Does DPPC provide training to service providing agencies and others? And, if so, what kind of training is available?
Yes, DPPC offers a variety of trainings to the general public. Service providers or other professionals may request an overview of M.G.L. c.19C, which includes: recognizing, reporting and responding to suspected abuse and neglect; the role of mandated reporters; the intake and screening process; investigations and oversight; protective services; and the referral of criminal cases through DPPC's State Police Detective Unit (SPDU). Trainings can be tailored in content and length to meet the needs of the agency requesting the training. Trainings regarding criminal case matters are routinely provided by members of DPPC's SPDU to law enforcement officers; recruits at the Massachusetts State Police Academy; and other law enforcement professionals. To request such a training, contact DPPC's Abuse Prevention & Outreach Coordinator at 617/727-6465.
Is there a charge for trainings provided by DPPC or the SPDU?
No. Trainings are provided free of charge.
Is there a limit on how many people can attend a DPPC training?
There is no maximum limit to how many people can attend. It is preferred that a minimum of ten people be available to attend training on an overview of M.G.L. c.19C. Service providing agencies are encouraged to invite staff from other units or agencies to attend these trainings so that a maximum number of people can be trained at one time.