Video: 2020 MassWorks Infrastructure Grant Program Announcement
Skip this video 2020 MassWorks Infrastructure Grant Program Announcement.2020 MassWorks Grant Recipients
City/Town - Award Amount |
Project Name and Description |
Acton - $2,750,000 |
Affordable Housing Infrastructure Improvements - MassWorks funds will support the construction of Powder Mill Place, a 230-unit 40B housing development representing $60MIL in private investment. The private development will bring the town of Action to 10% affordable housing (SHI) goal. The public infrastructure project will connect Powder Mill Place to Acton’s Middle Fort Pond Brook Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF). The proposed improvements include intersection, sidewalk, streetscape improvements, and upgrades to the wastewater treatment facility. |
Amherst - $1,500,000 |
Unlocking Amherst’s Pomeroy Village Center - The Town of Amherst will complete intersection and street improvements at the junction of Pomeroy Lane, West Pomeroy Lane, and Route 116 in the town’s Pomeroy Village Center. Specific improvements will include expanded sidewalks, street lights, bicycle accommodations, and construction of either a new roundabout or a reconfigured, resignalized intersection. This project will support both planned housing and future development opportunities in the village center, while also increasing traffic safety and enhancing multi-modal accommodations in an Environmental Justice neighborhood. Proposed developments include up to 10 units of new multi-family housing adjacent to the village’s Amherst Office Park and the future reuse of a publicly acquired, 150-acre golf course. |
Avon - $1,000,000 |
Central Street Regional Safety & Connectivity - The Town of Avon is rehabilitating Central Street, a north-south roadway connecting Stoughton and Brockton through Avon and paralleling Route 24 that is currently in very poor condition with numerous cracks uneven surfaces due to high vehicle volume and poor drainage. Central Street is a major ambulance route for Avon accommodating 65% of ambulance runs to the nearby Good Samaritan Medical Center and is heavily used by area residents. The $1 million STRAP award will bolster $750,000 in matching Town funds to reconstruct the road and adding a sidewalk, raised curb, and bicycle accommodations, which will turn Central Street into a safer and friendlier roadway for all users. |
Ayer - $3,164,000 |
West Main Street Public Infrastructure - The Town of Ayer will construct 3,465 linear ft. of water-line, 4,094 linear ft. of new ADA compliant sidewalk system connecting with the Downtown Ayer MBTA Commuter Rail Station (CRS) and the Devens Community at Grant Rd.; an improved roadway storm-water collection/management system with 2,451 linear ft. of drain pipe and 12,222 sq. yds. of reclaimed roadway, new Bicycle Lane network/Bike Share Station for connectivity with the MBTA (CRS) within 0.75 mile, the introduction of 35-sidewalk trees, the re-alignment of the Devens Verbeck Gate Intersection, and installation of a Devens Regional Bus Shuttle Waiting Station. Located in an Environmental Justice Community and maximized by the town’s adopted Smart Growth “West Ayer Village” Form-Based Zoning Code, the project will support mixed-use, multi-modal transit-oriented development for Ayer's West Main Street Corridor & Devens Regional Enterprise Zone. |
Beverly - $1,750,000 |
Sohier and Tozer Roads Improvements - The City of Beverly will complete major streetscape improvements totaling $1,825,236 to improve bicycle and pedestrian safety at the difficult intersection of Tozer and Sohier Roads. Planned improvements include new sidewalks, raised crosswalks, a raised channelization island, and new marked bicycle lanes all in line with Complete Streets Principles. Tozer Road will receive new sidewalks on the north side and a pedestrian crossing while Sohier Road will receive a new sidewalk on the west side as well as a mid-block pedestrian crossing. There are also provisions for a left turn lane pocket for vehicles making the left turn from Sohier Road onto Tozer Road. The project’s purpose is to help area businesses attract skilled workers who desire walkability and to promote safe roadway accessibility and multi-modal use of the road by all users. The intersection is close to Beverly High School and Beverly Middle School with a combined total of 2,800 students, Beverly Hospital, and the Cummings Center, altogether totaling over 500 businesses and over 7000 employees. The Massworks project leverages Anchor Point, a $27,200,000 77-unit affordable housing development with a daycare and community center being constructed on a vacant 5 acre lot right at the intersection of Tozer and Sohier Roads. Of the 77 units, 16 will be set aside for homeless families. The development is set to be complete in three phases, Phase I consists of the construction of the first 38 housing units, common spaces, and a playground. Construction for this fully funded phase is slated to start in the spring of 2021. Phase II will follow Phase I with the construction of the remaining 39 units, more common spaces, and community gardens while Phase III will conclude with the construction of a community building hosting meeting and collaborative spaces and management offices. Anchor Point will provide the city and region much needed affordable housing. |
