Septic System Additives Allowed for Use Under Title 5

If you want to know whether you can use a particular additive in your septic system, check this list.

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Title 5 (310 CMR 15.000) allows the use of septic system additives under certain conditions: see 310 CMR 15.027. The manufacturer must show that an additive will not harm the system or the environment when properly used.

The Department's decision to allow the use of an additive is not an endorsement or approval of the product. If a product is not on this list, MassDEP has not approved it for use.

Please note that:

  • The applicability of this list may vary depending on where you live. Some municipalities do not allow use of septic system additives. Please check with your local Board of Health before buying one of these products.

  • Allowing the use of a product does not guarantee that it is available in Massachusetts.

Additional Resources   for Overview

Septic System Additives Currently Allowed for Use in Massachusetts

Most recent update: February 5, 2020

  1. 2430SB (septic system additive), Septic Technology, 5 Blossom Road, POB 990 Plaistow, NH. Contact person - Sheldon Wolff.
  2. ABS Formula 77 (septic system additive), Fore Green Solutions LLC. Contact person - E. Patrick Griffin (978-798-1010)
  3. Advanced Formula Rid-X (septic system additive), Reckitt Benckiser, Inc., 399 Interpace Parkway, Parsippany, NJ 07054-0225. Contact person - Jennifer DeCarlo.
  4. After Shock (Septic System Additive), Natures Way Laboratories Inc., Contact Person: Joyce M. Gresh 508 – 563 - 5040.
  5. Aid-Ox (septic system additive), Hercules Chemical Company, Inc. Contact person - Wayne Merrifield (800-221-9330). NOTE: Use of this additive is restricted. See approval letter.
  6. Bacta-Pur Activator GS (septic system additive), IET-Aquaresearch Ltd., Bacta Pur, 97 Cove St., New Bedford, MA 02744. Contact person - Dr. Ehrlich.
  7. Bacta-Pur XLG (septic system additive,) IET-Aquaresearch Ltd., Bacta Pur, 97 Cove St., New Bedford, MA 02744. Contact person - Dr. Ehrlich.
  8. BAM. Environmental Operating Solutions, Inc., 4A Colonel Drive, Bourne, MA, 02543. Contact person - Eric Stoermer
  9. Bio Choice ES (septic system additive), Osprey Biotechnics, 2530 Trailmate Drive, Sarasota, FL, 34243. Contact person - Peter Vandenbergh, VP.
  10. Bio Clear (septic system additive), Middlesex Sewer Service, P.O. Box 7, Billerica, MA 01862. Contact person - Robert Griffin.
  11. Bio Jet-7 (septic system additive), Jet, Inc. 175 Spring Street, Rockland, MA 02370. Contact person - Stephen Nelson.
  12. Bio One (septic system additive), One Biotechnology, P.O. Box 758, Oneco, FL 34264. Contact person - Jeff Aronson (941-355-8451 ext. 121)
  13. Bio Rem Gt (soil absorption system conditioner/restorative). Contact person - Robert Caldwell (978-266-1221 or 1-800-370-0077)
  14. Bio Rem St (septic system additive), Caldwell Environmental. Contact person - Robert Caldwell, 978-266-1221 or 1-800-370-0077.
  15. BioBen (septic system additive), Osprey Biotechnics. Contact person - Christopher Reuter (941-351-2700)
  16. Bio-Charge (septic system additive), InSinkErator; 4700 21st Street, Racine, WI 53406. Contact person - Frank Stritesky.
  17. Bio-Clean (septic system additive), Kinzie & Payne Biochemical Corp., 953 Gardenview Office Parkway, St. Louis, MO 63141. Contact person - Richard Kinzie, VP.
  18. Bio-Pad Grease Trap Treatment (septic system additive), Aqua-Novus Corporation, 35 Pinelawn Road Suite 208E, Melville, NY 11747. Contact person - Mark Pesonen.
  19. Bioprime (septic system additive), Bioprime Co., 12 Greenbriar Road, Box 685, Wading River, NY 11792. Contact person - Raymond Wiwczar.
  20. BIO-REM E-D/Bluewater Power-PAC (septic system additive), Cape Cod Biochemical Co., P.O.Box 990, Pocasset, MA 02559. Contact person - Rick Howe.
