Funded Ratios

for Massachusetts public retirement systems.

The funded ratio of a system represents the actuarial value of plan assets divided by the actuarial accrued liability. When the funded ratio reaches 100%, a system is said to be "fully funded."

You can organize the table below by any of the headers. If you would like to quickly find a board, type the name into the search box. The data is based on information available as of the date of publication. 

Table of Contents

Retirement Board Funded Ratios

Contact   for Funded Ratios


Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday

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(617) 628-4002


5 Middlesex Avenue, Suite 304, Somerville, MA 02145
Date published: January 1, 2025
Last updated: January 1, 2025

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