Report unclaimed property

In Massachusetts, property becomes "unclaimed" when the owner can't be contacted for a 3-year period. Businesses must review their records every year for unclaimed properties. If any are found, they must make a report of them.

Division of Unclaimed Property

The Details   of Report unclaimed property

What you need   for Report unclaimed property

Holding companies attempt to contact the owners of a financial asset for them to claim the asset. If you have tried to contact the owner but have not been able to reach them, after 3 years of inactivity you must report the property to the state. 

To submit an annual report of abandoned property in Massachusetts, you must first be registered as a holding company with the state. Please contact the Unclaimed Property Division at the following to obtain a Holder ID:

Telephone: (617) 367-0400 or

There are specific annual reporting deadlines, depending on the type of holding company or the type of unclaimed property you are reporting and remitting.

Reporting Guidelines:

For Holder Type

Period Ending

Due Diligence

Report and Remittance Due

All Holders

June 30

On or before September 1

November 1

Life Insurers

December 31

On or Before March 1

May 1

Tangible Property

June 30

On or before September 1

May 1–June 30 (The following year)

How to report   Report unclaimed property

  1. Prepare your unclaimed property report file—it must be in NAUPA II format.
  2. Go to the Massachusetts Unclaimed Property website, enter your Holder ID and submit an online AP-1 form of Holder information and a summary of all property being reported.
  3. Upload your unclaimed property report file.
  4. Preview your entries. (Note: you will be unable to submit online if your file is not acceptable—incorrect format or has other errors.)
  5. Click to “Submit” your report and file online.

Contact   for Report unclaimed property

1 Ashburton Place, 12th Floor, Boston, MA 02108

Open Monday through Friday, 8:45 a.m.-5 p.m.

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