Information regarding temporary permits in Veterinary Medicine

Requirements for obtaining a temporary permit.

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Per 256 CMR 4.00, only graduates of non-AVMA accredited veterinary schools are eligible to be granted a temporary permit by the Board. An applicant who is a graduate of a non-AVMA accredited veterinary school who has meet all requirements for licensure but has not yet completed either the ECFVG or PAVE programs, may apply for a temporary permit to practice veterinary medicine in the Commonwealth. Temporary permits are issued for a period of six (6) months, with the possibility of one six (6) month renewal. A candidate to whom the Board issues a temporary permit may only practice under the direct supervision of a Massachusetts licensed veterinarian.

To be eligible for a six-month temporary permit, a candidate must have passed both the NAVLE and the Board’s Jurisprudence Examination and must be within six months of completing either the ECFVG or PAVE. A Board interview with the applicant and their supervisor is required and will be scheduled following an initial review of all application materials by the Board.

Applicants seeking a temporary permit must submit a separate Temporary Permit Application.

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