Public Water Supplier Document Search

Retrieve documents related to PWS system operations


This form below can be used to retrieve the following documents related to PWS system operations:

  • Certificate of Registration
  • Water Quality Report for Transient Non-Community Water Systems (TNC CCR) and Non-Transient Non-Community Water Systems (NTNC CCR)
  • Compliance Monitoring Schedules for Community, Non-Transient Non-Community, and Transient Non-Community Water Systems
  • Lead and Copper Approved Sampling Sites Plan for Community (COM) and Non-Transient Non-Community (NTNC) Systems.
  • Service Line Inventory for COM and NTNC systems.

Water quality data is available through the Energy & Environmental Affairs Data Portal.


Certificates of Registration are published once per year, in January; Water Quality Reports are published once per year, in July; Compliance Monitoring Schedules are updated monthly.
The Lead and Copper Approved Sampling Sites Plan is currently in "Beta" phase of development. This downloadable Approved Sampling Sites Plan is not final and may change in the future. Transient Non-Community (TNC) systems are not subject to Lead and Copper monitoring requirement.


  1. Select the appropriate PWS ID #, or PWS Name, from the drop-down lists below.
  2. Click the "Retrieve Documents" button.
  3. The documents for the selected PWS will appear to the right of the form inputs, including basic PWS information.
  4. Click on the file name to view/download the document.

If you are unable to find a document, please contact the MassDEP Drinking Water Program, with subject line "Document Request - Web".

Water quality data is available through the Energy & Environmental Affairs Data Portal.

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