Tips for your visit
The most important way to prepare your baby for the test is to show up with a tired, hungry baby. Most young babies will sleep through the entire test if they are brought to the appointment ready for a feeding and a nap. Try to keep your baby awake and hold off feeding him or her until you get to the appointment. Once you are in the testing room and your child has been prepped for the test, you can nurse or feed your baby a bottle so he or she falls asleep naturally. You will receive the test results at this appointment. Bring another adult with you to help with the baby. The other adult can also help you remember what you are told.
See hearing testing centers in Massachusetts
Explore hearing testing centers throughout the state. Centers are divided into 3 levels. Levels One and Two can test all children, including newborns. Level Three centers can test babies older than 6 months old.
We added red pins to show the centers that are Levels One and Two. Blue pins identify centers that are Level Three. Click on the pin for more information about the center. Call 1-800-882-1435 for additional assistance, or download the list of centers below.
View map in full screen to sort by location type.
Hearing centers
Babies who do not pass their hearing screening must be given an appointment at one of the following centers: