Establish a delayed record of birth

If your child was born in Massachusetts more than 365 days ago, and does not have an official birth certificate, there is still time to register their birth.

Registry of Vital Records and Statistics

The Details   of Establish a delayed record of birth

What you need   for Establish a delayed record of birth

Negative Statement

Before you apply, you will need to search the registry to see if your child’s birth record already exists. If no record is found, we will send you a Negative Statement. This statement is required to apply for a delayed record.

Evidence that proves birth

You will need evidence that proves the birth. This can be a:

  • Certified copy of hospital records
  • Notarized affidavit from a midwife or physician who attended a home birth
  • Certified copy of marriage license for the parents
  • Proof of residence for the year of the birth for the parents if the birth occurred in a private residence

Fees   for Establish a delayed record of birth

The Registry accepts cash and checks. Make checks payable to the order of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Name Fee Unit
Cost of establishment $50 per record

How to apply   Establish a delayed record of birth

To file the paperwork:

  1. Have the above documentation and the fee.
  2. Go to either:

Next steps   for Establish a delayed record of birth

If your request was denied

If your request to establish a record of birth is denied, you may petition the Massachusetts probate court.

Contact   for Establish a delayed record of birth

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