Boston - $3,000,000 |
Amory Street Infrastructure - The City of Boston with construct a new roadway, along with public space improvements, to unlock the build out of the Amory Street Campus – an ongoing transit-oriented housing development consisting of more than 500 new apartment units across six buildings, with 332 of these units income restricted. Construction of the new roadway will provide a seamless connection between the buildings and include the extension of sidewalks and various public utilities, including water, sewer, and gas. All buildings will be located within 1,000 feet of the Jackson Square MBTA Subway Station. Additional improvements will include the renovation of a pocket park and the creation of a public greenway, adding nearly 50,000 square feet of open space for local residents. |
Boston - $3,000,000 |
Whittier Choice Phase 3 Infrastructure - The City of Boston will construct a new roadway to unlock the third and final phase of the Whittier Choice Neighborhood Development – a transformative public-private investment in the reconstruction and expansion of the former Whittier Street Apartments public housing complex, located less than 1,000 feet from the Ruggles MBTA Subway Station. Construction of the roadway will create a new neighborhood block for the build out of a 12-story, mixed-use building, consisting of 9,000 square feet of ground-floor retail and 172 apartment units, including 135 income-restricted units. This project will advance the goals and visions of the Ruggles Corridor improvement plan and the city’s Urban Renewal District, both of which aim to catalyze private investment, as well as local wealth building, down Ruggles Street into Nubian Square. |
Brockton - $2,654,000 |
Garfield Street and Terminal Place Reconstruction - MassWorks funds will be used for utility improvements and the reconstruction of the roadway and sidewalks on Garfield Street and Terminal Place in the Campello neighborhood of Brockton. Roadway and sidewalk reconstruction tie into recent investments and improve pedestrian corridor between residential neighborhoods and Campello Station. The project will spur and support redevelopment opportunities along Main Street and near the corner of Montello Street and Terminal Place. |
Buckland - $1,000,000 |
Charlemont Rd. Reconstruction & Culvert Repair - The Town of Buckland will reconstruct and repair 3,100 feet of roadway and a failing culvert along Charlemont Road, a primary travel way between the towns of Buckland, Ashfield, and Charlemont and a regional connector between Route 2 and Route 112. Heavy cut-through traffic from highway travelers has led to severe deterioration of the roadway, and a recent storm event resulted in the partial collapse of a stream-crossing culvert, reducing travel to just one lane above the structure. Improvements along Charlemont Road will include road reclamation, drainage infrastructure, and culvert repairs to reopen the entire length of the roadway to two-lane travel. |
Burlington - $3,500,000 |
Burlington Water Connection - The Town of Burlington will expand its water supply and distribution system to advance $175 million in planned housing and commercial development at Northwest Park – a mixed-use campus of office, restaurant, retail, residential, and hospitality uses. New public infrastructure will include approximately two miles of upgraded water mains with a MWRA connection and a new chemical feed station. This expansion will provide the necessary water capacity to advance the development of 300 new apartment units and the build out of 300,000 square feet of new office space at Northwest Park. In addition, the project will advance the Town’s master plan of building an exclusive MWRA connection to Burlington through the towns of Lexington and Arlington and activating development opportunities along its Middlesex Turnpike and Route 3 corridor. This award leverages over $8.8 million from multiple sources of public and private funds. |
Chelsea - $5,000,000 |
Innes Apartments Redevelopment - MassWorks funds will be used to support the Innes Apartments Redevelopment, on a site owned by the Chelsea Housing Authority (CHA). Public infrastructure improvements include new water, sewer and drainage systems, curbing and pavement, street trees, lighting and signal improvements at the Central Ave/Willow St. intersection. The private project includes 96 units to replace the existing public affordable housing units (households earning 80% or less than AMI), 40 units will be available for workforce housing (households earning 120% or less than AMI) and the remaining 194 units will be market-rate. The site will be served by municipal water and sewer. |
