- This page, Workforce Supports Subcommittee Meeting, is offered by
- Permanent Commission on the Status of Persons with Disabilities
Public Meeting Notice
Public Meeting Notice Workforce Supports Subcommittee Meeting
Contact for Workforce Supports Subcommittee Meeting
Contact Us
24 Beacon Street, PO BOX 34, Boston, MA 02133
Overview of Workforce Supports Subcommittee Meeting
This subcommittee will collect data and analyze initiatives that address the workforce crisis for people who provide services to individuals with disabilities.
- Welcome, Roll Call
- Caregiver to Caregiver Respite Network Presentation by Elizabeth Bostic, Assistant Director for the Division for Children and Youth with Special Health Needs at the MA Department of Public Health
- Adjournment
Meeting information:
- Meeting will be held virtually via Zoom webinar and live streamed for the public at https://malegislature.gov/Commissions/Detail/567/Hearings
- ASL and CART interpretation services have been requested.
- CART URL: https://www.streamtext.net/player?event=StatehouseADA
- For accessibility requests and other questions, contact Imene Bouziane Saidi at imene.bouzianesaidi@mass.gov
Stay Updated:
- To receive updates from the Commission, members of the public can sign up here: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/WWIIUNL
- To view details from previous meetings, visit: https://www.mass.gov/orgs/permanent-commission-on-the-status-of-persons-with-disabilities
Additional Resources for Workforce Supports Subcommittee Meeting
Contact for Workforce Supports Subcommittee Meeting
24 Beacon Street, PO BOX 34, Boston, MA 02133