  21. Bioshield Drain Treatment (septic system additive), Kay Chemical Company. Contact person - Tracy Graham (336-931-2544)
  22. BioSmart (septic system additive), Osprey Biotechnics. Contact person - Christopher Reuter (941-351-2700)
  23. Biostart Septaid Plus (septic system additive), Bio-Cat Microbials. Contact person - Steve Lamb (952-445-4251)
  24. Biostart Septaid Ultra (septic system additive), Bio-Cat Microbials. Contact person - Steve Lamb (952-445-4251)
  25. Biowish Septic Rescue (septic system additive), Biowish Technologies, Inc. Contact person - Dale Schmidt (312-572-6730)
  26. Biowish Septic Tank Aid (septic system additive), Biowish Technologies, Inc. Contact person - Dale Schmidt (312-572-6730)
  27. Breakthru Septic Tank & Cesspool Maintainer (septic system additive), Hercules Chemical Company, Inc., 111 South Street, Passaic, NJ 07055. Contact person - David Siegal.
  28. Breakthru Septic Tank & Cesspool Restorer (septic system additive), Hercules Chemical Company, Inc., 111 South Street, Passaic, NJ 07055. Contact person - David Siegal.
  29. CCLS (septic system additive), Cape Cod Biochemical Co., P.O.Box 990, Pocasset, MA 02559. Contact person - Rick Howe.
  30. Clearflow (septic system additive), National Septic System Maintenance Partnership, 385 Court St., Suite 301, Plymouth, MA 02360. Contact person - Michael J. McLellan.
  31. CLR Septic (septic system additive), Osprey Biotechnics. Contact person - Christopher Reuter (941-351-2700)
  32. Commercial Rid-X Septic System Treatment (septic system additive), Reckitt Benckiser, Inc. Contact person - Amanda Landolt (973-404-2647)
  33. Concentrated Formula Rid-X (septic system additive), Reckitt Benckiser, Inc., 399 Interpace Parkway, Parsippany, NJ 07054-0225. Contact person - Jennifer DeCarlo.
  34. Custom GT (septic system additive), Custom Biologicals, Inc. Contact person - Charles Baugh (561-998-1699)
  35. Custom ST (septic system additive), Custom Biologicals, Inc. Contact person - Charles Baugh (561-998-1699)
  36. Digestase APD 900 (septic system additive), Athea Laboratories. Contact person - Debra Lynch (414-354-6417)
  37. Drain Care Concentrated Liquid Septic System Treatment (septic system additive), Acuity Specialty Products, Inc. Contact person - Michele Wooten (404-352-1680)
  38. Drain Free (septic system additive), General Environmental Science Corp. Contact person - John Wong (216-464-0680)
  39. DrainMaster (septic system additive), Cape Cod Biochemical Company. Contact person - Rick Howe (508-563-5040)
  40. Drano Advanced Septic Treatment (septic system additive), S.C. Johnson & Sons, Inc. Contact person - Charles Boyd (262-260-0256)
  41. Dr. Drain® Natural Septic Treatment (Septic System Additive), Scotch Corporation. Contact Person - Robert Adams (1-855-552-6789)
  42. Earthworm Family Safe Drain Cleaner (septic system additive), Positive Industries. Contact person - Richard Greer (732-303-6414)
  43. Earthworm Septic (septic system additive), Positive Industries. Contact person - Richard Greer (732-303-6414)
  44. Earthworm Septic Liquid (septic system additive), Positive Attitude/Earthworm Corporation. Contact person - Richard Greer (888-728-5770)
  45. Eco Solve 2000 (septic system additive), Microclean Environmental, Inc., P.O. Box 427, Spicewood, Texas 78669. Contact person - Jerome Guinn.
  46. EcoHancer (septic system additive), Greenovative Technologies. Contact person - Dan Weintraub (856-234-4540)
  47. Eco-Save Original Formula Concentrate/Fragrance Enhanced Holding Tank Product (septic system additive), JWH Distributing/Eco-Save Products, 1000 McDonald Avenue, Santa Rosa, CA 95404. Contact person - Jim Harrison.
  48. Enforcer Drain Care Two Month Septic System Treatment (septic system additives), Acuity Specialty Products, Inc. Contact person - Michelle Wooten (404-352-1680)
