Grant Recipients
Location | Organization | Amount |
Description |
Acton | Town of Acton | $2,300,000 | This grant will fund the construction of a sewer extension across Route 2 and infrastructure improvements for existing utility extensions, drainage/storm water collection sites, retaining walls, and hydrants. |
Amherst | Town of Amherst | $755,000 | This grant will fund the infrastructure improvements necessary to widen and repave the roadway, replace 1,000 linear feet of sidewalk on both sides of Route 9, and construct new bike lanes, drainage, and sidewalks. |
Arlington | Town of Arlington | $307,000 | This grant will be used to support safety and multimodal improvements along the public right-of-way on the Massachusetts Avenue corridor between Richardson Avenue and Quinn Road in Arlington. Funds will be used to develop the final roadway design which will accommodate new residential and business development in the immediate area. |
Ashburnham | Town of Ashburnham | $1,000,000 | This grant will fund Main Street improvements such as accessible concrete sidewalks and granite curbs on both sides of Upper Main Street from the main entrance of Cushing Academy to Pleasant and Lawrence Street. |
Avon | Town of Avon | $1,000,000 | This grant will support the STRAP project with improvements to undermined/failing culverts on both Rock Street and GIll Street, the reconstruction of 2,325 feet of road, and the installation of sidewalks on Gill Street. The town will also be replacing the water line on Rock Street. |
Bedford | Town of Bedford | $3,000,000 | This grant will fund infrastructure improvements to complete the construction of sewer pump stations, new generators, new pumps, and A3 Sewer force main upgrades on Middlesex Turnpike. These upgrades will increase economic growth and sustain existing and planned development along the Middlesex Turnpike and Crosby Drive. |
Bellingham | Town of Bellingham | $2,000,000 | This grant will be used for infrastructure improvements to the Hartford Ave/Route 126 & Route 495 interchange that is currently impeding growth. These upgrades will provide the necessary infrastructure to increase industrial development and economic activity across the region. |
Boston | Boston Planning & Development Agency | $2,400,000 | This grant will fund infrastructure improvements to support the development of the NUBA Residences, a mixed-use residential and commercial development. The development includes 114 mixed-income residential units, 67 rental units and 47 ownership units, with affordability levels ranging from 30% - 120% of the area median income (AMI). |
Boston | Boston Planning & Development Agency | $2,000,000 | This grant will fund drainage & utility connections, stormwater retention, and streetscape improvements to support the development of the new Benjamin Franklin Institute Nubian Square campus. The project will result in a new, three-story building containing 20 technical education labs, 8 shared general classrooms, 13 conference, meeting and huddle rooms, a central student lounge, student study space, administration and other offices, and support spaces. |
Bourne | North Sagamore Water District | $1,310,000 | This grant will fund upgrades to water mains to safely supply potable water and fire protection to the planned affordable housing 40B project, Cape View Way. The project will replace approximately 2,810 linear feet of 8-inch diameter asbestos cement water main with a new 12-inch diameter PVC water main. |
Braintree | Town of Braintree | $2,500,000 | This grant will fund the reconstruction of Allen Street from Shaw Street to Quincy Avenue, a length of approximately 1,450 feet. This project also includes the redevelopment of a vacant property with mixed-income housing units and public access to the Monatiquot River, and the furthering of multimodal transit goals with added walkability to the nearby commuter rail station. |
Buckland | Shelburne Falls Fire District | $2,298,000 | This grant will be used to fund structural repairs and upgrades to the Shelburne Falls Bridge. Improvements will enhance resiliency and ensure the longevity of this essential water connection between Buckland and Shelburne Falls. |
Charlemont | Town of Charlemont | $500,000 | This grant will fund infrastructure improvements to the bridge to better connect downtown Charlemont and neighboring towns. |
Chelsea | City of Chelsea | $4,000,000 | This grant will be used for upgrades to water, sewer, drainage, and fiber optic infrastructure. Upon completion, the project will bolster infrastructure capacity to accommodate growth and increase district resilience. |
Cheshire | Town of Cheshire | $633,000 | This grant will fund the resurfacing of 2.5 miles of Route 116 and the replacement of 9,120 feet of failing guardrail. This route is critical as it is a main emergency evacuation route for Adams and Cheshire residents. |
