Apply to certify an Assisted Living Residence

Learn about the application process for Assisted Living Residence certification.
Effective May 2023, all application submissions to the Assisted Living Certification Unit must be submitted electronically.

ALR Consumer Help

The Details   of Apply to certify an Assisted Living Residence

What you need   for Apply to certify an Assisted Living Residence

  1. Notarized Assisted Living Certification Application Form
  2. $200 Application Fee- made payable to "The Commonwealth of Massachusetts"
  3. Operating Plan1, 2
  4. Individual Service Plan Form
  5. Assessment Form
  6. Resident Satisfaction Survey Form
  7. Printed Marketing Materials3
  8. Disclosure of Rights and Services (see 651 CMR 12.08(3))
  9. Resident Handbook (if applicable)

Please review the application form for any additional case-specific materials needed.

[1] Applicants for re-certification are required to submit the following operating plan documents only if if they have not been previously been submitted in accordance with requirements of 651 CMR 12.04(13)

[2] Details of what needs to be included in the Operating Plan can be found within the Assisted Living Certification Application Form.

[3] Prior to receiving certification, all advertisements must disclose “Pending EOEA certification” in a minimum 14 point font size.

Fees   for Apply to certify an Assisted Living Residence

$200 application fee made payable to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

How to apply   Apply to certify an Assisted Living Residence

By Email

Effective May 2023, all application submissions to the Assisted Living Certification Unit must be submitted electronically. If the application includes the submission of any attachments, the application should be accompanied by an index of documents attached in each of the separate submissions if required due to volume size of the application. 

Effective May 2023, electronic applications must be emailed to The subject line should specify the ALR name and reference to the certification requested on page 1 of the application.

The $200.00 application fee should be sent by mail to:

The Executive Office of Elder Affairs

Assisted Living Certification Unit

One Ashburton Place 5th Floor

Boston, MA 02108

Questions should be sent to

Next steps   for Apply to certify an Assisted Living Residence

  1. Initial on-site review

    The staff at Elder Affairs will conduct an on-site compliance review before the certification of the assisted living residence.

    As part of the review process, Elder Affairs' staff will:

    • tour the residence
    • review personnel files
    • interview both the Director and the Resident Care Coordinator

    Elder Affairs will send the Applicant a letter within 10 business days indicating what clarification/changes need to be made to the materials submitted with the application, and if any additional documentation is necessary (e.g., certificate of occupancy or documentation which indicates that the required orientation has been completed).

    The Residence may not open (move in any residents) until it completes the certification process and has received a certificate to operate as an assisted living residence.

    Elder Affairs may conduct another on-site review, including resident interviews and a review of resident records, after the new Residence has commenced operation.

  2. Fee per Unit

    After receiving notification of your Certification completion, you must send within 10 days a Certification fee based on the number of Units certified to the Executive Office of Elder Affairs.

    Currently, the certification fee per unit is $125/Unit

Downloads   for Apply to certify an Assisted Living Residence

Contact   for Apply to certify an Assisted Living Residence

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