21C - Massachusetts General Law Chapter 21C.
21E - Massachusetts General Law Chapter 21E.
µg - microgram.
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21C - Massachusetts General Law Chapter 21C.
21E - Massachusetts General Law Chapter 21E.
µg - microgram.
AAL - Allowable Ambient Limit in air.
ACEC - Area of Critical Environmental Concern.
ACO - Administrative Consent Order.
ADD - Average Daily Dose of a contaminant received by a receptor of concern.
ADE - Average Daily Exposure.
ADSCR - Average Daily Soil Contact Rate.
ADSIR - Average Daily Soil Intake Rate.
AEPMM - Active Exposure Pathway Mitigation Measure
AF - Absorbed Fraction, the fraction of OHM in soil absorbed through the skin.
AHERA - Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (1986)
AP - Averaging Period.
ARAR - Applicable or Relevant and Appropriate Requirement.
AST - Above Ground Storage Tank.
ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials.
ATC - Allowable Threshold Concentration.
ATSDR - the U.S. Agency for Toxic Substance and Disease Registry.
AUL - Activity and Use Limitation.
AWQC - Ambient Water Quality Criteria.
BDAT - Best Demonstrated Available Technology.
BDL - Below Detection Limit.
bgs - below ground surface.
BNA - Base- Neutral and Acid Extractable Organics.
BOD - Biological Oxygen Demand.
BOH - Board of Health.
BOL - Bill of Lading.
BPP - MA DEP Bureau of Policy and Planning.
BTEX - Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene and Xylenes.
BW - Body Weight of the receptor of concern during the period of exposure.
BWP - the Massachusetts DEP Bureau of Waste Prevention.
BWR - the Massachusetts DEP Bureau of Water Resources.
BWSC - the Massachusetts DEP Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup.
C - either (a) Celsius or Centigrade or units Conversion factor.
c.21E - Massachusetts General Law Chapter 21E
CAA - the federal Clean Air Act.
CAFE - Corporate Average Fuel Economy [standard]
CAG - the U.S. EPA's Carcinogen Assessment Group.
CAS - Chemical Abstract Service.
CDF - Confined Disposal Facility.
CEP - Critical Exposure Pathway
CERCLA - U.S. Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980.
CERCLIS - Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System.
CERO - MA DEP Central Regional Office.
CFC - chlorofluorocarbon.
CFR - Code of Federal Regulation.
CMR - Code of Massachusetts Regulation.
CMO - Chief Municipal Officer.
COC - Contaminant of Concern.
COD - Chemical Oxygen Demand.
CRA - Comprehensive Response Action.
CWA - the federal Clean Water Act.
DAD - Dead and Decomposing
DAQC - the Massachusetts DEP Division of Air Quality Control
dB - Decibel.
DCE - Dichloroethylene.
DDD - 2,2- bis(p- chlorophenyl)- 1,1- dichloroethane.
DDE - dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene.
DDT - 1,1,1- trichloro- 2,2- bis(p- chlorophenyl)ethane.
DEIR - Draft Environmental Impact Report.
DEP - the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection.
DEQE - the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Quality Engineering, which is the former name of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection.
DHM - the Massachusetts DEP Division of Hazardous Materials.
DNAPL - Dense Non- Aqueous Phase Liquid.
DO - Dissolved Oxygen.
DOD - the U.S. Department of Defense.
DOE - the U.S. Department of Energy.
DOI - the U.S. Department of the Interior.
DOJ - the U.S. Department of Justice.
DOT - the U.S. Department of Transportation.
DPH - the Massachusetts Department of Public Health.
DPS - either: (a) Downgradient Property Status or (b) the Massachusetts Department of Public Safety.
DQO - Data Quality Objectives.
DRE - Destruction Removal Efficiency.
DSWM - the Massachusetts DEP Division of Solid Waste Management.
DWPC - the Massachusetts DEP Division of Water Pollution Control.
DWS - the Massachusetts DEP Division of Water Supply. (Now the Drinking Water Program, DWP)
DWW - MA DEP Division of Wetlands and Waterways.