Clarksburg | Town of Clarksburg | $1,000,000 | This grant will fund infrastructure improvements including the replacement of drainage culverts and the implementation of traffic calming measures to enhance the safety of travelers. |
Colrain | Town of Colrain | $1,000,000 | This grant will fund the rehabilitation of Greenfield Road, a heavily trafficked road running south from Route 112 in the Colrain Village Center to the Town of Shelburne where it intersects Route 2. |
Cummington | Town of Cummington | $882,000 | This grant will support necessary improvements to replace existing deformed and undersized infrastructure for the Stage Road Culvert which is currently a public safety risk. |
East Bridgewater | Town of East Bridgewater | $4,000,000 | This grant will fund the construction of a wastewater pump station and force main for the City of Brockton sewer system. This area is also the site of a proposed 240-unit Chapter 40B residential development and commercial development. |
Easton | Town of Easton | $250,000 | This grant will fund roadway improvements to enhance pedestrian, bicycle, and traffic management. The project is the final step in attracting private investment and redevelopment that creates new housing types, commercial development, and mixed-use, walkable neighborhoods. |
Fall River | City of Fall River | $2,000,000 | This grant will help fund the Route 79 Davol Street Corridor Improvements project. Upgrades will include construction of a stormwater conveyance system; underground storage chambers; landscaping; and ornamental highway lighting. |
Foxborough | Foxborough Housing Authority | $4,000,000 | This grant will help fund the Route 79 Davol Street Corridor Improvements project. Upgrades will include construction of a Stormwater Conveyance System; Underground Storage Chambers; Landscaping; and Ornamental Highway Lighting. |
Franklin | Town of Franklin | $3,200,000 | This grant will be used to support the Franklin Ridge Senior Housing project, a development that will increase affordable housing along Veterans Memorial Drive. Construction includes improvements to roadways, sidewalks, streetlights, utility connections, and the addition of a new water booster pumping station. |
Freetown | Town of Freetown | $775,000 | This grant will fund the design and permitting of the Assonet Sewer Line extension to expand sewer service northerly along South Main Street and further catalyze economic development and workforce housing. |
Great Barrington | Town of Great Barrington | $3,200,000 | This grant will fund the construction of the small road, and the sewer/ stormwater infrastructure that will serve the new development of clustered affordable homes. Design and engineering are currently underway on this municipal owned 7.25-acre vacant site to be developed to accommodate 19 affordable homes. |
Hanson | Town of Hanson | $90,000 | This grant will be used to fund improvements to Main Street/Route 27 in the heart of South Hanson Village. |
Haverhill | City of Haverhill | $6,500,000 | This grant will fund infrastructure repairs and upgrades to support the redevelopment of the Urban Renewal District and Goecke Municipal Parking Deck. Upgrades will include new water/sewer lines, drainage, pedestrian plazas, sidewalks, and repaved roads to support 300-plus housing units and 51,000 square feet of new business space. |
Hawley | Town of Hawley | $800,000 | This grant will fund the preparation of bidding documents and costs associated with the construction and replacement of a failing, undersized culvert on State Route 8A with a Massachusetts Stream Crossings Standards compliant structure. |
Hinsdale | Town of Hinsdale | $1,000,000 | This grant will fund the Schnopp Roads Restoration Project to repair substantial drainage issues, and the resurfacing of the road to allow Hinsdale to complete a full depth reclamation or cold in-place recycle within the same roadway footprint. |
Holbrook | Town of Holbrook | $675,000 | This grant will fund the design and permitting of transportation improvements at the intersection of Centre Street and Union Street as well as the final design and permitting of two culvert replacements. The project’s easterly limit will match and expand upon transportation improvements currently being constructed by MassDOT to be completed in 2023. |
Leyden | Town of Leyden | $225,000 | This grant will fund infrastructure improvements, including the removal of the existing Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) wearing surface and membrane, chip and patch of the deck as needed, the addition of new membrane and 2 1/2-inch HMA wearing surface, and the rehabilitation of the deck joints. |
