Bypass appeals
If you are a candidate for a civil service position, and you have been “bypassed” for appointment or promotion by someone ranked lower on the civil service certification used to fill the position, you can file a bypass appeal.
Classification appeals
You can file a classification appeal with CSC if you:
- Are a state employee
- Believe that you have been improperly classified in your current position
- Have received a denial from the state’s Human Resources Division
Discipline / Layoff appeals
If you are an employee with civil service protection, you can file a discipline appeal if you feel you have been unfairly:
- Terminated
- Demoted
- Laid Off
- Suspended
- Involuntarily transferred (in some cases)
Examination Appeals
Civil service examination applicants may file an appeal with the Civil Service Commission contesting an exam-related determination by the state's Human Resources Division (HRD) related to: essay questions; education / experience; and/or whether the examination was a "fair test".
Non-Bypass Equity Appeals
Individuals may file an appeal with the Civil Service Commission to contest an action or inaction by the state's Human Resources Division (HRD) that do not involve a bypass. These are considered "non-bypass equity appeals" and often include requests for retroactive civil service seniority dates and/or other relief not related to a bypass.
Performance Evaluation Appeals
Civil service employees contesting a performance evaluation may file an appeal with the Civil Service Commission only if: a) you have not filed a grievance regarding the same issue; and b) you have first filed an appeal with your Appointing Authority and been denied.
Requests for Investigation
An aggrieved person and/or ten persons registered to vote in the Commonwealth may ask the Commission to investigate all or parts or the official or labor service.