Dracut - $650,000 |
144 Greenmont Avenue Senior Housing - The Town of Dracut is constructing a new senior housing development at 144 Greenmount Avenue, which will consist of 60 units for elderly residents at 30% and 60% of area median income. The $650,000 Massworks award will provide for the infrastructure costs associated with the project including new water lines, sewer lines and pump stations will be installed along with new gas, electric, cable, and telephone connections. New pathways will connect the new development to Bridge Street and Greenmount Avenue. |
Erving - $500,000 |
IP Mill Water Infrastructure Improvements - The Town of Erving will use this grant to fund the design and construction of water/utility infrastructure leading to the former International Paper Mill site, which the town envisions to be developed into three mixed-use parcels for housing, commercial, light industrial and recreational purposes. The mill site is a 49.3-acre town owned brownfield bounded by Papermill Road, Route 2, Prospect Street, the Millers River, and dense woods. Since it was abandoned in 2000, the Town has cleaned up the site of much hazardous materials and installed security cameras to prevent arson and vandalism. They consider the site prime real estate and have started to get interest from private developers. The town also intends to design and construct a public road through the site to facilitate safe access. They expect that development will open up opportunities for local jobs and tourism and further strengthen Erving’s relationship with its neighbor Montague, which is developing the adjacent Village of Millers Falls in tandem with this project. |
Hanover - $1,265,000 |
Hanover Crossing Mixed Use Redevelopment - The Town of Hanover will complete intersection and street improvements in support of Hanover Crossing, a $225-million redevelopment of the former Hanover Mall for a mix of housing and open-air retail. Principal improvements will include the reconfiguration and resignalization of the intersection at Route 53 and Hanover Mall Drive – the primary access and egress point for the site’s open-air retail and public-space areas. Other improvements will include multi-modal accommodations along Hanover Mall Drive and the resurfacing of Mill Street to support the site’s new housing complex. At full buildout, Hanover Crossing will include 297 market-rate apartments, 610,000 square feet of retail space, six restaurants, and 30,000 square feet of open space. |
Harvard - $1,000,000 |
Slough Road Safety Improvements - The Town of Harvard will construct a new drainage system and rehabilitate approximately 3,500 feet of roadway along Slough Road, a local connector to Route 111 and a commuter road for accessing Route 495. Poor drainage and pavement conditions make travel hazardous along the roadway following heavy rain and snow events, especially when temperatures are below freezing. Project improvements will focus on the construction of a closed drainage system, with new pipes and catch basins to properly manage stormwater, along with reclamation of the roadway. |
Haverhill - $1,950,000 |
Haverhill TOD Mixed Use Redevelopment - The City of Haverhill has plans for a major roadway realignment project in the vicinity of the MBTA Bradford Commuter Rail Station that supports a large transit oriented development on Railroad Avenue. Some 1500 LF of roadway, sidewalk, and intersection improvements will provide safe and accessible access for users of all transportation modes to the Bradford Commuter Rail Station, the nearby Bradford Rail Trail, the Merrimack River, and a new mixed use development across from the station. The project seeks to realign Laurel Avenue to South Elm Street, realign Railroad Avenue with South Elm Street, construct a connection to the Bradford Rail Trail, and enhance the Railroad Avenue/South Elm Street intersection with a rapid rectangular flashing beacon. Sidewalks in the area will also be rehabilitated to ADA standards and the roadways will all be milled and overlaid to address existing pavement failures. The total cost of the project is $2,275,000, of which the Massworks grant will cover $1,950,000. The private developer is contributing the matching funds, about $100,000 toward design and $225,000 toward signal synchronization of a nearby signaled intersection. The developer is also granting an easement for some of the public project to be done on private property. The private development this project leverages is a 290 unit mixed use project with 10,000 square feet of retail that will be situated on land on Railroad Avenue directly across from the Bradford Commuter Rail Station that formerly housed a shoe manufacturing factory. Currently the site lies vacant and is not generating tax revenue but the new development is expected to generate $19 million dollars in tax revenue over the first 20 years. The project will also remediate a nearby brownfield site to construct a public park and trails to benefit the residential community. |
