Tier 1 (PL) - First Year Lessons
Tier 1 (PL) - First Year Lessons
LESSON 1: Introduction to Plumbing | 6 hours | |
LESSON 2: Safety & Installation Practices | 10 hours | |
LESSON 3: Education and Experience Requirements 248 CMR 3.00 and 11.00 | 6 hours | |
LESSON 4: Materials, Tools, and Joining Methods used in Plumbing | 18 hours | |
LESSON 5: Valves and Devices Used in Plumbing | 9 hours | |
LESSON 6: Residential Blueprint Reading | 15 hours | |
LESSON 7: Math | 40 hours | |
LESSON 8: Definitions | 6 hours | |
110 hours |
LESSON 1: Introduction to Plumbing (6 hours)
- History of the Plumbing Trade
- Ancient Plumbing and the Need to Separate Waste and Drinking Water
- Development of the Modern Water Closet
- Development of Hot Water Heating Methods
- Development of Local, State, and National Codes
- The Importance of Plumbing and the Plumber in Modern Society
- The Importance of Plumbing in the Health Industry
- The Development of Pride in the Plumbing Industry
- Plumbing and Gas Fitting as a Career
- Chapter 142 of the Massachusetts General Laws
LESSON 2: Safety & Installation Practices (10 hours)
Each apprentice must attend and receive an OSHA 10 card through an OSHA certified instructor or program.
LESSON 3: Education and Experience Requirements 248 CMR 3.00 and 11.00 (6 hours)
- Scope and Application 11.01
- What does 11.00 cover and to whom does it apply.
- Education and Experience Requirements for Apprentices and Licensees 11:02
- Qualifications for admission to the Journeyman Plumber Examination 11.02 (1)
- Apprentice Plumber Licensed before September 1, 2008
- Experience
- Education
- Public Vocational School Programs
- Apprentice Plumber Licensed on or after September 1, 2008
- Experience
- Education
- Education and work experience done contemporaneous
- Public Vocational School Programs
- Limitation on Examination Attempts
- Apprentice Plumber License Renewal Limitations
- Apprentice Plumber Licensed before September 1, 2008
- Qualifications for admission to the Master Plumbers Examination 11.02 (2)
- Experience
- Education
- Qualifications for admission to the Journeyman Gasfitters Exam 11.02 (3)
- Apprentice Gasfitter Licensed before September 1, 2008
- Experience
- Education
- Apprentice Gasfitter Licensed on or after September 1, 2008
- Experience
- Education
- Education and work experience done contemporaneous
- Apprentice Gasfitter Licensed before September 1, 2008
- Qualifications for admission to the Master Gasfitters Exam 11.02 (4)
- Experience
- Education
- Qualifications for admission to the Undiluted Liquefied Petroleum Gas Installer Exam 11.02 (5)
- Experience
- Education
- Qualifications for admission to the Limited Undiluted Liquefied Petroleum Gas Installer Exam 11.02 (6)
- Experience
- Education
- Out-of State/Country Licensee Waiver and Equivalency Requirements 11.02 (7)
- Unlicensed Practice 11.02 (8)
- Qualifications for admission to the Journeyman Plumber Examination 11.02 (1)
- Application Requirements and Examination Administration 11.03
- Application Materials 11.03 (1)
- Reasonable Accommodations for Examination 11.03 (2)
- Examination Scores 11.03 (3)
- Examination Review 11.03 (4)
- Mandatory Continuing Education (MCE) Requirements 11.04
- General Continuing Education Provisions 11.04 (1)
