How to search using ePLACE
You can search in ePLACE by school name, license number, or sales representative.
1. Scroll to Search for a Licensee
2. Choose Office of Private Occupational School Education in the drop-down menu under Licensing Entity
Hint: While pressing the down arrow, type “O” to jump to Office of Private Occupational School Education
3. Go to License Type
To search for a school:
- Choose Private Occupational School in the drop-down menu
- Skip to the Business Name field* and enter the name of the school
- Click Search
* Note: This field is case sensitive and you must enter the name of the person or school exactly as it appears in the system. For example, if you enter Training School, but the school is licensed as The Training School, your search will not show a result.
You can also search for just one word of your school’s title by using a special format. Doing this may make it easier to find what you’re looking for. To search this way, enter the word in the Business Name field with quotation marks and the percentage symbol before it and percentage symbol and quotation marks after it:
To search for The Training School, you would enter “%Training%”
Click on Search
To search by license number:
- Choose Private Occupational School in the drop-down menu
- Enter the license number in the License Number field
- Click Search
To search for a sales representative:
- Choose Sales Representative in the drop-down menu
- Enter the person’s last name in the Last Name field
- Click Search
If you can't find a school, its location, or a sales representative, it may be for one of these reasons:
- The school may be overseen by another state agency such as the Department of Higher Education, Department of Labor Standards, or Department of Public Safety
- DOL may have determined that the school is not required to be licensed
- The school may be operating in violation of state laws
Please contact us at if you have questions or need help.
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DOL makes no warranties, representations, or assertions as to the quality and caliber of schools or their programs and teachers. It is the responsibility of prospective students to fully research any institution prior to enrollment. Please see the Information for Students section of our website for useful tips and background information on choosing an occupational school.
Unless otherwise noted on the Division of Occupational Licensure’s website, an occupational school’s license may remain current beyond its expiration date if that school has submitted a timely and sufficient application for renewal.