Lawrence - $1,310,000 |
Island Parkside Infrastructure Improvements - The City of Lawrence proposes to construct a vehicular and pedestrian connection between Island Street, where a new housing development being developed by Lawrence CommunityWorks is located, and Ferrous Park, a recreational green space to the east of the development. This project will provide an environmental justice community convenient access to green space and contribute to better air quality, health, and quality of living. The project will also improve drainage in the area with the planting of numerous trees and bushes. The total cost of the project is $1,310,000 and 50% of the project’s design has been completed. The Lawrence CommunityWorks development the project is leveraging is an 80 unit $27 million affordable housing development located on Island Street on a former industrial park. All of the units are for families making 60% of Area Median Income (AMI) or below and of those 80 units, 32 of them will be for families making 30% AMI or below. Phase I of the development is fully funded and permitted and is expected to start construction in spring 2021. The second phase will begin design and permitting in 2021. Additionally the developer is rehabilitating a nearby former industrial building, the Dyeworks Building, into 35,000 square feet of commercial space that will be anchored by a Latin American supermarket. |
Leominster - $2,487,000 |
Whitney Field Infrastructure Improvements - The City of Leominster will upgrade decades old water and sewer pipes in one of the City's largest commercial districts which includes the 774,000 square foot Mall at Whitney Field. Work includes new sidewalks, fencing, paving, ADA ramps and retaining wall - all of which will directly impact private development in the area, including the expansion of the Mall |
Lynn - $2,200,000 |
Lynnway at Blossom Street Traffic & Safety - The City of Lynn will complete intersection and street improvements at the junction of Blossom Street and Lynnway. Improvements will support planned housing and future transit-oriented development opportunities, including a $20-million redevelopment of a former auto-repair site for the Blossom Street Residences. This development will create 72 units of market-rate condominiums, with the potential for up to 100 additional units on an adjacent site. Both sites are located within a half mile of Lynn’s Central Square MBTA Commuter Rail Station and within a quarter mile of a new public waterfront path, with a direct connection to Heritage State Park. Specific improvements at the intersection will include median removal, geometric modifications, resignalization, dedicated turn lanes, and sidewalks. |
Methuen - $990,000 |
Charles Street Retaining Wall Replacement - The City of Methuen is replacing a structurally deficient retaining wall located on Charles Street close to Methuen’s downtown. This move is necessary to preserve and expand a 54 space city owned parking lot, protect infrastructure such as water and sewer lines beneath Charles Street, enhance pedestrian safety and accessibility, and unlock new development that will improve Methuen’s downtown. This infrastructure project leverages several new developments all in the vicinity. 2 Charles Street, a historic 1886 building, is slated to be converted and rehabilitated into a mixed use development with 4 residential units (1 affordable) and 2,971 sf of retail/office space. 289 Broadway is being developed into new mixed use 3,000 sf of restaurant space and 4 residential units at a cost of $2.5 million dollars. 20 full and part time positions are expected to be created with this second development. |
Nantucket - $1,500,000 |
Waitt Drive Improvements - MassWorks funds will support the construction of Waitt Drive into a proposed NE/SW roadway connector serving approximately 10 new parcels and a 64 unit affordable housing complex. The roadway will provide vehicle, pedestrian and bicycle connectivity between Ticcoma Way, Amelia Dr, the Nantucket Public Safety & Civic Facilities, Old S. Rd and Nantucket Bike path network. The roadway will be 22 feet wide with 48 on-street parking spaces, (4 Accessible), & 2 pedestrian connection pathways will be provided between Waitt Drive and the commercial Amelia Drive. |
Northfield & Warwick - $2,000,000 |
Northfield/Warwick Roads Reconstruction - The Towns of Northfield and Warwick will reconstruct nearly two miles of roadway forming the primary east-west corridor between the two communities. The length of this roadway is used year-round by Northfield ambulances servicing Warwick and provides the fastest travel route to Franklin County’s only medical center in Greenfield. The project’s limits include a steep mountain pass, where poor slope and pavement conditions make travel hazardous during heavy rain and snow events and which recently led to a fatal motorcycle crash in 2019. Safety improvements will include the reconstruction of cross slopes, drainage swales, and retaining walls at the roadway’s highest elevation, as well as nearly two miles of road reclamation between the two communities. |