- Requirements for License Renewal 11.04 (2)
- Qualifications for Exemption of the Continuing Education Requirements 11.04 (3)
- Exemptions
- Waivers
- Failure by a Licensee to Complete Continuing Education Requirements 11.04 (4)
- Reinstatement of lapsed/expired/suspended licenses 11.04 (5)
- Initial Documentation of Completion of Continuing Education Requirements 11.04 (6)
- Duplicate Continuing Education Certificates 11.04 (7)
- Falsification of Continuing Education Certificates 11.04 (8)
- Qualifications and Requirements Continuing Education Providers and Educators 11.05
- Qualifications and requirements for Continuing Education Providers 11.05 (1)
- Instructor Qualifications to Conduct Continuing Education Courses 11.05 (2)
- Mandatory Record Keeping Requirements 11.05 (3)
- Formats for Providers to offer Continuing Education Courses 11.05 (4)
- Expiration and Denial of Board Approval 11.05 (5)
- Course Material 11.05 (6)
- Education Hours and Course Content Requirements 11.06
- Board Certification Required 11.06 (1)
- Administrative Requirements for Educational Programs 11.06 (2)
- Instructor Qualifications
- Education Requirements for 550 hour Program
- Education Requirements for 330 hour Program
- Education Requirements for 220 hour Program
- Grandfathering
- 248 CMR, Section 3.03 Apprentice Licenses
- 3.03 (2) (a) General Provisions
- 1. Working as an Apprentice
- 3. Apprentice registration form
- 6. Retaining W-2 records of employment
- 3.03 (2) (b) Master’s Duties Regarding Apprentice Licensure
- 1. Responsibility to insure Apprentice is compliant
- 3. No fees allowed
- Apprentice leaving employment of the Master
LESSON 4: Materials, Tools, and Joining Methods used in Plumbing (18 hours)
- Copper Tubing
- Types of Copper Tubing and Fittings
- Wall Thickness
- Figuring Hole Sizes for Drilling and Sleeves
- Commercial Lengths
- Brass and Bronze
- Soldering and Brazing
- Soldering and Brazing Theory
- Tools for Cutting, Cleaning and Assembly of Copper Tubing
- Types of Gases and their Application on Soldering
- Flared Joints
- Flaring Tools
- Flaring Block
- Ferrell Connections
- Press fit
- Roller Groove
- Types of Copper Tubing and Fittings
- Steel Pipe
- Types of Steel Pipe and Fittings
- Black Steel, Galvanized, Ductile and Sleeves
- Wall Thickness Schedules
- Figuring Hole Sizes for Drilling and Sleeves
- Commercial Lengths
- Tools and Methods for Cutting and Assembly Using Hand Dies
- Tools and Methods for Cutting and Assembly Using Pipe Machines
- Welding
- Roller Groove
- Types of Steel Pipe and Fittings
- Cast Iron Pipe and Connections
- Types of Cast Iron Pipe and Fittings
- Service Weight and No-Hub
- Wall Thickness Schedules
- Figuring Hole Sizes for Drilling and Sleeves
- Commercial Lengths
- Tools and Methods for Cutting Cast Iron Pipe
- Tools and Methods for Assembly of Cast Iron Pipe Using Lead and Oakum
- Tools and Methods for Assembly of Cast Iron Pipe Using Neoprene Gaskets
- Tools and Methods for Assembly of Cast Iron Pipe Using No-Hub Fittings
- Types of Cast Iron Pipe and Fittings
- Plastic Pipe and Fittings
- Types of Plastic Pipe and Fittings, PVC, CPVC and ABS
- Solvent Weld Joining Methods
- Expansion Rates and Protection Methods
- Cross Linked polyethylene (PEX)
- Polyethylene Pipe and Fittings
