Advanced Manufacturing Training Program

The goal of the Advanced Manufacturing Training Program is to create a fully coordinated manufacturing training system to meet the employment needs of manufacturers across the state.

The Advanced Manufacturing Training Program provides funding to qualifying consortiums to develop, coordinate, and maintain comprehensive manufacturing workforce development systems. Regional systems will provide workforce development services in advanced manufacturing, such as recruitment, job training, placement activities, and supportive services. The program focuses on providing training to unemployed and underemployed individuals, and underrepresented populations including: veterans, minorities, and women.

Manufacturing Workforce Development Systems will be deployed regionally, leveraging expertise, resources, and opportunities for collaboration to most effectively meet the needs of manufacturers.

* This year's deadline has been extended.

Announcing Fiscal Year 2019 Request for Proposals

Consistent with the goals and philosophy of Governor Baker's Workforce Skills Cabinet, the Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development along with the Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development, and the Executive Office of Education is pleased to announce the Request for Proposals for the Advanced Manufacturing Training Program.

The Fiscal Year 2019 Advanced Manufacturing Program RFP was issued on Aug. 22, 2018. Entities can submit written questions regarding the RFP to the Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development until Aug. 31, 2018 at 5 p.m. Official Answers for RFP Questions, and any RFP Amendments will be published on the Advanced Manufacturing Training program page by Sept. 12, 2018 by 5 p.m. 

Fiscal Year 2019 Online Application Now Open:  Fiscal Year 2019 Advanced Manufacturing Program Applications must be submitted online. The application deadline has now been extended until Sept. 28, 2018, 5 p.m.

Fiscal Year 2019 Required Application Attachment: Required file for the Advanced Manufacturing Training Program Fiscal Year 2019 application. Within the file applicants will supply information regarding all trainings currently available in the region applying for as well as a detailed budget for their submitted plan.

Fiscal Year 2019 Request for Proposals and Application Questions Download for reference only, all applications must be submitted via the online application. Link to online application will be posted on Sept. 12, 2018 by 5 p.m.

Fiscal Year 2019 Q&A Responses: Answers to submitted questions regarding the Advanced Manufacturing Training RFP.

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