Littleton | Town of Littleton | $1,500,000 | This grant will fund the King Street Commons Public Infrastructure Project which will provide critical sewer, water, traffic/roadway, and pedestrian improvements to support the redevelopment of the 550 King Street parcel. Specifically, this project will extend sewer service to link the parcel to the Town's new discharge site and will improve the surrounding street network including Great Road (Route 119), King Street (Route 110) and create new streets to service the project. |
Lowell | City of Lowell | $300,000 | This grant will be used to fund improvements to sidewalks, landscape, and crosswalks in this area of the district, as well as repairs to the Swamp Locks Bridge and its connectivity to other parts of the district. |
Ludlow | Town of Ludlow | $3,000,000 | This grant will fund the construction of 1,800 feet of new road and infrastructure for the proposed Ludlow Mills Business Park. The property represents almost 40 acres of developable land with market-ready pad sites that can be subdivided or aggregated to meet current and future economic development needs. |
Lynn | City of Lynn | $3,700,000 | This grant will fund the rehabilitation of Hanson Street, the main throughfare for the public to access the Lynn waterfront and Harbor Park, as well as the improvement of Lynn’s Remote Pump Sewer Station 11 on Hanson Street. These projects will support both existing and future development in the area. |
Marlborough | Marlborough Economic Development Corporation | $2,000,000 | This grant will fund the reconstruction of a one-mile stretch of narrow roadway on Cedar Hill Street, which serves as an important regional connection at the interchange of Route 495. The proposed road improvement will remedy a preexisting deficient road condition that has created a barrier to private investment in Marlborough. |
Monterey | Town of Monterey | $1,000,000 | This grant will be used to address significant accessibility and safety issues for approximately two miles of road that connect through Beartown Mountain State Forest to the Towns of Lee and Great Barrington. |
Newton | City of Newton | $2,000,000 | This grant will be used to fund improvements for the intersection of Oak Street and Chestnut Street. Construction will include the replacement of traffic signals/signs, utility pole relocations, roadway pavement, as well as new concrete sidewalks and other landscaping/streetscape improvements. |
North Attleborough | Town of North Attleborough | $3,900,000 | This grant will be used to fund critical road improvements to remedy the structurally deficient intersection of Route 152 (Kelley Blvd/Taunton St) & Route 106 (Messenger St). The proposed improvements will provide for more efficient traffic flow, reduced congestion, and safe multimodal mobility along the corridor. The grant will unlock a 311-unit affordable housing project on Kelley Blvd and much needed transit-oriented revitalization in both communities. |
North Reading | Town of North Reading | $100,000 | This grant will support the proposed in-town wastewater collection system and out-of-town conveyance system to improve local services, provide more local job opportunities for the region, promote ground and surface water quality, and protect public health. |
Norton | Town of Norton | $320,000 | This grant will be used to conduct an engineering study, design, and permitting to extend sewage system along Elm Street from E. Main Street to Reservoir Street and connect the former Reed and Barton Mill site (47 Elm Street) to sewer. |
Oak Bluffs | Town of Oak Bluffs | $1,100,000 | This grant will be used to support the development of 60 multifamily rental units constructed across two phases that will be affordable to residents with incomes between 30%-110% of area median income (AMI). |
Otis | Town of Otis | $650,000 | This grant will be used for the construction of a composite arch bridge to replace two failing steel culverts. Project upgrades will include erosion/sediment control, earthwork, road reconstruction, guardrail improvements, channel improvements and vegetation restoration. |
Pittsfield | Pittsfield Economic Development Authority | $3,000,000 | This grant will be used to fund the redevelopment of Site 9 to convert 16.5 acres of concrete wasteland into green space, roadways, utility corridors and storm water management. The project will include parcels for industrial, manufacturing, and commercial space. |
Provincetown | Town of Provincetown | $395,000 | This grant will be used for the design and construction of approximately 1,200 linear feet of public sidewalks to connect three proposed affordable housing projects to the adjacent neighborhood, downtown employment center, schools, grocery stores, shops, and restaurants. |
Revere | City of Revere | $5,000,000 | This grant will be used for the revitalization of RiverFront District, a 20-acre area bordering Lynn. The project is expected to generate 350 construction jobs, 291 residential units with commercial amenities, and $1 million in new annual tax revenue, catalyzing other public and private investments in the district. |
