is offered by
- Permanent Commission on the Status of Persons with Disabilities
Public Meeting Notice Legislative and Budget Subcommittee Meeting
Overview of Legislative and Budget Subcommittee Meeting
This is a meeting of the Legislative and Budget Subcommittee of the permanent Commission on the Status of Persons with Disabilities. This subcommittee will serve as a clearing house of legislative and budget priorities for the commission, track those priorities and provide regular updates to the full Commission on legislative and budget activity.
- Welcome, Roll Call, Approval of July Minutes
- Guest Speakers Executive Director Colin Killick from the Disability Policy Consortium on Health Equity.
- Actions items for next meeting
- Adjournment
Next Meeting Dates: 11/18/24 at 11 am
Meeting information:
- Meeting will be held virtually via Zoom webinar and live streamed for the public at https://malegislature.gov/Commissions/Detail/567/Hearings
- ASL and CART interpreters have been requested.
- CART service will be available embedded in Zoom with captions and through a separate URL: https://www.streamtext.net/player?event=StatehouseADA
- For accessibility requests and other questions, contact Imene Bouziane Saidi at imene.bouzianesaidi@mass.gov
Stay Updated and Upcoming Events: - To receive updates from the Commission, members of the public can sign up here: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/WWIIUNL
- To view details from previous meetings, visit: https://www.mass.gov/orgs/permanent-commission-on-the-status-of-persons-with-disabilities