  49. Enforcer Septi-Pac Concentrated Septic System Treatment (septic system additive), Acuity Specialty Products, Inc. Contact person - Michelle Wooten (404-352-1680)
  50. Enforcer Septi-Pac Septic System Treatment (septic system additive), Acuity Specialty Products, Inc. Contact person - Michelle Wooten (404-352-1680)
  51. Environmental Biotech Grease Eradication System (septic system additive), Environmental Biotech, Inc., 26 Middle Road, Newbury, MA 01951. Contact person - William F. Hadley.
  52. Flush (septic system additive), General Environmental Science Corp. Contact person - John Wong (216-464-0680)
  53. Green Gobbler Industrial Septic Pods G8038, PurposeBuilt Brands, 755 Tri-State Parkway, Gurnee, IL. Contact person - Bradley Burright (847-856-7299). Safety Data Sheet.
  54. Green Gobbler Industrial Septic Saver Powder G8045, PurposeBuilt Brands, 755 Tri-State Parkway, Gurnee, IL. Contact person - Bradley Burright (847-856-7299). Safety Data Sheet.
  55. Green Gobbler Septic Gobbler Septic Power G8044, PurposeBuilt Brands, 755 Tri-State Parkway, Gurnee, IL. Contact person - Bradley Burright (847-856-7299) Safety Data Sheet.
  56. Green Gobbler Septic Saver (Septic System Additive), Ecoclean Solutions Inc. Contact person - Eric Sternberg (516-724-0918)
  57. Green Pig Septic Tank Treatment (septic system additive), Green Pig, Inc. Contact person - Brian Goodman (614-775-0129)
  58. HDX Septic System Treatment (septic system additive), Scotch Corporation. Contact person - Lawrence Siegel (800-334-2077)
  59. Huish Septic System Treatment (septic system additive), Huish Detergents, Inc. Contact person - Michelle Comas ( 801-975-8527)
  60. Instant Power Commercial Drain Cleaner (septic system additive), Scotch Corporation. Contact person - Lawrence Siegel (800-334-2077)
  61. Instant Power Professional Commercial Drain Cleaner (septic system additive), Scotch Corporation. Contact person - Lawrence Siegel (800-334-2077)
  62. Instant Power Professional Concentrated Septic System Treatment Pacs (Septic System Additive), Scotch Corporation. Contact Person: Jacqueline Nelson 1-800-334-2077
  63. Instant Power Professional Septic Shock Reconditioner (septic system additive), Scotch Corporation. Contact person - Lawrence Siegel (800-334-2077)
  64. Instant Power Professional Septic System Treatment (septic system additive), Scotch Corporation. Contact person - Lawrence Siegel (800-334-2077)
  65. Instant Power Septic Shock (septic system additive), Scotch Corporation. Contact person - Lawrence Siegel (800-334-2077)
  66. Instant Power Septic System Treatment (septic system additive), Scotch Corporation. Contact person - Lawrence Siegel (214-943-4605)
  67. Instant Power Septic System Treatment Dissolving Pacs (septic system additive), Scotch Corporation. Contact person - Jacqueline Nelson (214-920-9119)
  68. Instant Power Septic System & Cesspool Treatment (septic system additive), Scotch Corporation. Contact person - Lawrence Siegel (800-334-2077)
  69. JumpStart (Septic System Additive), Natures Way Laboratories Inc., Contact Person: Joyce M. Gresh 508 - 563 - 5040.
  70. Klean Drain (septic system additive), IET-Aquaresearch Ltd., Bacta Pur, 97 Cove St., New Bedford, MA 02744. Contact person - Dr. Ehrlich.
  71. Klean Septic (septic system additive), IET-Aquaresearch Ltd., Bacta Pur, 97 Cove St., New Bedford, MA 02744. Contact person - Dr. Ehrlich.
  72. K-Zyme Bioac P Plus (septic system additive), The Conservation Consortium, 4380 Main St., Cummaquid, MA 02637. Contact person - Louis Vuilleumier.
  73. Lenzyme (septic system additive), Lenzyme, Inc., P.O. Box 10356, Green Bay, Wisconsin. Contact person - Jeffrey Gaieski.
  74. Liquid Plumr Septic System Treatment (septic system additive), The Clorox Company, P.O. Box 493, Pleasanton, CA 94566. Contact person - Janet Martinez.
  75. Liquid Rooter Liquid Enzyme (septic system additive), Applied Marketing Solutions, LLC. Contact person - Lawrence Sklut (732-431-4196)
