What are PFAS and why are they a problem?
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a family of chemicals used since the 1950s to manufacture stain-resistant, water-resistant, and non-stick products. PFAS are widely used in common consumer products as coatings, on food packaging, outdoor clothing, carpets, leather goods, ski and snowboard waxes, and more.
Certain types of firefighting foam—historically used by the U.S. military, local fire departments, and airports to fight oil and gasoline fires—may contain PFAS.
PFAS in drinking water is an important emerging issue nationwide. Because PFAS are water soluble, over time PFAS from some firefighting foam, manufacturing sites, landfills, spills, air deposition from factories and other releases can seep into surface soils. From there, PFAS can leach into groundwater or surface water, and can contaminate drinking water. PFAS have also been found in rivers, lakes, fish, and wildlife.
PFAS stay in the environment for a long time and do not break down easily. As a result, PFAS are widely detected in soil, water, air, and food. Some PFAS can accumulate in the food chain. Exposure can occur when someone uses certain products that contain PFAS, eats PFAS-contaminated food, or drinks PFAS-contaminated water. When ingested, some PFAS can build up in the body and, over time, these PFAS may increase to a level where health effects could occur.
Studies indicate that exposure to sufficiently elevated levels of certain PFAS may cause a variety of health effects including developmental effects in fetuses and infants, effects on the thyroid, liver, kidneys, certain hormones and the immune system. Some studies suggest a cancer risk may also exist in people exposed to higher levels of some PFAS. Scientists and regulators are still working to study and better understand the health risks posed by exposures to PFAS, and MassDEP is following developments in this burgeoning area closely.
Interagency Task Force and AG Lawsuit
In 2020, the Massachusetts legislature appointed the PFAS Interagency Task Force to investigate water and ground contamination of PFAS across the Commonwealth. The Task Force held nine public hearings throughout 2021 and heard testimony from a wide range of stakeholders, including researchers, advocacy groups, community members, municipal officials, state agencies, public water systems, industry groups, and legislators.
Learn more about the PFAS Interagency Task Force and see the Final PFAS Interagency Task Force Report
On May 25, 2022, Attorney General Maura Healey sued 13 manufacturers of PFAS "forever chemicals" used in firefighting foam for causing millions of dollars in damages to communities across Massachusetts by knowingly contaminating drinking water sources, groundwater, and other natural resources with highly toxic PFAS chemicals that pose a serious threat to public health and the environment.
See more information about the lawsuit: AG Healey Sues Manufacturers of Toxic ‘Forever’ Chemicals
Drinking Water Standards and Health Information
EPA National Primary Drinking Water Regulation
On April 10, 2024, EPA announced the final National Primary Drinking Water Regulation establishing Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) for six PFAS.
More information available on the EPA webpage: Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) | US EPA
and on the MassDEP webpage regarding the EPA MCLs
Massachusetts PFAS Standard for Public Drinking Water Supplies
On October 2, 2020, MassDEP published its PFAS public drinking water standard or Massachusetts Maximum Contaminant Level (MMCL) of 20 nanograms per liter (ng/L), or parts per trillion (ppt) applicable to community (COM) and non-transient non-community (NTNC) systems for the sum of the concentrations of six specific PFAS. The six PFAS are: PFOS, PFOA, PFHxS, PFNA, PFHpA, and PFDA. MassDEP abbreviates this set of six PFAS as “PFAS6.”
More information on the development of a PFAS6 MCL in Massachusetts
More Information for Public Water Suppliers about compliance with the PFAS6 MCL
States are required to establish regulations that are no less stringent than the federal standards within 2 years of the promulgation of the federal MCL, with the possibility of an extension of up to 2 years. The Massachusetts regulations, which established a PFAS6 MCL of 20 parts per trillion (ppt), are less stringent than the new federal MCLs and will be revised. In addition, the federal MCLs cover two additional PFAS (PFBS and GenX) that are not included in the current Massachusetts PFAS6 MCL and will need to be added to the MassDEP regulations. MassDEP will be proposing amendments to its PFAS regulations to be at least as stringent as the EPA MCLs and will be holding public hearings to receive public input on this proposal.
Health Information for Consumers
MassDEP Fact Sheet - Questions and Answers for Consumers
CDC ATSDR Information on PFAS for consumers and health professionals
PFAS detected in drinking water supplies in Massachusetts
This story map consists of seven tabs that present interactive maps, dashboards and photographs that describe the efforts by MassDEP and Public Water Suppliers to address the PFAS contamination. Click on the full screen symbol in the bottom right corner for best viewing.
