If you have a small to mid-sized company and do not anticipate changes to your workforce or business, you may still want to look into programs that could help you stay competitive or enhance your bottom line. You may have to replace staff who leave or retire. Contact us to access any of the following programs.
Company resources for business maintenance
Hiring and Recruiting
Free job posting: MassHire JobQuest provides employers with free job posting and job matching service. You can also search for qualified candidates registered on MassHire JobQuest.
Recruitment and hiring support: Staff at the MassHire Career Centers can assist you with recruiting and screening of candidates.
On-the-Job Training (OJT): On-the-Job Training (OJT) Program assists employers with the cost of hiring and training a new employee.
Tax credit for hiring: If you hire employees from certain target populations, you may be eligible for tax credit incentives.
Grants for training and for workplace safety are available.
Training grants: Several types of grants are available for small, medium, or large companies. The grants can be used to train incumbent workers to upgrade their skills.
Safety grant: Grants up to $25,000 are available to help companies fund workplace safety training. Additionally, free on-site consultation is available to help companies meet OSHA requirements.