E/P - Evaporation/percolation.
ECD - Electron Capture Detector.
ED - Exposure Duration.
EDB - Ethylene Dibromide
EF - Exposure Frequency.
EHS - Extremely Hazardous Substance.
EIR - Environmental Impact Report.
EIS - Environmental Impact Statement.
ELCR - Excess Lifetime Cancer Risk.
ENF - Environmental Notification Form.
EOEA - Massachusetts Executive Office of Environmental Affairs.
EP - Exposure Period.
EPA - the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
EPC - Exposure Point Concentration.
EPCRA - Emergency Planning and Community Right- to- Know Act.
EPH - Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons.
ERL - Effects Range Low
ERM - Effects Range Median
ESP - Electrostatic Precipitator.
eV - Electron Volt.
FB - Field Blank.
FEIR - Final Environmental Impact Report.
FEIS - Final Environmental Impact Statement.
FI - Food Intake.
FID - Flame Ionization Detector.
FIFRA - the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act.
FNSI - Finding of No Significant Impact.
FOIA - Freedom of Information Act.
FONSEI - Finding Of No Significant Environmental Impact.
FP - Flash Point.
FS - Feasibility Study.
FSP - Field Sampling Plan.
FY - Fiscal Year.
GAC - Granulated Activated Carbon.
GAO - the U.S. General Accounting Office.
GC - Gas chromatography.
GC/ECD - Gas Chromatography/Electron Capture Detector.
GC/MS - Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry.
GC/FID - Gas Chromatography/Flame Ionization Detector.
GC/PID - Gas Chromatography/Photoionization Detector.
GEIR - Generic Environmental Impact Report
GIS - Geographic Information System.
GPM - Gallons per Minute.
GW - Ground Water.
GW- 1 - the groundwater category GW- 1.
GW- 2 - the groundwater category GW- 2.
GW- 3 - the groundwater category GW- 3.
GWTP - Ground Water Treatment Plant.
H&S - Health and Safety.
HAP - Hazardous Air Pollutant.
HASP - Health and Safety Plan.
HAZWOPER - Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response.
HCFC - Hydrochlorofluorocarbons.
HCS - Hazardous Communication Standard.
HDPE - High- Density Polyethylene.
HEAST - U.S. EPA's Health Effects Assessment Summary Tables.
HI - Hazard Index.
HMTA - Hazardous Material Transportation Act.
HMTUSA - Hazardous Material Transportation Uniform Safety Act.
HPLC - High- performance liquid chromatography.
HQ - Hazard Quotient.
HRS - Hazard Ranking System.
HSA - Hollow Stem Auger.
HSWA - the federal Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (1984).
HM - Hazardous Material.
HW - Hazardous Waste.
IARC - International Agency for Research on Cancer.
ICAP - Inductively Coupled Argon Plasma emissions Spectroscopy.
ICP - Inductively Coupled Plasma atomic emission spectroscopy.
IDL - Instrument Detection Limit.
IDLH - Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health.
IH - Imminent Hazard.
IM - Interim Measure.
IR - either: (a) Infra- Red or (b) Ingestion Rate.
IRA - Immediate Response Action.
IRAC - Immediate Response Action Completion [Report].
IRAP - Immediate Response Action Plan.
IRIS - US EPA's Integrated Risk Information System.
ISV - In- Situ Volatilization.
IT - Innovative Technology.
IWPA - Interim Wellhead Protection Area.
IWTP - Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant.
kg - kilogram.
L - liter.
LADD - Lifetime Average Daily Dose.
LADSCR - Lifetime Average Daily Soil Contact Rate normalized to bodyweight.
LADSIR - Lifetime Average Daily Soil Intake Rate normalized to bodyweight.
LAER - Lowest Achievable Emission Rate.
LC50 - Lethal Concentration, 50%.
LD50 - Lethal Dose, 50%.
LDR - Land Disposal Restrictions.
LEL - Lower Explosive Limit.
LEPC - Local Emergency Planning Committee.
LLRW - Low Level Radioactive Waste.
LNAPL - Light Non- Aqueous Phase Liquid.
