Community One Stop for Growth Webinars

These information sessions are intended for staff and/or representatives from any Massachusetts municipality or public entity, community non-profit, and private entities that may be interested in seeking grant support for an eligible project(s) through the Community One Stop for Growth.

All webinars will be recorded and posted on this page following each session.

Table of Contents

Webinar 1: One Stop Overview

Monday, February 3, 2025, 12:00 PM​

The One Stop Overview Webinar provides a comprehensive look at the Community One Stop for Growth, including information about the programs offered, the Expression of Interest, Full Application, and Development Continuum.

Webinar 2: Application Guidance

Wednesday, February 5, 2025, 12:00 PM​

The Application Guidance Webinar provides an overview of the Full Application and includes information to help applicants understand where their projects fit within the One Stop.

Technology Webinars (Prerecorded)

To Be Posted Thursday, February 6, 2025 ​

The Technology Webinars show applicants how to submit a Full Application through the IGX system as well as the steps that applicants must take to submit an Expression of Interest.

Community One Stop for Growth Technology Webinar 1: Understanding IGX

Community One Stop for Growth Technology Webinar 2: Creating Accounts

Community One Stop for Growth Technology Webinar 3: Navigating the Full Application

Individual Program Webinars (Prerecorded)

To Be Posted Friday, February 13, 2025 ​

All One Stop programs will record a webinar specific to the respective program. Each webinars will provide an overview of the program, including information about eligibility, project competitiveness, and examples of past awards.

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