Orange - $1,000,000 |
South Main Street Water Infrastructure Improvements - The Town of Orange will use MassWorks funding to replace and upgrade aging water and sewer lines from Myrtle Street to Gay Street (+/- 1,500 linear feet). The proposed work will eliminate sewer backups within the project area by replacing the existing 12” cast iron water line, with 12” ductile iron piping. The Project will also upgrade the Myrtle Street to Carpenter Street stretch from 12” sewer line to modern 15” piping and upgrading the Carpenter to Gay Street stretch from 10” to 12” piping. The improvements will preserve the Town’s current housing density which is allowed at the rate of four units per acre by right. |
Phillipston - $1,000,000 |
Rte. 101 Queen Lake Road Rehabilitation - MassWorks funding will be used to address safety issues on a failing segment of Queen Lake Road/Rte. 101, a primary emergency responder mutual aid route between Petersham, Phillipston and Templeton, and the main commercial traffic and commuter route heading east to Leominster/Fitchburg and metropolitan Boston accessing Routes 32, 2 and 2A. It also serves as the primary route for elementary school students from Phillipston and Templeton, part of the Narragansett Regional School District. The Project includes the reconstruction of Queen Lake Road/Rte.101 from Petersham Rd approx. 2.4 miles to the Templeton Town Line, including major rehabilitation to the single lane bridge over Wine Brook. Work will also include milling and repaving the road, reconstruction of the bridge to replace deteriorated support structure; and repairing the abutments, restoring the second travel lane, drainage and related work. The project continues work from a previous MassWorks grant shared with the Town of Petersham, that repaired Route 101 from Petersham Road to Rte. 32, making a continuous improvement of Route 101 over 5.6 miles long to the Templeton line. |
Pittsfield - $3,000,000 |
Tyler Street Streetscape Improvements - The City of Pittsfield has plans to revitalize Tyler Street, a major arterial close to the city’s downtown district. The goal of the City is to turn Tyler Street from an auto-centric thoroughway with inadequate bicycle and pedestrian facilities into a more multi-modal Complete Streets format that will attract interest to the corridor and better connect businesses with the surrounding residential neighborhood. This multi-purpose project will include sidewalk and bus stop improvements and the addition of new bike lanes, crosswalks, street trees, and new lighting to improve bicycle and pedestrian use. The total cost of the project is $5,948,000 of which $3,000,000 will be covered by the Massworks grant. A multitude of developments along the Tyler Street corridor will benefit from the public project. A former church that was vacant for 15 years, an abandoned fire station, a brownfield site, and a part of the former GE campus at the far end of the street are all set to see changes and redevelopment. A $7.5 million housing development will construct 29 multi-family residential units in 4 buildings at the former St. Mary’s complex at 653 Tyler Street. 730 Tyler Street will see a $6.5 million 20 unit residential development. 765 Tyler Street will be converted into 16 new residential units and 3 commercial storefronts at a cost of $6.5 million. 741 Tyler Street will house the new Tyler Street Lab which will be a center for non-profit community groups. Further development include a $2.8 million cannabis manufacturing facility coming to the former General Electric plant and an estimated $36-50 million worth of new mixed use development at the William Stanley Business Park, a 16.5 acre brownfield site adjacent to Tyler Street. |
Plainfield - $998,000 |
Rte 116 Improvement - The Town of Plainfield is fully reclaiming and repaving a 1.7 mile section and a 0.8 mile of Route 116 with the aid of this $998,000 Massworks STRAP grant. Route 116 is the primary access route through Plainfield and a principle evacuation route serving as a detour route to any road closures on Route 2, Route 112, and Route 9, all of which parallel Route 116. The combination of heavy truck traffic, frost, and poor water drainage has resulted in a severely cracked and deteriorating roadway. Improvement of this major roadway will ensure continuation of vital commerce through the town and region. |
Sheffield - $1,000,000 |
