Program Guidelines for Certification of Community Development Corporations
The Program Guidelines are designed to assist nonprofit organizations in preparing applications to the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) for certification as a Community Development Corporations (CDCs) as defined in M.G.L. Chapter 40H. DHCD’s Division of Community Services is responsible for administration of the CDC certification process, including review and approval of all CDC certification applications.
DHCD Review Form
Certified CDC Listings
ACT Lawrence
African Community Economic Development of New England (ACEDONE)
Allston Brighton CDC
Asian CDC
Boston Neighborhood CLT
Brookline Improvement Coalition
CDC of South Berkshire
Chinatown Community Land Trust
Coalition for a Better Acre
Codman Square NDC
Community Development Partnership
Community Teamwork
Domus Inc.
Dorchester Bay EDC
Downtown Taunton Foundation
Dudley Neighbors Inc.
Fenway CDC
Franklin County CDC
Groundwork Lawrence
Haborlight Community Partners
Hilltown CDC
Homeowner's Rehab. Inc.
Housing Assistance Corporation (HAC) of Cape Cod
Housing Corp. of Arlington
Housing Nantucket
Inquilinos Boricuas en Acción
Island Housing Trust Corporation
Just-a-Start Corporation
Lawrence Community Works
Lena Park CDC
Madison Park Development Corp.
Main South CDC
Metro West Collaborative Development
Mill Cities Community Investments
Mission Hill NHS
NeighborWorks Housing Solutions Southern MA (formerly NHS of South Shore)
NewVue Communities (formerly twin cities CDC)
North Shore CDC
Nuestra Comunidad
OneHolyoke CDC (formerly Olde Holyoke Development Corp.)
Pittsfield Economic Revitalization Corporation
Quaboag Valley CDC
Revitalize CDC (formerly Rebuilding Together Springfield)
Somerville Community Corporation
South Boston NDC
Southeast Asian Coalition of Central Massachusetts (SEACMA)
Southwest Boston CDC
The Latino Support Network, Inc. (LSN)
The Neighborhood Developers
Urban Edge
Valley CDC
Way Finders Inc.
Wellspring Cooperative Corporation
Worcester Common Ground CDC
Worcester Community Housing Resources Inc.
Worcester East Side CDC
For additional information
Please contact Nathan Delude at