- Importance of National Economic Trends for the Real Estate Professional
- National Economic Trends (i.e. interest rates, price appreciation, housing affordability etc.) impact individual consumer's ability to purchase a home and the Real Estate Professional's ability to address a consumer's homebuying needs.(see The State of the Nation's Housing)
- Trends in home prices are a key component of a real estate appraiser's value conclusion (see The Appraisal of Real Estate - American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers 12th Edition - Chapter 3 "Foundations of Appraisal", Chapter 6 "Money Markets and Capital Markets" and Chapter 7 "Data Collection")
- National housing trends impact the supply and demand for housing and the resulting prices a consumer will pay for individual transactions
- Municipal tax rates and property assessments are directly impacted by national real estate trends' impact on property values. (See Property Assessment Valuation - International Association of Assessing Officers Chapter 4 "General Data -Trends Affecting Property Value and International, National and Regional Data")
- Housing and the Economy
- Understanding the role of housing and consumer trends is critical to meeting homebuyer needs, interacting with appraisers and understanding the forces that impact municipal tax rates and assessments
- Housing's contribution to the national economy (See State of Nation's Housing)
- Home price appreciation trends (See Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight Price Appreciation Index http://www.fhfa.gov/?Page=14)
- Impact on appraisals and property assessments
- Impact on national and Massachusetts' economy
- Impact of mortgage rates on the economy (see The Appraisal of Real Estate - American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers 12th Edition - Chapter 6 "Money Markets and Capital Markets")
- Stable and declining rates positively impact property values
- Volatile and/or increasing rates negatively impact property values
- Strong new and existing home sales are indicative of a strong real estate market (See National Association of Realtors Existing Home Sales Data and Housing Affordability Index http://www.realtor.org/topics/housing-affordability-index/data)
- National Homeownership Rate is a key indicator of the strength of the housing sector (see US Census Information on homeownership rates ( http://www.census.gov/housing/hvs/)
- All income levels benefit
- Increasing home ownership levels increase amount of low and moderate income consumers' ability to purchase homes
- Factors effecting the national homeownership rate:
- Mortgage interest rates
- Unemployment rate
- Job Growth
- Home price appreciation
- Understanding the role of housing and consumer trends is critical to meeting homebuyer needs, interacting with appraisers and understanding the forces that impact municipal tax rates and assessments
- Housing Demographics (See State of Nation's Housing)
- Household growth is the increase of the number of individuals, groups of individuals or families seeking to purchase or rent a home.
- Household growth is the primary driver of housing demand
- Currently the key drivers of household growth are minorities, aged and older singles and empty nesters
- Minorities are forecasted to add 7.5 million households between 2000 and 2010 and another 7.8 million households between 2010 and 2020.
- Minority share of US households are expected to grow steadily from the current 25% to 33% of US households over the next 20 years.
- Example: Hispanics comprise nearly half of the 25.3 million immigrants arriving in the US since 1980. Hispanics will be a key driver of household growth in the next twenty years.
- Example: During the 1990's Hispanic households grew by 58%.
- Family composition will impact household growth through declining household size.
- The number of people living alone is expected to rise by nearly 5 million from 2000-10. Number of elderly empty nesters, divorce rates and declining remarriage rates are key drivers of this growth.
- The demographic outlook for the next decade.
- The ability of minority households to access the homeownership markets will be critical to the strength of national and Massachusetts' housing markets over the next decade.
- Positive household growth trends should support stronger new home construction, demand for second homes than the 16.6 million units built and manufactured during the decade of the 1990's.
- Household growth is the increase of the number of individuals, groups of individuals or families seeking to purchase or rent a home.
- Conclusion
- Interdependence is the key to the factors that impact the housing role in the economy
- House price appreciation is driven by the following factors
- Interest rates
- Household growth
- New home construction
- Existing home sales
- Job Growth
- All the above factors impact prices consumers can pay for housing and the resulting values that are key to property appraisals and municipal tax assessments
Recommended Course Materials:
- The State of the Nation's Housing (available at www.jchs.harvard.edu)
- US Census Information on homeownership rates ( http://www.census.gov/housing/hvs/)
- The Appraisal of Real Estate - American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers 12th Edition - Chapter 3 "Foundations of Appraisal", Chapter 6 "Money Markets and Capital Markets and Chapter 7 Data Collection"
- Property Assessment Valuation - International Association of Assessing Officers Chapter 4 "General Data -Trends Affecting Property Value and International, National and Regional Data"
- Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight Price Appreciation Index ( http://www.fhfa.gov/?Page=14)
- National Association of Realtors Existing Home Sales Data and Housing Affordability Index ( http://www.realtor.org/topics/housing-affordability-index/data)