- Polypropylene Pipe and Fittings
- Types of Plastic Pipe and Fittings, PVC, CPVC and ABS
- Transition Fittings
LESSON 5: Valves and Devices Used in Plumbing (9 hours)
- Gate Valves
- Globe Valves
- Ball Valves
- Corporation Stops
- Ground Key Valves
- Curb Stops
- Corporations Stops
- Gas Cocks
- Outside Stem and Yoke (OS&Y)
- Check Valves
- Pressure Reducing Valves
- Relief Valves
- Pressure Relief
- Temperature Relief
- Vacuum Relief
- Faucets, Shower Valves, Ball cocks and Flushometers
- Meters
LESSON 6: Residential Blueprint Reading (15 hours)
- Symbols and Abbreviations
- Framing Terminology
- Floor Plans
- Elevation Views
- Sectional Views
- Detail Views
- Plot Plans
- Mechanical Drawings
- Electrical Drawings
- Specifications
- How do Blueprints Relate to Contracts
LESSON 7: Math (40 hours)
- Basic Math Review
- Manipulation of Fractions
- Perimeter, Area and Volume
- Basic Algebra
- Angle Measurements
- Conversion of Length Measure
- Calculating Fitting Allowance
- Calculating Equal Spacing
- Offsets
- 45 Degree Offsets
- 60 Degree Offsets
- 22 ½ Degree Offsets
- 11 ¼ Degree Offsets
- Parallel Offsets
- Jumper Offsets
- Rolling Offsets
- Offset Terms
LESSON 8: Definitions (6 hours)
- Massachusetts State Plumbing Code 10.03
- Definitions should be incorporated in the curriculum as appropriate.
- Massachusetts State Gas Code NFPA-54-2012 Chapter 3
- Definitions should be incorporated in the curriculum as appropriate.
- Definitions, 248 CMR 5.03 Modifications to NFPA 54-2012, Chapter 3
Tier 2 (PL) - Second Year Lessons
Tier 2 (PL) - Second Year Lessons
LESSON 1: Drainage | 3 hours | |
LESSON 2: Building Sanitary Waste and Venting System | 6 hours | |
LESSON 3: Allowable Materials and Approval Procedures | 3 hours | |
LESSON 4: Plumbing Traps | 6 hours | |
LESSON 5: Cleanouts | 3 hours | |
LESSON 6: Plumbing Code | 6 hours | |
LESSON 7: Potable Water Supply | 12 hours | |
LESSON 8: Math | 32 hours | |
LESSON 9: Gas Fitting | 24 hours | |
LESSON 10: Blueprint Reading | 9 hours | |
LESSON 11: Definitions | 6 hours | |
110 hours |
LESSON 1: Drainage (3 hours)
- Sanitary Waste Disposal
- Septic System
1) Percolation test
2) Septic Tank
a) Raw Sewage
b) Sewer Gases
- Methane
- Hydrogen Sulfide
- Venting of Gases
c) Effluent
- Distribution Box
- Leaching Field
d) Sludge Disposal
- Municipal Sewage Disposal
1) Filtering
2) Settling
3) Gas and Odor Control
4)Treatment and Discharge of Effluent
5) Sludge Processing
6) Sewer and Manhole Layout
7) Calculating Sewer Drop and Use of a Builder’s Level
8) Building Sewer (Definition and Location)
a) Massachusetts State Plumbing Code Section 10.06, (2), (f)
LESSON 2: Building Sanitary Waste and Venting System (6 hours)
- Building Drain
- Definition
- Location
- Minimum Size
- Sleeves
- Cleanout at Foundation Wall
1) Construction (248 CMR, 10.22. Fig. 18)
2) Allowable Materials
- Rules Specific to Cast Iron Installation
- Soil and Waste Stack
1) Minimum Size
2) Cleanout at Base of Stack
3) Fixture Group Design for a Vent Stack
4) Definitions of Stack Vent and Vent Stack
5) Definition of a Vent
6) Function of a Vent
a) Exhaust Sewer Gas
b) Preserve Trap Seal
c) To Provide an Equalization of Pressure in the Drainage System
7) Vent Terminal
8) Systems Using More than One Stack or Stack Venting System.
