of Notice of Meeting and Agenda: Cannabis Control Commission
Call to Order
Introduction of Members and Attendees
Opening statement by the Chairman
Discussion of required elements of Commission Mission Statement and process for developing and approving
Election of Secretary and Treasurer
Discussion and adoption of Roberts’ Rules of Order until such time as Commission procedures are adopted
Discussion of adoption of interim procurement and hiring rules until Commission procedures are adopted
Discussion of appointment of Acting/Interim Executive Director until selection of Executive Director
Discussion of approval for Acting/Interim Executive Director to approve start-up expenditures for normal and necessary business expenses, equipment, space, and payroll needs to be later ratified by the Commission.
Discussion of immediate needs hire of Executive Assistant, Chief Fiscal Officer, Director of Communications, and other staffing
Discussion and assignments of Commission statutory tasks and constituency outreach
New Business reserved for topics the Chair did not anticipate at the time of posting
Next Meeting (if date known)
Additional Resources
for Notice of Meeting and Agenda: Cannabis Control Commission