  76. LS-1472 (septic system additive), AquaTerra Biochemical Corporation of America, 1917 Lancaster Hutchins Road, P.O.Box 496, Lancaster, Texas 75146. Contact person - Carolyn Seroka, Regulatory Specialist, 214/438-0857.
  77. McFree Drain Treatment (septic system additive), Kay Chemical Company. Contact person - Tracy Graham (336-931-2544)
  78. Mega-Bac TF (septic system additive), Micro-Bac International, Inc. Contact person - Dennis Schneider (512-310-9000)
  79. Microbe/Lift (septic system additive), Ecological Laboratories, Inc., 70 N. Main Street, Freeport, N.Y. 11520. Contact person - Barry Richter.
  80. Microbe/Lift Septic Tank Powder (septic system additive), Ecological Laboratories, Inc. 70 Main Street, Freeport, N.Y. 11520. Contact person - Gayle Richter.
  81. Microbe-Lift/ST (septic system additive), Ecological Laboratories, Inc., 70 Main Street, Freeport, N.Y. 11520. Contact person - Gayle Richter.
  82. Microbial Science Laboratories Septic Saver (septic system additive), Microbial Science Laboratories, LLC. Contact person - Kevin T. Johnson (717-327-1010).
  83. MicroSorb (septic system additive), MicroSorb Environmental Products, Inc.; 106 Longwater Drive, Norwell, MA 02061. Contact person - William E. Baird, President.
  84. Munox (septic system additive), OSPREY Biotechnics; 2530 Trailmate Drive, Sarasota, FL 34243. Contact person - Peter A. Vandenbergh, V.P.
  85. Naturall Septic Tank Digester & Drain Cleaner (septic system additive), Advanced Biological Marketing, Inc. Contact person - Brian Zuercher (614-633-8499)
  86. Nature's Power ST (septic system additive) BioSolutions, Inc., 6 Stratton Drive, Westborough, MA 01581. Contact person - Patricia Labovitz.
  87. Nature's Whey/Specific Enzyme Bacteria System (septic system additive), Enviroscience Technologies, Inc., P.O. Box 11232, Shawnee Mission, Kansas 66207. Contact person - Vinay Patel (913-963-8918)
  88. NT-Max Septic Tank Treatment (septic system additive), Newtechbio, Inc. Contact person - Brad Skierkowski (570-283-3003)
  89. One Flush (septic system additive), Pro-Lab Corporation. Contact person - John Shane (954-384-4446)
  90. Oxy-Fix (septic system additive), SOS Products. Contact person - William Prior (215-679-6262). NOTE: Use of this additive is restricted. See approval letter.
  91. Plumb Clean (septic system additive), Kinzie & Payne Biochemical Corp., 953 Gardenview Office Parkway, St. Louis, MO 63141. Contact person - Richard Kinzie, VP.
  92. Plumber in a Bottle Septic System Treatment (septic system additive), Scotch Corporation. Contact person - Lawrence Siegel (800-334-2077)
  93. Professional Rid-X Septic System Maintenance (liquid formulation) (septic system additive), Reckitt Benckiser, Inc. Contact person - Amanda Landolt (973-404-2647)
  94. Professional Rid-X Septic System Maintenance (powder formulation) (septic system additive), Reckitt Benckiser, Inc. Contact person - Amanda Landolt (973-404-2647)
  95. Pro-Pump Cold Weather Powder (septic system additive), Ecological Laboratories, Inc., 70 Main Street, Freeport, N.Y. 11520. Contact person - Gayle Richter.
  96. Pro-Pump HC (Hi Count); Pro-Pump SA (Sludge Away); and Pro-Pump OX (Oxidizer) (septic system additives), Ecological Laboratories, Inc. Contact person - Delvia Lukito (239-573-6650).
  97. Pro-Pump Powdered Digestant for Septic Tanks and Leach Fields (septic system additive), Ecological Laboratories, Inc. 70 Main Street, Freeport, N.Y. 11520. Contact person - Gayle Richter.
  98. ProPump Septic Digestant (septic system additive), Ecological Laboratories, Inc., 70 Main Street, Freeport, N.Y. 11520. Contact person - Gayle Richter.
  99. Rid-X Dual Action Septic (septic system additive), Reckitt Benckiser, Inc. Contact person - Amanda Landolt (973-404-2647)