a) Massachusetts State Plumbing Code Section 10.22, Figure 4
LESSON 3: Section 10.06, 1. Allowable Material Standards and Approval Procedures of the Massachusetts State Board of Examiners of Plumbers and Gasfitters. (3 hours)
- Section 10.06, (2), (F through J) Allowable Materials for Storm, Sanitary and Venting
- Section 10.06, (2), (N through P)
LESSON 4: Plumbing Traps (6 hours )
- Types of Traps
- Drum Trap
- P-Trap
- Full S-Trap
- Traps with Moving Parts to Maintain their Seals
- Bell Traps
- Crown Vent Traps
- Traps Depending on Interior Partitions for their Seals
- Trap Seal
- Location of Trap Seal
- Loss of Trap Seal and Prevention
1) Siphonage
2) Leakage
3) Aspiration
4) Momentum
5) Oscillation
6) Back Pressure
7) Evaporation
8) Capillary Action
- Massachusetts State Plumbing Code, Section 10.08, (1)
LESSON 5: Cleanouts 3 hours
- Massachusetts State Plumbing Code, Section 10.06, (2), (e)
- Massachusetts State Plumbing Code, Section 10.08, (2)
LESSON 6: Plumbing Code (6 hours)
- CMR 3.00
- Section 3.01, Scope and Application
- Section 3.02, Definitions
- Section 3.03, Licenses and Requirements
- Section 3.04, Product Design and Testing Standards
- Section 3.05, Permits and Inspections
- Section 3.06, Grounds for Imposition or Disciplinary Actions
- Complaint Handling Process
- Massachusetts State Plumbing Code, Section 10.07, Joints and Connections
- Massachusetts State Plumbing Code, Section 10.06, (2), (a through d)
LESSON 7: Potable Water Supply (12 hours)
- Sources of Water
- Water Cycle
- Ground Water
- Aquifer
- Wells
- Dug
- Driven
- Bored
- Pumping Stations
- Municipal Water Systems
- Municipal Water Treatment Processes
- Water Storage
- Water Main Systems
- Thrust Blocks
- Calculations of Total Pressure
- Grid vs. Dead End System
- Water Service
- Corporation Cock and Tapping Water Main
- Curb Cock and Curb Box
- Meters
- Nutating Disc Meter
- Turbine Meter
- Combination Meter
- Allowable Materials for the Water Distribution System
- Massachusetts State Plumbing Code, Section 10.06, (2), (K through l)
- Installing The Building Water Distribution System
- Massachusetts State Plumbing Code 10.06, (2), (k through l)
LESSON 8: Math (32 hours)
- Water Measure
A. Review or Area and Volume
B. Cubic Inches per Gallon
C. Gallons per Cubic Foot
D. Weight of Water in Gallons
E. Weight of Water in Cubic Feet
F. Weight of One Square Inch of Water One Foot in Height
G. Determining Gallons and Weight of Water in a Rectangular Tank
H. Determining Gallons and Weight of Water in a Cylindrical Tank
- Pressure Calculations
A. Head Pressure
1) Static
2) Applied
B. Total Pressure
1) Review Total Pressure with Applied PSI
2) Total Pressure at Base of Stack
- Pipe Ratio Calculations
LESSON 9: Gas Fitting (24 hours)
- History of Gas and Gas Fitting
- Physical Characteristics of Natural and Liquefied Petroleum Gas
A. Methane and Propane
B. Specific Gravity
1) Methane
2) Propane
C. Definition and Explanation of British Thermal Unit
D. Heating Value
1) Methane
2) Propane
E. Combustion of Gases
1) Volumes of Air Needed for Proper Combustion
2) Products of Complete Combustion
3) Products of Incomplete Combustion
a) Carbon Monoxide
b) Acid Damage to Equipment, Flues and the Chimney System
4) Flame Characteristics
a) Primary Air
b) Secondary Air
F. Burner Construction
1) Bunson Burner
2) Atmospheric Burner
a) Venturi Principle
i. Ribbon, Bar and Slotted Burners
- Gas Pressures
A. Manometer
- Water
A. Mercury
1) Main Pressure
2) Line Pressure
3) Pressure Regulators
4) Appliance Operating Pressure
5) Testing a System Using a Manometer
a)Testing with a Pressure Gauge
- Gas Metering
1) NFPA 54-2012, Section 5.6: Acceptable Piping Materials and Joining Methods, and Massachusetts Revisions 248 CMR 5.05, (6) through (12)
2) CSST Certification
3) Functions of the Serving Gas Supplier
LESSON 10: Blueprint Reading (9 hours)
- Schedules
A. Door and Window
B. Room Finish
C. Mechanical
1) Plumbing
2) Heating
3) Electrical
- Isometric Pipe Drawings
LESSON 11: Definitions (6 hours)
- Massachusetts State Plumbing Code 10.03
- Definitions should be incorporated in the curriculum as appropriate.
