- Posted: September 16, 2019 11:01 a.m.
- Last Updated: September 16, 2019 11:15 a.m.
- This page, Notice of public hearing concerning Partners HealthCare, Inc., is offered by
- Department of Public Health
Public Meeting Notice Notice of public hearing concerning Partners HealthCare, Inc.
Overview of Notice of public hearing concerning Partners HealthCare, Inc.
Notice is hereby given that the Massachusetts Department of Public Health will conduct a hearing to permit comment on an application for Determination of Need (DoN) filed on August 1, 2019 by Partners HealthCare, Inc. (Applicant), located at 800 Boylston Street, Suite 1150, Boston, MA 02199 for the acquisition of DoN required equipment of one magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) unit, and one computed tomography (CT) unit for its licensed satellite, the “Brigham and Women’s/Mass General Health Care Center at Foxborough,” located at 20 Patriot Place, Foxborough, MA 02035. The Proposed Project also includes certain internal renovations of the satellite with no expansion in the square footage of the satellite. The total value of the Proposed Project based on the maximum capital expenditure is $9,476,208.
Such hearing shall not be adjudicatory but shall be in the nature of a public forum for the presentation of any comments that may be relevant for consideration by the Department of the proposed project. Persons wishing to make their views known may appear at the hearing or may submit written comments to the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Determination of Need Program, 250 Washington Street, 6th floor, Boston, MA 02108. Written comments will be accepted up until 5 p.m. on Monday, October 7, 2018. Persons with disabilities needing special accommodations at the hearing should contact Julia Raymond (508) 718-4309 in advance of the meeting.