LOAEL - Lowest Observed Adverse Effects Level
LOEL - Lowest Observed Effects Level
LRA - Limited Removal Action.
LSP - Licensed Site Professional.
LTBI - Location To Be Investigated.
LTTD - Low Temperature Thermal Desorption.
LUST - Leaking Underground Storage Tank.
m - meter.
MACT - Maximum Available Control Technology.
MA DEP - the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection.
MCL - Maximum Contaminant Level.
MCP - Massachusetts Contingency Plan.
MDL - Method Detection Limit.
MEK - Methyl Ethyl Ketone.
MEPA - Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act.
MF - Modifying Factor.
mg - milligram.
MGL - Massachusetts General Law.
MMCL - Massachusetts Maximum Contaminant Level.
MOHML - Massachusetts Oil and Hazardous Material List.
MOU - Memorandum of Understanding.
MS - Mass spectrometry.
MS/MSD - Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate.
MSDS - Material Safety Data Sheet.
MSL - Mean Sea Level.
MSR - Material Shipment Record.
MTBE - Methyl tertiary- Butyl Ether.
MW - either: (a) Molecular Weight or (b) Monitoring Well.
NAAQS - National Ambient Air Quality Standards.
NAPL - Non- Aqueous Phase Liquid.
NCP - National Contingency Plan.
ND - either (a) Not Detected or (b) Non- Detect.
NEPA - National Environmental Policy Act.
NERO - MA DEP Northeast Regional Office.
NESHAP - National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants.
NFA - No Further Action.
ng - nanogram.
NOx - Nitrous Oxides.
NOAA - National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration.
NOAEL - No Observed Adverse Effects Level.
NOEL - No Observed Effects Level
NOHSCP - National Oil and Hazardous Substance Contingency Plan.
NON - Notice of Noncompliance.
NOR - Notice of Responsibility.
NORA - Notice of Response Action.
NPDES - National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System.
NPDWSA - Non-Potential Drinking Water Source Area
NPL - National Priorities List.
NPOTW - Non-Publicly Owned Treatment Works
NRD - Natural Resource Damage.
NRS - Numerical Ranking System.(note: discontinued 2014)
NSPS - New Source Performance Standard.
NSR - No Significant Risk.
O&M - Operation and Maintenance.
OHM - Oil and/or Hazardous Material.
ORS - DEP Office of Research and Standards.
ORW - Outstanding Resource Water.
OSC - On- Scene Coordinator.
OSHA - the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
OTA - [Massachusetts] Office of Technology Assessment.
OWM - [Massachusetts] Office of Watershed Management
PAHs - Polycyclic (or Polynuclear) Aromatic Hydrocarbons.
PAN - Penalty Assessment Notice.
Pb - lead.
PCBs - Polychlorinated Biphenyls.
PCDDs - Polychlorinated Dibenzo Dioxins
PCDFs - Polychlorinated Dibenzo Furans
PCE - Perchloroethylene (Tetrachloroethylene).
PDWSA - Potential Drinking Water Source Area
PEL - OSHA Permissible Exposure Limit.
PID - Photoionization Detector.
PIP - Public Involvement Plan.
PM10 - Particulate Matter, 10 microns.
POTS - Permanent or Temporary Solution
POTW - Publicly Owned Treatment Works.
PPA - either: (a) Potentially Productive Aquifer or (b) Pollution Prevention Act.
ppb - parts per billion.
PPE - Personal protective equipment.
ppm - parts per million.
ppm/v - parts per million by volume
ppt - parts per trillion.
PQL - Practical Quantitation Limit.
PRA - Preliminary Response Action.
PRP - Potentially Responsible Party.
PSD - Prevention of Significant Deterioration
PSC - Permanent Solution with Conditions
PSNC - Permanent Solution with no Conditions.
PTS - Permanent or Temporary Solution
PVC - Polyvinyl Chloride.
q1* - the US EPA's Cancer Assessment Group's published cancer slope value.
QA - Quality assurance.
QC - Quality control.
RACT - Reasonably Available Control Technology.