- Massachusetts State Gas Code NFPA54-2102 Chapter 3
- Definitions should be incorporated in the curriculum as appropriate.
Tier 3 (PL) - Third Year Lessons
Tier 3 (PL) - Third Year Lessons
LESSON 1: Venting | 21 hours | |
LESSON 2: Drainage | 18 hours | |
LESSON 3: Water Supply | 18 hours | |
LESSON 4: Testing & Safety | 6 hours | |
LESSON 5: Storm Drains | 9 hours | |
LESSON 6: Gas Code | 16 hours | |
LESSON 7: Fixture Installation | 12 hours | |
LESSON 8: Definitions | 10 hours | |
110 hours |
LESSON 1: Venting (21 hours)
- Vent Stacks and Stack Vents, Massachusetts State Plumbing Code 10.16 (5).
- Stack Venting, Massachusetts State Plumbing Code 10.16 (9)
- Common Vents, Massachusetts State Plumbing Code 10.16 (10)
- 10.22 Figure 3
- Wet Venting, Massachusetts State Plumbing Code 10.16 (8).
- 10.22 Figure 5
- Circuit and Loop, Venting Massachusetts State Plumbing Code 10.16 (11)
- 10.22 Figures 7, 8, and 9
- Bow Venting, Massachusetts State Plumbing Code 10.16 (2)
- 10.22 Figures 13a, 13b, and13c
- Prohibited Venting Massachusetts State Plumbing Code 10.16 (3)
- Vent Terminals, Massachusetts State Plumbing Code 10.16 (6)
- Fixture Vents, Massachusetts State Plumbing Code 10.16 (12)
- 10.22 Figure 2
- Size and Length of Vents, Massachusetts State Plumbing Code 10.16 (13)
- Future Venting, Massachusetts State Plumbing Code 10.16 (14)
- Combination Waste and Vent System, Massachusetts State Plumbing Code 10.16 (15).
- So-Vent Systems, Massachusetts State Plumbing Code 10.06 (2) (t)
LESSON 2: Drainage (18 hours)
- General Regulations, Massachusetts Sate Plumbing Code 10.05
- Hangers and Supports, Massachusetts State Plumbing Code 10.11
- Sizing the Sanitary Drainage System
A. Massachusetts State Plumbing Code 10.15 (2) Determining Size of Drainage System.
B. Massachusetts State Plumbing Code 10.15 (3) Selecting the Size of Drainage Piping.
C. Massachusetts State Plumbing Code 10.15 (4) Minimum Size Soil and Waste Stacks.
D. Massachusetts State Plumbing Code 10.15 (5) Minimum Size Stack Vent or Vent Stack.
E. Massachusetts State Plumbing Code 10.15 (6) Provisions for the Installation of Future Fixtures.
F. Massachusetts State Plumbing Code 10.15 (7) Size of Underground Drainage Pipe.
G. Massachusetts State Plumbing Code 10.15 (8) Sizing of Offsets on Drainage Piping.
LESSON 3: Water Supply (18 hours)
- Potable Water Supply, Massachusetts State Plumbing Code 10.14 (1).
