Online Inspection and Permitting Services (OPSI)

Available Online Inspection and Permitting Services (OPSI).

Office of Public Safety and Inspections, Division of Occupational Licensure


If looking for a status update on a license renewal, please put your full OPSI license number, including prefix, in the subject line. Email Office of Public Safety and Inspections, Division of Occupational Licensure at

The Details   of Online Inspection and Permitting Services (OPSI)

What you need   for Online Inspection and Permitting Services (OPSI)

To use the IPS Customer Portal, you must:

  • Possess an email address to use during IPS registration and processing.
  • Have the ability to upload all supporting documents associated with your online IPS service processing.
  • Be able to pay for online services using a credit card/debit card or electronic funds transfer (bank checking or savings account).

The following Inspection and Permitting Services are available online through our IPS Customer Portal:

  1. Apply for Amusement Event
  2. Apply for a permit.
    1. Building Permit
    2. Elevator Permit
    3. Electrical Permit
  3. Apply for Permit Extension and Renewal
  4. Apply for BBRS# - Manufactured Building
  5. Apply for License/Registration/Certification
    1. Concrete Testing Labs
    2. Horse and Carriage
    3. Manufactured Building
    4. Native Lumber
    5. Regulated Activity
  6. Apply for Inspection
    1. Building Inspection
    2. Electrical Inspection
    3. Elevator Inspection
    4. Certificate Of Inspection
  7. Apply for Variance/Appeal
    1. File an Appeal
      1. BCAB
      2. BEA
      3. BER
      4. Civil Fine (%20 CMR 1:00)
      5. Expired Elevator Civil Fine (520 CMR 16:00)
      6. License (Request for Hearing)
    2. Request a Hearing
    3. Apply for Variance
      1. Amusement,
      2. Boilers,
      3. Elevator,
      4. Elevator Product,
      5. Hoisting,
      6. MSAC,
      7. Tramway)
  8. Report an Incident/Accident

How to apply   Online Inspection and Permitting Services (OPSI)

  • Register or login to the IPS Customer Portal.
  • There is a convenience fee for all online transactions charged by our e-payment vendor. Online credit card transactions incur a 2.59%, debit card transactions incur a 2.09% convenience fee and ACH/EFT (electronic checks) transactions incur a fee of $0.35.

All fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.

Contact   for Online Inspection and Permitting Services (OPSI)

Main Office
1000 Washington St, Suite 710, Boston, MA 02118
If looking for a status update on a license renewal, please put your full OPSI license number, including prefix, in the subject line. Email Office of Public Safety and Inspections, Division of Occupational Licensure at

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