The Commission provides free educational seminars and webinars* for public agencies and municipalities and their employees explaining how the conflict of interest law governs the conduct of state, county, and municipal employees.
If your agency or municipality wishes to host a conflict of interest law seminar, a minimum of 30 attendees is required if we travel to your location. Seminars can be held in the mornings, afternoons, or early evenings. For groups that cannot guarantee a minimum of 30 attendees, the Commission can also present the seminar via webinar or videoconference. Please contact David Giannotti at 617-371-9505 or for more information and to schedule a seminar.
The Commission regularly offers conflict of interest law seminars at its office, located at One Ashburton Place, Room 619, Boston, MA 02108. Please contact the Commission at 617-371-9500 if you are interested in sponsoring a seminar at your facility or in attending one of the Commission's in-house training sessions.
* Attendance at a seminar or webinar is voluntary and does not substitute for the statutorily required conflict of interest law education and training (receipt of the summary of the law and completing the online training program).