  100. Rid-X Liquid Septic System Maintenance (septic system additive), Reckitt Benckiser, Inc. Contact person - Amanda Landolt (973-404-2647)
  101. Rid-X Septic System Maintenance Platinum (Septic System Additive), Reckitt Benckiser LLC., Contact Person: Roshni Chadha 973 - 404 - 5989.
  102. Rid-X Septic System Maintenance Septi-Pacs (septic system additive), Reckitt Benckiser Corp. Contact person - Amanda Landolt (973-404-2647)
  103. Rid-X Septic System Maintenance (septic system additives), Reckitt Benckiser, Inc. Contact person - Amanda Landolt (973-404-2647)
  104. Roebic Granular Septic System Treatment (septic system additive), Roebic Laboratories, Inc. Contact person - Stuart Bush (203-795-1283)
  105. Roebic Grease Trap Treatment (septic system additive), Roebic Laboratories, 25 Connair Road, POB 927, Orange, CT 06477. Contact person - David Lawler.
  106. Roebic K37 Septic Tank Treatment (septic system additive), Roebic Laboratories, 25 Connair Road, POB 927, Orange, CT 06477. Contact person - David Lawler.
  107. Roebic K47 Cesspool Treatment (septic system additive), Roebic Laboratories, 25 Connair Road, POB 927, Orange, CT 06477. Contact person - David Lawler.
  108. Roebic K57 Septic and Cesspool Additives (septic system additive), Roebic Laboratories, 25 Connair Road, POB 927, Orange, CT 06477. Contact person - David Lawler.
  109. Roebic K-57 Septic System Cleaner (septic system additive), Roebic Laboratories. Contact person - Steven Smith (203-795-1283)
  110. Roebic Soap Degrader SD-1 (septic system additive), Roebic Laboratories. Contact person - Steven Smith (203-795-1283)
  111. Roebic K-570 Leach and Drain Field Opener Concentrate (septic system additive), Roebic Laboratories, Inc. Contact person - Steven Smith (203-795-1283)
  112. Roebic K-87 S.G.P. Soap, Grease and Paper Digester, and Concentrate (septic system additive), Roebic Laboratories. Contact person - Steven Smith (203-795-1283)
  113. Roebic K87 Soap Digester/Degrader (septic system additive), Roebic Laboratories, 25 Connair Road, POB 927, Orange, CT 06477. Contact person - David Lawler
  114. Roebic K-97 Main Line Cleaner (septic system additive), Roebic Laboratories, Inc. Contact person - Steven Smith (203-795-1283)
  115. Rooterman to the Rescue (septic system additive), Synthetic Labs, Inc., 24 Victory Lane, Dracut, MA 01826. Contact person - David Miller
  116. Roto-Rooter Septic System Treatment (septic system additive), oneCare Company. Contact person - Bob Ziek (888-334-4890)
  117. Septibugz (septic system additive), Nature's Way Laboratories, Inc., DBA Cape Cod Biochemical Company. Contact person - Joyce M. Gresh (508-563-5040).
  118. Septic Booster (septic system additive), Labadini Excavation, P.O. Box 812226, Wellesley, MA 02181. Contact person - Richard Labadini.
  119. Septic Drainer (septic system additive), RCS II, Inc. Contact person - Mark Reynolds (518-812-0000). NOTE: Use of this additive is restricted. See approval letter.
  120. Septic Fizzytabs (septic system additive), Custom Biologicals, Inc. Contact person - Charles Baugh (561-998-1699)
  121. Septic Flow (septic system additive), Cloroben Corp., 1035 Belleville Turnpike, Kearny, N.J. 07032. Contact person - John Wrobleski.
  122. Septic Helper 2000 (septic system additive), Miller Plante, Inc., P.O. Box 2117, Cliffside Park, N.J. 07010. Contact person - Herb Miller, President.
  123. Septic Klean 3 (septic system additive), Bio-Systems International, 1238 East Inman Pkwy, Beloit, WI 53511. Contact person - Susie Ball.
  124. Septic One (septic system additive), Osprey Biotechnics. Contact person - Christopher Reuter (941-351-2700)
  125. Septic Oxy-tabs, Waste-Eze or Trap-Eze (septic system additive), Eco-Logical Concepts, Inc. Contact person - Dan Cohen (516-248-3553)
  126. Septic Scrub (septic system additive), Arcan Enterprises, LLC. Contact person - David Keeton (732-303-6414). NOTE: Use of this additive is restricted. See approval letter.
