Drinking Water Operator Training – Very Small System Operator

Information about a training course for operators of very small drinking water systems.

In the United States, 80% of all public drinking water systems serve 500 or fewer people and are classified as "Very Small Systems". Certified water operators are required by most public water systems in the country, from complex municipal drinking water supplies to restaurants and mobile home parks with their own water sources and distribution systems. In Massachusetts, water operators can earn licenses from VSS up through Grade 4, providing a stable career ladder for people seeking a profession with a wide range of responsibilities related to the delivery of safe drinking water.

There are several organizations that provide training courses to prepare for the Massachusetts Drinking Water Operator VSS examination. Course material in these training courses introduces students to the water supply field and the responsibilities of certified drinking water operators. Topics covered will include water quality sampling, wells and source protection, water distribution (pipes, storage tanks, hydrants, valves, meters), safety, water treatment, reporting, and drinking water regulations. Students will learn to use basic math formulas for calculating water storage, pressure, flow, and water usage.

Scores of at least 70 on this exam will allow students to qualify for an operator-in-training VSS license, the first step toward receiving a full VSS license.

For more information, please contact the Drinking Water Program at program.director-dwp@mass.gov, Subject: VSS Training. Additionally, you can find more information about training courses from the following organizations with the contact information below.

Practice Exam for the Very Small Water System Certification Examination

The Association of Boards of Certification offers a Very Small System Practice Exam.  Click here for more information.

Contact   for Drinking Water Operator Training – Very Small System Operator

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