Western Massachusetts Regional Recycling Program

Learn about changes effective July 1, 2020, and what they will mean for your community's dual-stream recycling program.
Participating communities are required to submit municipal billing, recycling contact, and designated hauler information to the program operator by June 1 of 2020 and each subsequent year.

The Details   of Western Massachusetts Regional Recycling Program

How to update   Western Massachusetts Regional Recycling Program

Mail your completed Participating Community Data Sheet to program operator Waste Management Recycle America (WM). See Step 7 below for details.

Email your completed Participating Community Data Sheet to program operator Waste Management Recycle America (WM). See Step 7 below for details.

Next steps   for Western Massachusetts Regional Recycling Program

  1. Background Information

    The Western Massachusetts Regional Recycling Program is currently operated by Waste Management Recycle America (WM) under contract with the Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP). All communities in Berkshire, Franklin, Hampden, and Hampshire counties are eligible to participate.

    Following a competitive public bidding process in 2019, a selection team chose WM to operate the program from July 1, 2020, to June 30, 2030, with an option to extend this term for an additional five years.

    Currently participating communities may continue to deliver recyclables through June 30, 2020. To continue doing so beyond that date - or to newly enroll in the program - towns and cities had to execute new contracts with MassDEP and WM. 

    Sixty-six dual-stream recycling municipalities did so by the February 28, 2020, deadline. No single-stream recycling communities chose to continue participating in the regional program.

  2. Terms of New Contracts

    Collection TypeContract TermDates Covered
    Dual Stream5 YearsJuly 1, 2020-
    June 30, 2025

    WM may terminate the program(s) if its total contractual commitments do not meet or exceed 17,000 tons per year from dual stream communities.

  3. Community Financials

    A participating community's net cost for sending its recyclables to the Springfield MRF is dependent on two factors:

    1. The processing fee it pays to WM, and
    2. Its share of revenue from the sale of recyclables, based on the current average market value (AMV) per ton, which WM credits back to the community.

    When the AMV is lower than the processing fee, the community will receive 100 percent of the revenue. When the AMV is higher, the community will receive 100 percent of the revenue up to the processing fee and 70 percent of the revenue that exceeds it. WM will issue both processing fee invoices and revenue share credits on a monthly basis.

    Fee Per Ton*
    2020-21: $93.50
    2021-22: $95.84
    2022-23: $98.23
    2023-24: $100.69
    2024-25: $103.21

    *For the Period July 1-June 30 of the years indicated.

    Average Market Value (AMV) Per Ton:
    Performance Over Time
    Collection TypeCurrent
    April 2020
    Dual Stream$24.46$41.62$62.89$75.45

    Please note that participating communities will:

    • Be assessed additional fees for loads exceeding 15 percent contamination by weight.
    • Pay annual Public Education Fees of 5¢ per capita to the MRF Advisory Board.
  4. Acceptable Materials

    The following recyclables may be delivered to the Springfield MRF, effective July 1, 2020:

    • Containers: Metal cans, foil, plastic bottles/jars/tubs/jugs, clear plastic hinged containers (clamshells), clear plastic cups, clear plastic egg cartons, gable-top and aseptic cartons, and glass bottles and jars - including labels and caps. 
    • Paper: Clean papers, magazines/catalogs, greeting cards, gift wrap (excluding foils or metallic gift wraps), calendars, paperbacks and phonebooks (including covers), corrugated cardboard, paperboard, and clean pizza boxes - including paper clips and staples. 

    These lists may be expanded or contracted from time to time as determined jointly by MassDEP, WM, and the MRF Advisory Board.

  5. Delivery of Recyclables

    Each participating community is required to annually designate its hauler(s), which must deliver all recyclables collected on the community's behalf to the Springfield MRF at 84 Birnie Avenue in Springfield.

    Receiving hours are 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on weekdays. In the event of a holiday falling on a weekday, Receiving Locations accept loads on the following Saturday. Receiving Locations are required to turn hauler deliveries around within 30 minutes or less.

  6. Other Contract Provisions

    Participating communities:

    • Are provided regional representation on the MRF Advisory Board.
    • Must provide and annually update designated contact person information.
    • Will receive monthly and annual operating reports from WM that provide tonnages received by type, date, and truck; financial transaction and balance summaries; processing fee and revenue share information; and any fee assessments for loads that exceed 15 percent contamination by weight.
    • Will be credited a $5.00 per ton discount for "glass-free" deliveries provided they have MassDEP approval to manage glass locally.
    • May pick up processed glass aggregate from the Springfield MRF and, should the value of the glass be a negative amount, will receive a corresponding credit.
  7. Update Municipal Billing, Recycling Contact & Designated Hauler Information Annually

    By June 1 of 2020 and every subsequent year that your community participates in the Western Massachusetts Regional Recycling Program, you are required to provide program operator Waste Management Recycle America (WM) with municipal billing, recycling contact, and designated hauler information.

    Download, print, and complete the Participating Community Data Sheet below, and submit it to WM either electronically or by mail according to the instructions provided.

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