Each public body in Massachusetts has a single, official location where it must post all meeting notices. The official notice posting locations are linked below in three spreadsheets corresponding to different types of public bodies: local, regional/district/county, and state. The spreadsheets are organized alphabetically and are searchable.
Local public bodies (municipalities)
Local public bodies are required to post notices in a manner conspicuously visible to the public at all hours in or on the municipal building in which the clerk's office is located. This may be a bulletin board, an electronic display, or a binder. As an alternative method of notice, a municipality may adopt a website as the official notice posting method for all the public bodies within the municipality, and must notify the Attorney General's Office in writing of the website's address. Municipalities that have not adopted websites are noted in the spreadsheet as posting a “physical notice.”
View the spreadsheet of notice posting locations for local public bodies.
Regional/county/district public bodies (including regional school districts)
Meeting notices must be filed and posted in the same manner required of local public bodies in each of the communities within the region or district. A county public body must file meeting notices in the office of the county commissioners. As an alternative method of notice, a regional/county/district public body may post a meeting notice on the regional, county, or district public body’s website. Please note that only regional/county/district public bodies that have adopted alternative notice posting methods will appear in this spreadsheet. All others post with the default official method (to file and post in the same manner required of local public bodies in each of the communities within the region or district).
View the spreadsheet of notice posting locations for regional/county/district public bodies.
State public bodies
Each state public body must post its notices on a website and must notify the Attorney General's Office of the website in writing. Each state public body must also file a copy of each notice with the regulations division of the Secretary of State's Office. For more information about notice posting requirements, please consult the Notice section of the Open Meeting Law Guide, pages 8-10.
View the spreadsheet of notice posting locations for state public bodies.
Request a correction
If you believe any information in these spreadsheets to be incorrect or outdated, please contact the Division of Open Government at (617) 963-2540 or OpenMeeting@state.ma.us.