- Water Service, Massachusetts State Plumbing Code 10.14 (2).
- Designing and Sizing the Building Water Distribution System Massachusetts State Plumbing Code 10.14 (4).
- Water Pressure Booster Systems Massachusetts State Plumbing Code 10.14 (6)
- Protection of the Potable Water Supply Massachusetts State Plumbing Code 10.14 (7).
- Repair and Maintenance of Potable Water Protection Devices.
LESSON 4: Testing & Safety (6 hours)
- Massachusetts State Plumbing Code 10.04
LESSON 5: Storm Drains (9 hours)
- Massachusetts State Plumbing Code 10.17
LESSON 6: Gas Code (16 hours)
- NFPA 54-2012 Chapter 1 - Administration
- 248 CMR 4.00 Massachusetts Fuel Gas Code
- NFPA 54-2012 Chapter 2 - Referenced Publications
- NFPA 54-2012 Chapter 4 - General
- 248 CMR 5.04 Modifications to Chapter 4
- NFPA 54-2012, Chapter 5 - Gas Piping System Design, Materials, and Components
- 248 CMR 5.05 Modifications to Chapter 5
- NFPA 54-2012, Chapter 6 - Pipe Sizing
- NFPA 54-2012, Chapter 7 - Gas Piping Installation
- 248 CMR 5.07 Modifications to Chapter 7
- NFPA 54-2012, Chapter 8 - Inspection, Testing, and Purging
- 248 CMR 5.08 Modifications to Chapter 8
- NFPA 54-2012, Chapter 12 - Venting of Appliances
- 248 CMR 5.12 Modifications to Chapter 12
- NFPA 54-2012, Chapter 13 - Sizing of Category I Venting Systems
LESSON 7: Fixture Installation (12 hours)
- Fixture Materials and Quality, Massachusetts State Plumbing Code, 10.10 (1).
- Water Closets
A. History and Development of the Water Closet
B. Types and Styles of Water Closets
1) Average Water Closet Dimensions
2) Floor Outlet and Wall Outlet
3) Water Closet Carriers
4) Round Front and Elongated
5) Water Closet Flushing Actions
a) Siphon Jet
b) Washdown
c) Blowout
d) Reverse Trap
6) Water Closet Tank Construction and Flushing Devices
a) Ballcocks
b) Pressure Tanks
c) Flushometers
7) Manufacturer Roughing In Dimension Sheets
8) Water Closet Installation and Assembly
9) Water Closet Repair and Maintenance
10) Prohibited Fixtures Massachusetts State Plumbing Code 10.10 (4) (a), (b), and (c)
11) Toilets Massachusetts State Plumbing Code 10.10 (5)
- Urinals
A. Urinal Construction and Design
B. Prohibited Fixtures Massachusetts State Plumbing Code 10.10 (4) (d), (e).
C. Manufacturers Roughing In Dimension Sheets
D. Installation of Piping
1) Massachusetts State Plumbing Code 10.06 (2) (r)
E. Massachusetts State Plumbing Code 10.10 (6)
- Showers and Baths
A. Types and Styles of Bathtubs
1) Materials
B. Manufacturers Roughing In Dimension Sheets
C. Waste and Overflow Construction and Installation
D. Whirlpool Tub Design and Installation
E. Shower Baths, Stalls and Compartments; Massachusetts State Plumbing Code 10.10 (7)
F. Design and installation of anti-scald shower valves
LESSON 8: Definitions (11 hours)
- Massachusetts State Plumbing Code 10.03
- Definitions should be incorporated in the curriculum as appropriate.
- b. Massachusetts State Gas Code NFPA 54-2012 Chapter 3
- Definitions should be incorporated in the curriculum as appropriate.