Bridge Replacements - MassWorks funds will be used for the construction of Lime Kiln Road over Hubbard Brook S-10-014 and Kelsey Road over Dry Brook S-10-038. Design and permitting for these structures has already been funded through a combination of state grants, including a previous MassWorks award, and local funds. Design and permitting for these structures has been funded through a combination of municipal grants and town funds. Sheffield previously secured a 2018 MassWorks Grant, 2019 MassDOT Municipal Small Bridge and 2017 & 2019 DER Municipal Assistance grant. These funds greatly advanced the design and permitting efforts. The Town of Sheffield is now requesting a 2020 MassWorks grant to fund construction, beginning in spring 2021. |
South Hadley - $2,711,000 |
Newton St Smart Growth District Improvements - The Town of South Hadley is working to redevelop the DHCD approved Newton Street Smart Growth District, a federally designated Opportunity Zone centered on Newton and Lyman Streets. Currently the area has outdated water and sewer lines, inadequate sidewalks and pedestrian connectivity but an abundance of parking. The $2,711,875 Massworks grant will provide for the addition of new crosswalks and flashing beacon signs to improve pedestrian safety and connectivity, new water and sewer lines that will connect to both new and existing businesses, new storm drainage to improve water discharge, and new bicycle lanes to better accommodate cyclists. The Town plans to turn Lyman Street into a complete street and encourage nearby residents to walk or bike to the businesses and services within the district. The Massworks Grant is supporting South Hadley’s progress toward enhancing the Newton Street Smart Growth District with new development that fits into its mixed-use character. The district currently comprises of single and multi-family units, shops, restaurants, condominiums, and offices. New projects such as the revitalization of Woodlawn Plaza, an open space retail center that will see over $26 million in private investment over the next several years, an $11 million new senior center, and some $2.6 million in new bank facilities will bring new energy to the area. A new 60 unit 15,000 square foot mixed income housing complex and a new hardware store will be constructed on Woodlawn Plaza, which will also see some physical changes and improvements. The private projects will total $29 million in new investment. |
Stoughton - $2,500,000 |
South Stoughton Sewer Expansion - The Town of Stoughton will expand its municipal sewer system to activate nearly $36 million in proposed building expansions for commercial and industrial uses. New public infrastructure will include 8,700 feet of gravity sewer piping, 4,300 feet of sewer force mains, and a pump station to service properties in and around Route 27 and the Campanelli Business Park. This expansion will eliminate existing dependencies on septic systems for numerous commercial, industrial, and residential sites and is expected to catalyze over 200,000 square feet of proposed building projects and create an estimated 240 new permanent jobs across five commercial and industrial properties. This award leverages over $5 million in local funds. |
Ware - $178,000 |
Main Street Streetscape Lighting - The Town of Ware is in the process of upgrading infrastructure on 900 feet of Main Street in its downtown. The $178,000 Massworks grant allows for the replacement of the existing tall streetlights with 30 LED pedestrian level streetlights. These new streetlights will provide a safer and more comfortable feel to pedestrians walking Main Street and accessing its storefront businesses. In addition to supporting existing businesses in Downtown Ware and nearby residences, this lighting project allows for the redevelopment of 92 and 114 Main Street into mixed use complexes offering ground floor commercial space and 5-9 units of housing on the upper floors. |
Wayland - $2,203,000 |
Alta at River's Edge - The Town of Wayland is connecting its wastewater infrastructure to a new 218-unit housing development at 490 Boston Post Road, which will replace a unused DPW facility. This move will not only provide a public sewer connection to the new development but also optimize the Town’s wastewater treatment facility, which is operating below capacity. Currently, the facility has permits to discharge 52,000 gallons of water a day but the facility is only discharging half of that amount. An increase of 36,000 discharged gallons of water from the new facility will bring the water discharge to optimal levels. Additionally, the project will help the Town save money and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by not needing to construct its own on-site wastewater treatment facility. The Massworks project is leveraging Alta at River’s Edge, a multifamily residential development comprising of 218 housing units, at least a quarter of which will be affordable and at least a quarter of which will be aged restricted. The minimal 25% of affordable housing will fulfill the Town’s 10% affordable housing requirement. |
Wellfleet - $2,500,000 |
