Northern Essex Community College Health and Wellness Facilities Redevelopment

The Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance (DCAMM), in partnership with Northern Essex Community College (NECC), is planning for the redevelopment of the Health and Wellness Facilities on NECC’s Haverhill Campus.


Questions & Answers

Find responses to submitted questions as per Addendum #1 at NECC Health and Wellness Redevelopment Request for Proposals (RFP) Questions & Answers.

Request for Proposal

DCAMM and NECC released a Request for Proposals for a long-term ground lease and redevelopment of the Health and Wellness Facilities. DCAMM and NECC envision that this redevelopment will revitalize the health and wellness facilities, address deferred maintenance, contribute to campus decarbonization, foster neighborhood relationships, boost recruitment and retention, and enhance connections with the surrounding community.

Bidders' Conference

Watch the replay of the Bidder's Conference. 

A virtual bidders' conference was held on Wednesday, July 10, 2024 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. For further questions and to receive updates on the project, please email

Additional Information

NECC Haverhill Campus

This public-private partnership will work to achieve the following primary goals:

  • Advance NECC’s mission by better serving their students of today and the future with health and wellness offerings;
  • Enhance NECC facilities in a cost-effective way; and
  • Foster better connectivity with the surrounding community to advance shared values and attract and retain students.

NECC’s health and wellness facilities, comprised of the Sports and Fitness Center (Building D, built in 1971) and several fields, do not meet the modern needs of the campus community. These facilities face an estimated $9M+ in deferred maintenance, including outdated systems, ADA accessibility shortcomings, and poor drainage of the fields.

NECC views vibrant athletic health and wellness programming as integral to student retention, physical and mental health, and the success of the college. 

This project presents an opportunity to revitalize and modernize a uniquely situated athletic facility in a vibrant and growing city, in partnership with a robust community college.

To learn more about the project goals, engagement, timeline, and process, please visit the NECC Health & Wellness Project

For general project inquiries email

Contact   for Northern Essex Community College Health and Wellness Facilities Redevelopment

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