Tier 4 (PL)- Fourth Year Lessons
Tier 4 (PL)- Fourth Year Lessons
LESSON 1: Gas Code | 27 hours | |
LESSON 2: General Provisions | 6 hours | |
LESSON 3: Scope and Jurisdiction | 3 hours | |
LESSON 4: Drainage Piping | 24 hours | |
LESSON 5: Water Supply | 12 hours | |
LESSON 6: Fixture Installations | 12 hours | |
LESSON 7: Hospital Fixtures | 3 hours | |
LESSON 8: Manufactured Homes & Construction Trailers | 3 hours | |
LESSON 9: Public and Semi-Public Swimming Pools | 3 hours | |
LESSON 10: Vacuum Drainage Systems | 3 hours | |
LESSON 11: Basic Principles | 6 hours | |
LESSON 12: Definitions | 8 hours | |
110 hours |
LESSON 1: Gas Code (27 hours)
- NFPA 54-2012 Chapter 9 - Appliance, Equipment, and Accessory Installation
- 248 CMR 5.09, Modifications to Chapter 9.
- NFPA 54-2012 Chapter 10 - Installation of Specific Appliances
- 248 CMR 5.10, Modifications to Chapter 10
- NFPA 54-2012 Chapter 11 - Procedures to be Followed to Place Appliances in Operation
- 248 CMR 7.00 – Large Gas Utilization Equipment
- NFPA 58-2011 Standard for the Storage and Handling of Liquefied Petroleum Gases
LESSON 2: General Provisions (6 hours)
General Provisions Governing the Conduct of Plumbing and Gas Work Performed in the Commonwealth Massachusetts State Plumbing Code 248 CMR 3.00
- Section 3.02 Definitions will be included in each section as the definitions apply.
LESSON 3: Scope and Jurisdiction (3 hours)
Scope and Jurisdiction Massachusetts State Plumbing Code 248 CMR 10.01
LESSON 4: Drainage Piping (24 hours)
- Massachusetts State Plumbing Code Section 10.15 (9) Drainage Piping Installations.
- Laundries in Multistory Buildings, Illustration Section 10.22, Figure 19
- Massachusetts State Plumbing Code Section 10.15 (10) Sumps and Ejectors.
- Massachusetts State Plumbing Code Section 10.15 (11) Backwater Valves.
- Massachusetts Sate Plumbing Code Section 10.09 Interceptors, Separators, and Holding Tanks.
- Gasoline, Oil and Sand Separator, Illustration Section 10.22, Figure
- Grease Interceptors, Illustrations Section 10.22, Figure 22, a, b, c, d
- Massachusetts State Plumbing Code Section 10.12 Indirect Waste Piping.
- Massachusetts State Plumbing Code Section 10.13 Piping and Treatment of Special Hazardous Waste.
- Massachusetts State Plumbing Code Section 10.21 Boiler Blow-off Tank
LESSON 5: Water Supply (12 hours)
- Types and Methods of Heating Hot Water
- Storage
- Tankless
- Internal
- External
- Massachusetts State Plumbing Code Section 10.14 (8) Hot Water Supply System.
- Massachusetts State Plumbing Code Section 10.14 (9) Hot Water Tanks or Heaters.
- Massachusetts State Plumbing Code Section 10.14 (12) Boiler Laws, M.G.L. c. 142 sec. 17, 18, and 19.
- Massachusetts State Plumbing Code Section 10.14 (13) Disinfection of the Potable Water System.
LESSON 6: Fixture Installations (12 hours)
- Sinks
A. Lavatory
1) Design and Construction of Lavatories
a) Massachusetts State Plumbing Code Section 10.10 (2) Overflows
b) Massachusetts State Plumbing Code Section 10.10 (13)
B. Kitchen Sinks
1) Design and Construction of Kitchen Sinks
2) Massachusetts State Plumbing Code Section 10.10 (8) Food-waste Grinder Units
3) Massachusetts State Plumbing Code Section 10.10 (11) Dishwashing Machines
a) Commercial Dishwashers, Illustrations Section 10.22, Figure 22, b, c, d
C. Design and use of Mop Receptors and Slop Sink
D. Massachusetts State Plumbing Code Section 10.10 (16) Sacrarium.
- Massachusetts State Plumbing Code Section 10.10 (9) Drinking Fountains.