Wellfleet Water System Upgrade and Expansion - The Town of Wellfleet will expand its municipal water distribution system to unlock future development of a public parcel for affordable housing production. This parcel is located in a priority development area, adjacent to the town center, and has been identified by the Cape Cod Commission as a “Community Activity Center,” well-suited for multi-family housing development. Six of the parcel’s nine acres have been approved for the creation of affordable rental housing under a 99-year lease. Water system improvements will include the replacement of approximately two miles of undersized water mains, providing the hydraulic capacity needed to service the site and allowing for the build out of 42 income-restricted units. This award leverages over $1 million in local funds. |
West Brookfield - $985,000 |
Town Center Improvements - MassWorks funds will support Complete Streets improvements on Route 9 between North Main Street (Route 67) and Milk Street. The project will enhance bicycle, pedestrian, and vehicle safety within the center of West Brookfield, and thus address many of the safety concerns identified as part of West Brookfield's Complete Streets Prioritization Plan. The project will connect several recently completed projects around the Town Center and builds on the recent improvements made to the north and east of the center. |
Westborough - $1,282,000 |
Flanders Road/West Park Dr. Ext. Intersection - The Town of Westborough is improving the traffic movements in and out of its Westborough Office Park. Phases of the project include extending the current West Park Drive from its current dead end to Flanders Road, installation of a traffic signal at the new intersection of Flanders Road and the new West Park Drive Extension construction of new sidewalks on Flanders Road at the intersection vicinity, and demarcation of five-foot shoulders on Flanders Road. Additionally, an 8-foot stone dust multi-use trail as part of the Boston-Worcester Air Line Trail (BWALT) will be constructed next to the proposed West Park Drive Extension. The public portion of the project leverages the private portion of the project, which is the extension of the current West Park Drive within Westborough Office Park owned by Carruth Capital LLC. The Westborough Office Park currently has seven existing buildings and one new building under construction totaling 800,000 square feet of office and research/development space. The Massachusetts Environmental Protection Agency has approved for up to 930,000 square feet more of space for development. This will increase the developable acreage to 1,730,000 square feet. The entire project has the opportunity to unlock much new private development in the expanded office park, which will create an additional 1,030 new permanent jobs and 870 construction jobs. |
Wilmington - $2,891,000 |
Smart Growth Housing - The Town of Wilmington is committing to major roadway and infrastructure improvements to Middlesex Avenue and Jefferson Road. Work includes replacement of a crumbling culvert on Middlesex Avenue over Lubbers Brook, a sewer extension running alongside the culvert, restriping of Middlesex Avenue to provide 12-foot vehicular travel lanes and 5-foot bicycle lanes on both sides, and improved signs and pavement markings at the North Wilmington commuter railroad crossing. Additional improvements are the installation of new pedestrian crosswalks, ADA accessible ramps, and rectangular rapid flashing beacon signs at the Middlesex and Jefferson intersection. The private developer, Princeton Wilmington Three, is also funding for sidewalk and surface improvements to the part of Middlesex Avenue in front of their new development. The project leverages the Princeton Wilmington Smart Growth Housing Project, a mixed income residential development authorized by a Chapter 40B Local Initiative Partition that will redevelop an existing retail center and underutilized surface parking lot into 108 new housing units. The development will consist of two apartment buildings built on the sites of a surface parking lot and a former retail strip center on Middlesex Avenue within close walking distance to the North Wilmington Commuter Rail Station. |
Worcester - $1,500,000 |
Green Island Boulevard - MassWorks funding will support the City of Worcester in the construction of Green Island Boulevard, a new urban street that will connect Madison Street to Lamartine Street and Hermon Street in Worcester’s Canal District. The street will include one motor vehicle travel lane in each direction, an additional lane to accommodate left turns at the intersection with Madison Street, bicycle lanes, on-street parking, and sidewalks with streetscape features including street lighting, trees, and street furniture. The proposed project supports redevelopment of 12.7 acres of vacant land south of Madison Street and will serve as the primary gateway and access route to existing and future development in the area. |