The videos below, created by the Attorney General's Division of Open Government, are a resource for members of the public and public bodies who want to learn about the open meeting law. The presentation is divided up into six videos, and is current as of March 2018. You may view the six videos in succession to cover the entire presentation, or you may select specific videos on topics of interest. A transcript of the videos is available. While this presentation is meant to provide an overview of the requirements of the Open Meeting Law, specific questions should be addressed to the Division of Open Government at 617-963-2540 or at
Video 1: Introduction and Definition
The first video introduces the presentation and gives a definition of key Open Meeting Law terms.
Video 2: Notice
The second video covers proper notice under the Open Meeting Law.
Video 3: Accessibility/Remote Participation/Public Participation
The third video covers the topics of accessibility, remote participation, and public participation.
Video 4: Executive Session
The fourth video covers executive session requirements under the Open Meeting Law.
Video 5: Minutes
The fifth video covers minutes requirements of the Open meeting Law.
Video 6: Certification/Complaint Process/Review/Resources/Contact
The sixth video covers the certification and complaint process, a review of the training, and resources and contact information for the Division of Open Government.