PFAS testing data
PFAS sampling results from PWS are available on the Massachusetts EEA Data Portal. Search under the contaminant group "PFAS" or for the sum of the six compounds in the MCL, search under the chemical name "PFAS6".
PFAS and Environmental Justice Communities
The U.S. Government Accountability Office issued a report on October 19, 2022. The report concludes: “In Massachusetts, communities with higher percentages of non-White or Hispanic/Latino residents and/or families living in poverty were less likely than other communities to have PFAS in their drinking water.” See https://www.gao.gov/products/gao-22-105135
New drinking water source approvals and PFAS
MassDEP requires PWS to test all new sources of drinking water for PFAS, including replacement sources and satellite wells, using EPA method 537 (14 compounds) or 537.1 (18 Compounds) and report all results. For more information about the new source approval process, contact your MassDEP Regional Office. List of MassDEP Regional Offices by community or email the MassDEP Drinking Water Program program.director-dwp@mass.gov.
Laboratories, testing and sample collection for drinking water
Private Well Owners
If you are a private well owner, for more information about whether you should test, how to test and your drinking water treatment options, please see PFAS in Private Well Drinking Water Supplies FAQ.
Public Water Suppliers
Field Sampling Guide and video of sample collection procedures for Public Water Suppliers: https://youtu.be/zrwhwSI-R9M
Drinking Water Laboratories
Drinking water samples must be analyzed for PFAS by labs using EPA Methods: 537 or 537.1.
To find a certified lab see: MassDEP certified labs
If you are a laboratory and are interested in becoming certified, see: Laboratory certification office policy on PFAS
and Laboratory Certification Forms
Additional Resources
Free PFAS Analyses Program
The MassDEP Free PFAS Analysis Program was active from July 2020 through June 30, 2022 and provided the opportunity for free laboratory analyses of PFAS drinking water samples for all Public Water Systems and select private wells in 85 towns where 60% or more of the residents were served by private wells. The Final Report provides a summary of the key elements of the Program, the findings and results, and an overview of other PFAS actions taken by MassDEP and the Commonwealth.
Additional Resources
Bottled water and home water filters
The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH) Food Protection Program publishes a list of companies licensed to sell or distribute bottled water or carbonated non-alcoholic beverages in Massachusetts. The list includes bottling company weblinks to enable searches for products sold in Massachusetts. Licenses are renewed annually, and the MDPH list will be updated quarterly.
The MDPH list includes only bottlers licensed by MDPH after they provided test results which show that their bottled water or beverages comply with final drinking water standards for PFAS, and other contaminants established by:
- The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection,
- The US Environmental Protection Agency, and
- The US Food and Drug Administration.
In 2022, the MDPH conducted a pilot surveillance program on PFAS in bottled water sold in Massachusetts. All bottled water test results met the MassDEP PFAS6 MCL and the US EPA’s proposed MCLs.
Information from MDPH regarding bottled water, including contact information, can be found here.
Home Water Filters
There are also home water treatment filters capable of removing PFAS from drinking water for the countertop or under the sink. Treatment systems and devices are not specifically designed to meet Massachusetts’ drinking water standard for PFAS6. There are systems that have been designed to reduce the sum of PFOS and PFOA to below EPA’s former Health Advisory of 70 ng/L. Any treatment device you use should be certified to meet the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) standards to remove PFOS and PFOA compounds so that the sum of their concentrations is below 70 ng/L. Please be aware that 70 ng/L is significantly greater than the MassDEP’s drinking water standard of 20 ng/L for the PFAS6 compounds. Many of these treatment devices certified to meet NSF standards will likely be able to reduce PFAS6 levels to well below 70 ng/L, but there are no federal or state testing requirements for these treatment devices. If you choose to install a treatment device, you should check to see if the manufacturer has independently verifiable PFAS6 monitoring results demonstrating that the device can reduce PFAS below 20 ng/L. See more detailed information on treatment systems in the Private Well Factsheet.
PFAS and Waste Sites
PFAS are considered to be "hazardous material" subject to the notification, assessment and cleanup requirements of the Massachusetts Waste Site Cleanup Program. A detailed Fact Sheet (below) provides guidance regarding when and how to sample and analyze for Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances at disposal sites regulated under the Massachusetts Contingency Plan ("MCP", 310 CMR 40.0000).