  127. Septic Wash (septic system additive), Labadini Excavation, P.O. Box 812226, Wellesley, MA 02181. Contact person - Richard Labadini
  128. Septic Zest (septic system additive), Analab Inc., 59 Davis Ave, Norwood, MA. Contact person - Mr. Keith Marshall.
  129. Septi-Free Septic System Treatment (septic system additive), Heartland Labs, Inc. Contact person - Carol Wilson (414-228-3042)
  130. Septix (septic system additive), Pine Glo Products, Inc. Contact person - Matt Diehl (919-556-7787)
  131. Simple Septic Solutions for Summer Homes (septic system additive), Microremediation LLC. Contact person - Steven Boyd (508-759-0010)
  132. Simple Septic Solutions Grease Reducer (septic system additive), Microremediation LLC. Contact person - Steven Boyd (508-759-0010)
  133. Simple Septic Solutions Nitrogen Reducer (septic system additive), Microremediation LLC. Contact person - Steven Boyd (508-759-0010)
  134. Simple Septic Solutions Phosphate Reducer (septic system additive), Microremediation LLC. Contact person - Steven Boyd (508-759-0010)
  135. Super Digest-it (septic system additive), Unique Manufacturing and Marketing Corp., 5778 Lamar St., Arvada, CO 80002. Contact person - Julie Holmes (800-476-1608)
  136. Super Digest-it Septic Field Rejuvenator (septic system additive), Unique Manufacturing and Marketing Corp., 5778 Lamar St., Arvada, CO 80002. Contact person - Julie Holmes (800-476-1608)
  137. Super Digest-it Septic System Digester (septic system additive), Unique Manufacturing and Marketing Corp., 5778 Lamar St., Arvada, CO 80002. Contact person - Julie Holmes (800-476-1608)
  138. Syntec Enzyme Drain Treatment (septic system additive), Synthetic Labs, Inc., 24 Victory Lane, Dracut, MA 01826. Contact person - David Miller.
  139. Tank Guard (septic system additive) Kinzie & Payne Biochemical Corp., 953 Gardenview Office Parkway, St. Louis, MO 63141. Contact person - Richard Kinzie, VP.
  140. The Natural Recycler (FDB-6, KB-VF, KB-4F) (septic system additive) Biostem LLC, 8829 Tradeway, San Antonio, Texas 78217. Contact person - David L. Johnson, Chairman.
  141. Trap Clear (septic system additive), Lenzyme, Inc., P.O. Box 10356, Green Bay, Wisconsin. Contact person - Jeffrey Gaieski.
  142. Trap Zap Plus (septic system additive, soil absorption system conditioner/ restorative), Trap Zap Environmental Inc., P.O.Box 8619, 59 Lee Ave, Haledon, N.J. 07538-8619. Contact person - E.Charles Hunt, President.
  143. Ultra Rid-X Septic System Treatment (septic system additive), Reckitt Benckiser, Inc., 399 Interpace Parkway, Parsippany, NJ 07054-0225. Contact person - Jennifer DeCarlo.
  144. Wastes Go (septic system additive), Kinzie & Payne Biochemical Corp., 953 Gardenview Office Parkway, St. Louis, MO 63141. Contact person - Richard Kinzie, VP.
  145. Whink Septic Treatment (septic system additive), Whink Products Company. Contact person - Rick Gotto (641-939-2353)
  146. Zep Commercial Drain Care Build Up Remover (powder) (septic system additive), Zep, Inc. Contact person - Melondy Abrams (770-767-2075)
  147. Zep Commercial Drain Care Build Up Remover (liquid) (septic system additive), Zep, Inc. Contact person - Melondy Abrams (770-767-2075)
  148. Zep Commercial Septic System & Cesspool Treatment (granular) (septic system additives), Acuity Specialty Products, Inc. Contact person - Michelle Wooten (404-352-1680)
  149. Zep Commercial Septic System & Cesspool Treatment (liquid), Acuity Specialty Products, Inc. Contact person - Michele Wooten (404-352-1680)
  150. Zep Commercial Septi-Pac Septic System Treatment (septic system additives), Acuity Specialty Products, Inc. Contact person - Michelle Wooten (404-352-1680)
  151. Zep Septi-Tabs (septic system additive), Zep, Inc. Contact person - Susan Palmer (281-653-0150)

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