Drinking Water Program Public Notification & Emergency Contacts

Public Water Suppliers should call MassDEP if they have a drinking water quality MCL violation or a potential violation.

If you have an MCL violation or potential MCL violation, do the following.

Call MassDEP during work hours: speak to a Drinking Water staff person as indicated below:

Northeast Region

Melissa Dwinell, Melissa.Dwinell@mass.gov, 857-278-5348 (Drinking Water Program Chief)

Central Region

Bob Bostwick, DWP Chief, Robert.Bostwick@mass.gov, 774-239-6003

Southeast Region

Jim McLaughlin, james.m.mclaughlin@mass.gov, 857-260-1002 (Drinking Water Program Chief)

Western Region

Andrew Kelly, Andrew.Kelly@mass.gov, 617-875-2710 (Drinking Water Program Chief)

To report a Tier I violation or emergency after DEP work hours & holidays:

Call the DEP 24-hour emergency number: 888-304-1133

The emergency response person will refer your call to the drinking water person on call in your region.

Failure to monitor violations: check violation notice (NON) for PN requirements and/or consult with a Drinking Water staff person.

Contact   for Drinking Water Program Public Notification & Emergency Contacts

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