Rochester | Town of Rochester | $800,000 | This grant will be used for the expansion of the Wareham Fire District service network to provide adequate flow and capacity to the Crossroads mixed-use center, a development with 208 residential units. |
Rockland | Town of Rockland | $975,000 | This grant will be used for the design and permitting of roadway corridor and intersection capacity improvements along Reservoir Park Drive and Hingham Street in Rockland. The proposed improvements will facilitate access from Route 3 to the South Weymouth Naval Air Station Redevelopment site. |
Russell | Town of Russell | $1,000,000 | This grant will fund infrastructure improvements to General Knox Road roadway to eliminate sharp curves and make safer roads for the motoring public. |
Sheffield | Town of Sheffield | $1,000,000 | This grant will fund improvements to Weatogue Road, an important access route for agricultural activities and cross border mutual aid. |
Shrewsbury | Town of Shrewsbury | $300,000 | This grant will fund the water and sewer improvements project to provide new municipal water and sanitary sewer infrastructure that serves existing residential and commercial properties within the northwest area of Shrewsbury. |
Shrewsbury | Town of Shrewsbury | $300,000 | This grant will fund the installation of approximately 6,050 linear feet of sewer line as part of its Phase II Sewer Improvements along the Route 20 Corridor. The new sewer will extend down Purinton and Clews Street to a proposed sewer to be installed by a private developer at the intersection of Clews Street and Route 20. |
Southbridge | Town of Southbridge | $885,000 | This grant will be used to fund infrastructure improvements, including improved sidewalk access, advanced rectangular rapid flashing beacons (RRFBs), guardrails, fencing, minor drainage improvements, and restriping of the existing roadway within the project area. |
Springfield | City of Springfield | $700,000 | This grant will be used to upgrade existing green space at historic Apremont Triangle to provide improved streetscape and access for small businesses and residents along this key commercial corridor in downtown Springfield. |
Sturbridge | Town of Sturbridge | $250,000 | This grant will be used to support the redevelopment of the contaminated site on Charlton Road. These infrastructure improvements on Route 20 are essential in ensuring safe operation. |
Sutton | Town of Sutton | $3,600,000 | This grant will be used to fund infrastructure upgrades and construction of two pump stations to ensure reliable service for the 1,000-plus existing users of the system. This project will accommodate projected increases in flow per the latest Comprehensive Wastewater Management Plan. |
Upton | Town of Upton | $275,000 | This grant will be used to extend current water and sewer infrastructure east from Upton Town Center along Route 140. This infrastructure would directly support a new development with residences for adults, townhouses with a mixed-use component. |
Warwick | Town of Warwick | $1,000,000 | This grant will be used for the installation of new guard rails in 10 locations deemed deficient to increase road safety. |
Wellfleet | Town of Wellfleet | $250,000 | This grant will be used for the design, permitting, and construction of a decentralized neighborhood wastewater treatment facility. Upgrading adjacent septic systems will result in net water quality benefits, and will provide the required infrastructure to support a critical affordable housing project. |
Westborough | Town of Westborough | $2,000,000 | This grant will be used for road improvements at the intersection of Route 9 and Otis Street and along the Otis Street corridor to support the town's planning and rezoning efforts. These infrastructure upgrades will attract smart growth development in close proximity to transit. |
Weymouth | Town of Weymouth | $3,500,000 | This grant will be used to build a right turn lane on the north bound side of Middle Street at Libbey Pkwy, as well as construct a bike lane and sidewalk improvements. These improvements will mitigate major traffic increases and promote future commercial development. |
Worcester | Worcester Housing Authority | $2,500,000 | This grant will be used to support the revitalization of Curtis Apartments, with site and public infrastructure improvements that will create 462 mixed-income units and promote economic development along Great Brook Valley Ave and Brookview Drive. |
Worcester | City of Worcester | $1,500,000 | This grant will be used to fund the required remediation and demolition of 10 vacant industrial buildings as part of the planned conversion of an existing private way into a public road. These major infrastructure improvements will create the necessary frontage for multiple pad-ready sites that could house approximately one million square feet of new, modern manufacturing space. |