- Massachusetts State Plumbing Code Section 10.10 (10) Floor/Trough Drains
- Massachusetts State Plumbing Code Section 10.10 ( 12) Automatic Clothes Washing Machine.
- Massachusetts State Plumbing Code Section 10.10 (14) Garbage/Trash Receptacle Washers.
- Massachusetts State Plumbing Code Section 10.10 (15) Special Fixtures and Specialties.
- Massachusetts State Plumbing Code Section 10.10 (17) Minimum Facilities for Dwellings, and Section 10.10 (18) Minimum Facilities for Building Occupancy other than Residential.
LESSON 7: Hospital Fixtures (3 hours)
Massachusetts State Plumbing Code Section 10.18 Hospital Fixtures.
LESSON 8: Manufactured Homes & Construction Trailers (3 hours)
Massachusetts State Plumbing Code Section 10.19 Plumbing in Manufactured Homes and Construction Trailers.
LESSON 9: Public and Semi-Public Swimming Pools (3 hours)
Massachusetts State Plumbing Code 10.20 Public and Semi-Public Swimming Pools.
LESSON 10: Vacuum Drainage Systems (3 hours)
Massachusetts State Plumbing Code Section 10.23 Vacuum Drainage System.
LESSON 11: Basic Principles (6 hours)
Massachusetts State Plumbing Code Section 10.02 Basic Principles.
LESSON 12: Definitions (8 hours)
- Massachusetts State Plumbing Code Section 10.03
- Definitions should be incorporated in the curriculum as appropriate.
- Massachusetts State Plumbing Code NFPA-54 Chapter 3
- Definitions Should Be incorporated in the curriculum as appropriate.
Tier 5 (PL) - Fifth Year Lessons
Tier 5 (PL) - Fifth Year Lessons
LESSONS 1 - 4: Plumbing & Gas Code Review | 95 hours | |
LESSON 5: Business Related Costs | 15 hours | |
110 hours |
Thorough review of all sections of the Massachusetts State Plumbing Code 248 CMR 3.00, 10.00, and 11.00.
- All sections when completed will be followed by a multiple choice exam. The number of questions should be appropriate to the length of the section
Thorough review of all sections of NFPA54-2012, NFPA 58-2011, Massachusetts Fuel Gas Code 248 CMR 4.00, Amendments for NFPA 54-2012 248 CMR 5.00, Large Gas Utilization Equipment 248 CMR 7.00 and Amendments to NFPA 58-2011 248 CMR 8.00
- All sections when completed will be followed by a multiple choice exam. The number of questions should be appropriate to the length of each section
Thorough review of all plumbing related math covered in Tier 1 through Tier 5
- Practice test exam will be multiple choice
Thorough review of all sketches in Massachusetts State Plumbing Code Section 10.22 Figures.
- Practice test exam will be multiple choice.
- Forms of business
- Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, Corporation
1) Required licenses
- Business Type
- Service, New Construction, Remodeling
- Franchise, New Independent Business, Takeover
- Start-Up Budget
- Legal and Professional Fees
- Occupancy
- Licenses and Permits
- Equipment
- Insurance
- Supplies
- Advertising
- Salaries and Wages
- Payroll Expenses
- Accounting
- Income
- Utilities
- Operating Budget
- A. Personnel
- Insurance
- Rent
- Depreciation
- Loan Payments
- Advertising
- Legal and Accounting
- Miscellaneous Expenses
- Supplies
- Salaries and Wages
- Payroll Expenses
- Utilities
- Taxes
- Repairs and Maintenance
- Write a Business Plan