
The Department of Correction welcomes the opportunity to discuss future employment opportunities with interested candidates.


We employ people in the following categories: Security and Non-Security

Correction Officers, Correctional Program Officers, Recreation Officers, and Maintenance.

Support staff which include; Accountants, Clerks, Chefs, Cooks, E.D.P. Entry Operators, Maintenance, Office Support Specialists, Personnel Officers, Power Plant Engineers, Program Coordinators, Program Managers, Research Analysts, Steam Fireman, Storekeepers, Wastewater Treatment Plant Operators, Word Processing Operators among others.


Benefits for employees of the Department of Correction:

  • Excellent Salary
  • Retirement Pension
  • Life Insurance
  • Medical Insurance
  • Tuition Remission
  • Up to 5 weeks of vacation
  • Sick Leave
  • 13 Paid Holidays

Frequently Asked Questions - CO/CPO Positions

After I sign the certification list, what is the next step?
The initial step in the process of screening candidates for a position with the Massachusetts Department of Correction will be compiling a Criminal History Background Report. Once the report is completed, if you are cleared for further consideration and if your Civil Service Examination Rank can be reached, you will be contacted by email or phone, by the Division of Human Resources, to schedule a Physical Abilities Test (PAT).

If I receive notification of a date and time that I am scheduled to report for a Physical Abilities Test (PAT), what documents will I be required to bring with me?

  • (2) Completed Employment Application Forms - 1-Original & 1-Copy
  • Valid Driver's License
  • Birth Certificate
  • Professional Certified Licenses (if applicable)
  • High school diploma or Official high school transcript
  • GED (if applicable)
  • All College Degrees or Official Transcripts
  • Social Security Card
  • DD 214 Long Form (If in Military)
  • Citizenship paperwork, Naturalization paperwork (if applicable) Court documents stating that outstanding warrants are closed (if applicable)

What does the Physical Fitness Testing process entail?
The requirements for the above-mentioned test can be found in the application packet, which is issued to applicants when they come in to sign the certification list. You may also review the Recruit Training Program Physical Fitness Preparation Guide or Physical Fitness Training and Testing Requirements.

What is the base salary for a Correction Officer I and CPO A/B position?
During the twelve (12) week Basic Training Academy, candidates will receive their full bi-weekly pay rate as agreed upon via contract between the DOC and their specific Bargaining Agreement Contract. Upon completion of the academy you will be assigned to a facility and could receive additional pay.

Do I receive additional pay for college degrees?
CO I - Associates Degree: $1500 Annually, Bachelor’s Degree: $2500 Annually, Master’s Degree: $3000 Annually
CPO A/B - Bachelor’s Degree: $780 Annually, Master’s Degree: $1560 Annually, Doctorate Degree: $2080 Annually

I previously went through the Pre-Screening process but was not selected for a position; do I need to go through the process again?
Yes, each time an applicant signs the certification list they must complete the entire pre-employment process.

Where do I stand on the list and how many people are ahead of me?
It does not matter what page you are on the certification list, it depends on how many people come in to sign the list. For example, you could be number fifty (50) on the certification list and only twenty (20) people come in to sign the list including you. You would be considered out of the twenty (20) people who signed the list. The selection would go in order of the civil service rank and the successful completion of the pre-screening process.

What will the academy entail?
During the twelve (12) week Basic Training Academy, you will become familiar with the Department of Correction policies and procedures, as well as, work on personal physical conditioning.

Once I complete the academy, where will I be assigned and when will I be notified as to where I will be assigned?
If and when you successfully complete the academy, you will be notified shortly before the twelve (12) weeks are completed as to where you will be assigned. The list you have signed is the "Where Assigned" list, which means you are willing to accept a position at any institution in the state.

What will my shift and days off be?
Your shift and days off are assigned according to the operational needs of the institution that you have been assigned to. Your shift and days off will be determined at the time of assignment.

When should I submit my resignation to my current employer?
Until you receive written confirmation that you have successfully completed all phases of the hiring process, you should not quit your current job. Selection for a position is contingent upon successful completion of a Criminal History/Background check, interview, physical fitness test, psychological testing, and drug screening .

Contact   for Careers


Monday through Friday 9am-5pm




Central Headquarters
50 Maple Street, Milford, MA 01757

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