Occupational Health and Safety Advisory Board


Occupational Health and Safety Advisory Board

MGL chapter 149 section 6-1/2 establishes an Occupational Health and Safety Advisory Board. The Advisory Board shall evaluate injury and illness data, recommend training and implementation of safety and health measures, monitor the effectiveness of safety and health programs and determine where additional resources are needed to protect the safety and health of public employees.

Board Membership

The Occupational Health and Safety Advisory Board is a 19-member board, consisting of the following persons or their designees: 

  • Secretary of Labor and Workforce Development
  • Personnel Administrator/Chief Human Resources Officer
  • Director of the Department of Labor Standards
  • Secretary of Administration and Finance
  • Director of the Office of Employee Relations
  • Commissioner of the Department of Public Health
  • Director of the Department of Industrial Accidents
  • Four representatives from labor unions representing employees of the Commonwealth
  • One representative from a community-based health and safety advocacy organization
  • Massachusetts Highway Association designee
  • Massachusetts Association of School committees designee
  • Massachusetts Water Works Association designee
  • Massachusetts Municipal Management Association
  • One member of the faculty of the Department of Work Environment at the University of Massachusetts Lowell

Board Meetings

Advisory Board meetings are held quarterly at the DLS Boston offices.

Advisory Board Reports

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