Final PFAS-related MCP Revisions
Revisions to the Massachusetts Contingency Plan establishing notification requirements and cleanup standards for PFAS in soil and groundwater are now final, effective December 27, 2019. Documents related to these regulations are now available.
Additional Resources
PFAS in Fire Fighting Foam
Contact Information
Cathy Kiley, cathy.kiley@mass.gov; 617-549-6854
Takeback Program
MassDEP, in partnership with the Massachusetts Department of Fire Services (MassDFS), initiated a legacy "Aqueous Film-Forming Foam" (AFFF) collection and destruction program in 2018 and expanded for modern AFFF that has collected ( through June 2024) more than 400,000 pounds (over 47,000 gals) of foam from 157 fire departments and facilities across the Commonwealth. The take-back program ensures that these foams are removed from current stockpiles and appropriately neutralized. See the project summary below.
In August 2021, the Massachusetts Department of Fire Services and Department of Environmental Protection issued a joint Advisory for AFFF containing PFAS. A link to the Advisory can be found below.
Fluorine-Free Foam Information
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP), in partnership with the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CTDEEP) and fire service in both states, has conducted a study involving the analysis of six aqueous film-forming foams (AFFF) currently on the market and listed as “fluorine-free”. Off-the-shelf foams were acquired by CTDEEP and provided to MassDEP’s contract laboratory Alpha Analytical Laboratories, Inc. for PFAS analyses. Additional analyses, not specific to PFAS, were also conducted by Alpha Analytical Laboratories, Inc., Harvard University and Sterling Analytical, Inc.
A summary of this work may be downloaded below.
Commercial Airports Moving Away from PFAS-containing Foam
On May 16, 2024 the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024 was signed into law. The reauthorization includes two PFAS-related provisions: (1) FAA must report to Congress every 180 days on their progress toward transitioning airports to fluorine-free firefighting foam; and (2) FAA must facilitate commercial airports’ transition away from PFAS-containing firefighting foam by creating a FAA-managed program to reimburse costs for airports’ equipment purchases, cleanup, and disposal, with $350 million authorized to FAA.
Additional Resources
PFAS in Residuals
MassDEP regulates the land application of sludge and septage for beneficial purposes under 310 CMR 32.00. This includes:
- treated biosolids (residuals) produced from sanitary wastewater sludge
- drinking water treatment facility sludge
- residuals from industrial facilities
- short paper fiber
All residuals and sludge products sold, distributed, and land applied for beneficial reuse in Massachusetts are subject to an Approval of Suitability (AOS), which classifies residuals for different uses based on chemical quality and treatment to reduce pathogens. Each approval cannot be renewed for more than five years.
Since August 2020, MassDEP has required quarterly monitoring of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in residuals that have an Approval of Suitability (AOS) and are permitted to be reused through land application. This increased frequency in monitoring, which had been required annually since January 2019, was implemented to address the need for more information on PFAS characteristics in residuals. This data is uploaded to a public portal.
More information
- Public PFAS portal with residuals data
- Efforts to establish standards for PFAS in residuals
- How to submit residuals PFAS data in eDEP
- Other information on MassDEP residuals regulations
For more information about MassDEP’s regulation of residuals, contact the Residuals Program at massdep.residuals@mass.gov.
PFAS in Wastewater Facilities with NPDES Permits
Facilities that treat wastewater that is discharged to surface water hold National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits and state Surface Water Discharge (SWD) Permits. In Massachusetts, EPA and MassDEP both regulate these facilities.
As NPDES permits are renewed, PFAS testing requirements are being added to the permits. The data is uploaded to a public portal.
Industrial facilities
Industrial facilities may be required to test for PFAS if the facility holds a NPDES/SWD permit, or if the facility discharges to a Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW) that holds a NPDES/SWD permit. Industries looking to decrease PFAS use can contact Massachusetts Office of Technical Assistance and Technology (OTA) for free and confidential pollution prevention assistance.
More information about PFAS monitoring for industrial facilities and how to work with OTA can be found on the MassDEP PFAS in Industrial Discharges page.
MassDEP projects:
- Ongoing PFAS Pollution Prevention project – Collaborative effort of MassDEP, EEA Office of Technical Assistance (OTA), and EPA.
- Analysis of PFAS in Massachusetts Rivers with the United States Geological Survey (USGS), August to November 2020. Sampling sites were located upstream or downstream of discharges from 24 wastewater treatment facilities and at 16 other stream sites, including sites downstream of suspected nonpoint and industrial sources and at sites not associated with suspected PFAS sources.
