State Staffing Flexibility, implies that all Trade Readjustment Assistance (TRA) eligibility must follow exhaustion of Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA). Does this mean that PUA eligibility reduces TRA maximum entitlement as provided at 20 CFR 617.14?
No. PUA eligibility does not reduce the TRA maximum entitlement provided by 20 CFR 617.14.
The Trade Act, as amended, and the regulatory citation at 20 CFR 617.14 require that the maximum TRA payable be reduced by the amount of UI available to the individual, including:
- Regular compensation;
- Extended compensation; and
- Federal supplemental compensation (including Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation in the first UI benefit period only.
PUA eligibility is like Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA), as will be explained later, and is not included in the applicable reductions to TRA. While the regulations define UI entitlement to include additional compensation payable under state law, it does not apply since the 2002 amendments to the Act became effective. Any applicable reductions to the maximum TRA entitlement are applicable to Basic TRA only.
Additional and/or Completion TRA are payable for a specific number of weeks to assist the individual complete TAA training. Any UI entitlement available to the individual during the period in which Additional and/or Completion TRA are payable only suspend the TRA eligibility. It does not reduce the maximum number of weeks payable for Additional and/or Completion TRA. There may be a reduction in the weekly amount payable as a result of a pension or other disqualifying income under state law.
PUA eligibility, similar to DUA eligibility, as provided at 20 CFR 625.4(i) requires that the individual not be eligible for “compensation” as defined at 20 CFR 625.2(d). “Compensation” under the DUA regulations, which also govern PUA, includes any unemployment compensation as defined in section 85(b) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 as well as regular compensation, additional compensation, extended compensation, federal supplementary compensation, and disability payments. It further includes Railroad Unemployment Insurance benefits and TRA. This establishes DUA and PUA as the payment of last resort such that there is an extremely limited opportunity for DUA and PUA to be paid before TRA.
An individual receiving Basic TRA whose TAA training is interrupted for a COVID-19 related reason may continue receiving Basic TRA as provided at 20 CFR 617.18(b)(2) if the cessation in such training is for justifiable cause. An individual whose TAA approved training is interrupted for a COVID-19 related reason cannot receive Additional/Completion TRA because these benefits require “actual” participation in TAA training. The latter individual may be eligible for PUA benefits, but, as explained above, PUA eligibility has no effect on TRA.