RAF - Relative Absorption Factor.
RAM - Release Abatement Measure.
RAO - Response Action Outcome.
RAO- P - Response Action Outcome - Partial.
RAPS - Response Action Performance Standard.
RC - Reportable Concentration.
RCGW- 1 - the groundwater Reporting Category RCGW- 1.
RCGW- 2 - the groundwater Reporting Category RCGW- 2.
RCRA - Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976.
RCS- 1 - the soil Reporting Category RCS- 1.
RCS- 2 - the soil Reporting Category RCS- 2.
RfC - U.S. EPA's published Reference Concentration.
RfD - U.S. EPA's published Reference Dose.
RFI - either: (a) Request for Information or (b) RCRA Facility Investigation.
RFP - Request for Proposals.
RI/FS - Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study.
RIP - Remedy Implementation Plan.
RLF - Release Log Form.
RLFA - Release Log Form Amendment.
RNF - Release Notification Form.
ROD - Record of Decision.
ROS - Remedy Operation Status.
RP - either: (a) Responsible Party or (b) Respirable Particulates.
RQ - Reportable Quantity.
RQD - Rock Quality Designation.
RRT - Regional Response Team.
RTECS - Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances.
RTN - Release Tracking Number.
S- 1 - the soil category S- 1.
S- 2 - the soil category S- 2.
S- 3 - the soil category S- 3.
SA - Skin Surface Area in contact with the contaminated soil on days exposed.
SCBA - Self- Contained Breathing Apparatus.
SDWA - the federal Safe Drinking Water Act.
SERO - MA DEP Southeast Regional Office.
SIC - Standard Industrial Classification.
SIP - State Implementation Plan.
SITE - Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation.
SO2 - Sulfur Dioxide.
SOP - Standard Operating Procedure.
SOW - Scope of Work.
SPCC - Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures Plan.
SRM - Substantial Release Migration.
STEL - Short- Term Exposure Limit.
SVE - Soil Vapor Extraction.
SVOC - Semi- volatile Organic Compound.
SW - either: (a) Surface Water or (b) Solid Waste.
TAG - Technical Assistance Grant.
TCA - Trichloroethane.
TCDD - Tetrachlorinated Dibenzo Dioxin
TCDF - Tetrachlorinated Dibenzo Furan.
TCE - Trichloroethylene.
TCLP - Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure.
TEF - Toxicity Equivalency Factor.
TEL - Threshold Effects Level in air.
TEQ - Toxicity Equivalent.
TICs - Tentatively Identified Compounds.
TMPS - Temporary Solution
TLV - OSHA Threshold Limit Value.
TOR - Threat of Release.
TOV - Total Organic Vapors.
TPH/IR - Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons measured using Infrared Analysis.
TPH/GC/PID - Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons measured using Gas Chromatography and a Photo- Ionization Detector.
TPH/GC/FID - Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons measured using Gas Chromatography and a Flame Ionization Detector.
TPH - Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons.
TQ - Threshold Quantity.
TRC - Technical Review Criteria
TRI - Toxic Release Inventory.
TSCA - the Federal Toxic Substances Control Act.
TSDF - Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facility.
TWA - Time Weighted Average.
UCL - either: (a) Upper Concentration Limit or (b) Upper Confidence Limit
UF - Uncertainty Factor.
ug - microgram.
UIC - Underground Injection Control.
UR - Unit Risk value.
URAM - Utility- related Abatement Measure.
US EPA - United States Environmental Protection Agency.
USACE - United States Army Corps of Engineers.
USCG - U.S. Coast Guard.
USGS - U.S. Geological Survey.
UST - Underground Storage Tank.
UTM - Universal Transverse Mercator.
UV - Ultra- Violet.
VI - Volume Ingested.
VI - Vapor Intrusion.
VOC - Volatile Organic Compound.
VPH - Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons.
VR - Volume Respired.
WERO - MA DEP Western Regional Office.
WES - Wall Experiment Station.
WQC - [Ambient] Water Quality Criteria.
WWTP - Waste Water Treatment Plant
XRF - X-Ray Fluorescence