- Ongoing study of PFAS in wastewater, in collaboration with the USGS, 2022 to present
More information
- Public PFAS portal with wastewater data
- Approved laboratories and laboratory testing methods for wastewater
- How to submit wastewater PFAS data into eDEP
For more information about MassDEP’s requirements for testing PFAS in Wastewater Facilities with NPDES-Permitted Discharges, contact the NPDES Program at massdep.npdes@mass.gov.
PFAS in Wastewater Sludge
In 2024 MassDEP awarded 2 contracts to analyze sludge disposal and reuse capacity in and outside of the Commonwealth. These contracts are collectively referred to as the PFAS and Residuals Technology and Management Study (“Sludge and Septage Study”). Part 1 focuses on the current and near-term destinations for Massachusetts sludge and septage and was conducted between February and June 2024. Part 2 focuses on the intersection of sludge and PFAS, including how legislative and policy decisions regulating PFAS may affect sludge disposal capacity, and PFAS reduction and destruction technologies. The Part 2 contract was awarded 5/1/24 with expected completion in early 2025. A stakeholder meeting is expected to occur in Fall 2024, and a final report will be published for both studies.
Part 1 included the following reports:
- Part 1 Technical Memorandum #1: current and near-term destinations of Massachusetts sludge
- Part 1 Technical Memorandum #2: current and near-term destinations of Massachusetts septage
Final PFAS and Residuals Technology and Management Study Meeting: Parts 1 and 2
MassDEP’s consultants Tighe & Bond and Brown and Caldwell will present a summary of the Sludge Study Parts 1 and 2 on January 31st, 2025, from 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM.
Register for the Zoom | Agenda
Part 1 overview
Part 1 focuses on the current and near-term destinations of Massachusetts sludge. This includes information surveyed from wastewater treatment plants, sludge disposal facilities, and septage disposal facilities to determine: volume of sludge and septage produced in Massachusetts currently and in 5 years, the cost of sludge/septage disposal currently and in 5 years, and the capacity of sludge/septage disposal options.
Part 2 overview
Part 2 focuses on the intersection of sludge and PFAS. It includes PFAS reduction and management technologies for wastewater and sludge, contributions of PFAS into POTWs (Indirect Discharges), PFAS impacts on sludge disposal methods as well as options for POTWs and regulators to consider.
Meeting format
In an effort to best utilize time during the Open Discussion portion of the meeting, please select a spokesperson from your organization to represent your organization’s interests. This is requested in an effort to balance all of the stakeholder groups and organizations attending the meeting. If you have remaining questions after the meeting, please send them via email to MassDEP.NPDES@mass.gov.
PFAS in Massachusetts Rivers (2020)
MassDEP's Watershed Planning Program (WPP) jointly funded a U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) water quality study to evaluate the presence of PFAS in Massachusetts’ rivers and streams. USGS conducted three rounds of sampling at each of 64 sites in 27 rivers from August to November 2020 and analyzed the samples for 24 individual PFAS. Sampling sites were located upstream or downstream of discharges from 24 wastewater treatment facilities and at 16 other stream sites, including sites downstream of suspected nonpoint and industrial sources and at sites not associated with suspected PFAS sources. See "Additional Resources" for a summary of results and links to project information.
Additional Resources
PFAS in Freshwater and Fish Tissue (2022)
In the summer and fall of 2022, the Watershed Planning Program (WPP) initiated a study to collect surface water and fish tissue samples from 52 waterbodies throughout Massachusetts. The study focused on waterbodies near known or suspected sources of PFAS and also included six waterbodies in rural areas for comparison (i.e., “reference” waterbodies). Co-located surface water and fish samples were collected at each waterbody, and additional surface water samples were collected at a subset of waterbodies near beach swimming areas. In total, 66 surface water and 242 fish tissue composite samples (comprised of 948 fish) were analyzed for 40 PFAS compounds using the draft EPA Method 1633. See “Additional Resources” for a summary of results and links to project information.
Additional Resources
Pesticide products/mosquito control
PFAS contamination was identified in September 2020 through citizen science testing of a pesticide product for mosquito control. The U.S. EPA worked with MassDEP to investigate the source of the contamination. EPA determined that fluorinated high-density polyethylene (HDPE) containers that were used to store and transport a mosquito control pesticide product contained PFAS compounds that were leaching into the product.
For more information see: https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/USAEPAOPPT/bulletins/2b8444f